![]() Author has written 53 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Black and White, Slayers, Yu-Gi-Oh, Naruto, and Anime X-overs. About Me Birthday: October 26 Height: 5' 6" Nationality: Bahamian I am the Episkos of The Discordian Sect of The Perpetual Seven Day Weekend: ManiActual the Insolent. I like: martial arts, music, anime, action/adventure and comedy movies, good food, traveling, animals (with noted exceptions), video games, computers, designing web pages, photography, spa days, and prestidigitation (look it up!). I don't like: most beers, white onions, my job, paranoid, rude, hypocritical, and pompous people, thieves, politicians (did I just repeat myself? meh), spiders, scorpions, centipedes, cockroaches, cows (eat 'em 'cause I hate 'em and they taste good), fashion, beauty magazines, romantic movies and novels, being carded at restaurants and bars, being mistaken for a guy (I'm lookin' at you guy from Otakon 2007), and the security guards that keep hitting on me. Favorite anime: Gundam Wing, Slayers (NEXT and TRY not so much), Ghost in the Shell (the movie and the series), Tokyo Undergound, Black Magic: M66, Excel Saga, Bobobo-bobo-bobo (or however it's spelled), Love Hina,Tenjho Tenge, Desert Punk, Air Master, Basquach, Lucky Star, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Hetalia, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, Nerima Daikon Brothers, [C] The Money of Soul and Possibility, Accel World, Kill la Kill, Kyosougiga, Yowamushi Pedal, Log Horizon Favorite manga: Naruto, Dragon Knights, No Need for Tenchi, Ranma 1/2, Air Gear, Soul Eater, Black Lagoon, Hunter x Hunter, Mr. Fullswing, History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi, Beelzebub, Ansatsu Kyoushitsu (Assassination Classroom), Toriko Favorite manhwa: Witch Hunter, Transfer Student Storm Bringer Favorite web comics: MegaTokyo, Bob and George, 8-bit Theatre, Dominic Deegan Oracle for Hire, El Goonish Shive, Sinfest, Girl Genius, Neko the Kitty, Order of the Stick About my writing I write humour, parodies, songfics, and the occasional adventure story. I started out writing solely in the Gundam Wing section with a few stories in the Black & White section and one or two in others. Lately I've been concentrating on the Naruto series which I'm really enjoying writing for. I don't write romance and every time somebody asks me about pairings in a story it annoys the heck out of me. I don't mind suggestions as to what could happen next (because sometimes I get stuck for ideas) or story ideas, but I draw the line at people telling me that I should write a part where such and such falls in love with so and so because quite frankly I don't care about that sort of thing. My only concern is getting the story itself written as it is. If I decide to write a funny story I write a funny story, if I decide to write a tragedy I'll write a tragedy.I don't care if two, three, or a hundred people fall in love in the process, if the overall point wasn't to follow the growing romantic relationships of those people then it's nothing but filler. Events in a great story should flow so that each part connects seamlessly not just for the sake of it happening. I'm not there yet but I do my best. Also, I never got into this to improve my writing skills in hopes of becoming a famous author. I got into this because otherwise this crap would be stuck in my head for the rest of my life; inflicting it on other people makes me feel better. |