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Author has written 50 stories for Naruto, Misc. Anime/Manga, Mario, Yu-Gi-Oh, X-overs, Fallout, Disgaea, Ranma, Dragon Age, RIN-NE/境界のRINNE, One Piece, Powerpuff Girls, Hellsing, Dragon Quest Series, Negima! Magister Negi Magi/魔法先生ネギま!, My Little Pony, Corpse Party, and Interspecies Reviewers/異種族レビュアーズ. Okay, time to get my profile back to its full glory again, piece by piece. Real Name: Timothy Horn-Smith Favorite Anime: Naruto, DBZ, Blue Dragon, Yugioh, Yugioh GX, etc. Favorite Manga: Naruto, Negima, Ran Grand and others. Favorite Parings in Naruto. Naruto/Hinata: I know it's WAY overdone, but when done in the RIGHT way, it's the best paring out there. It's just so sweet and loveable that it's hard to NOT like it. (It's CANON, BABY!) Sasuke/Sakura:This will most likely NEVER happen, (especially if the latest Manga chapters are anything to go by) but I still like this paring all the same. It's like Yin-and-Yang, and besides Lee and Naruto, is the only paring that works with Sakura. And don't even THINK about coming to me with Itachi and Sakura, because the MAIN reason people pair her up with him is because they hate Sasuke. That automatically makes it a paring that I HATE. (This became CANON TOO! So HAPPY!) Neji/Tenten Shikamaru/Ino Shikamaru/Temari Ino/Temari Shikamaru/Ino/Temari Neji/Naruto/Hinata Well written crack parings Funny Sasu/Naru Funny Naru/Sasu And ANY Yuri parings Most hated parings in Naruto Itachi/ANYONE: I may be starting to like him now, but to put him with ANYONE, except for the supposed girlfriend he had before the massacre, is a crime. Plus, it would KILL his character. And now, it's time for a brand new addition to my profile. It's called... KingofDDR's Shit-List! Revanation. For the Lulz. Seriously, he sent me a PM asking if I could put him/her here. And after a long time touching this Profile, I'm adding Reaper's Blaze here. Seriously, FUCK that cum stain. And since other authors have done this, I've decided to issue a challenge to anyone who thinks that they can write this story. Title: Kage Bunshin Tactics Concept: Shortly after learning the Kage Bunshin, Naruto discovers a book that tells of its history, and the best ways to use it. How will it change the story line? Parings: ANY paring, even yaoi, is allowed, as long as you do it in a convincing way. You may do whatever you like with the story, as long as you follow these rules. 1: Both Naruto, and the Kage Bunshin technique, must be the main focus of the story. 2: ABSOLUTELY no bashing of Sakura, Sasuke, Kakashi, Hinata, Tsunade or Jiraiya is allowed. Anyone else is fair game. 3. If the paring is a harem, then Naruto can have no more than 5 girls (or guys). 4. You must keep Naruto as close to his real character as you can. You can make him a bit smarter, but he still has to be his loveable goof-ball self. Just follow those rules, and I'll look forward to what you write. Just PM me if you take the challenge, and be sure to give me credit. I'd do the story myself, but I'm busy with all the other ones. Someone has finally taken the challenge! It's an author by the name of Ayame-Ichiraku. Here is the link to his profile. http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/1694770/ And now, UVlite has taken the challenge! He already has the first chapter up, take a look on his profile! http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/1967573/UVlite That's all for now! Catch you next continue! P.S: Bashers (in general, not just the Sasuke-ones) should GET LOST! Except for the ones that are my friends. You know who you are. P.S.S: I've finally made my first Naruto Youtube Video! Here's the link for it (if it works) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHXd15DxQj0 http:///en/products_services/worldlingo_translator.html ...You'll get why I put that last one up soon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3quTc2-GyM And here's the link to the video that shows the dance that Naruto did at the end of the second chapter of my Comedy Combat Remake. ATTENTION, EVERYONE! If you are wondering where some of my stories are, then I most likely deleted them. I realize that I have far too much stories that I'm not even working on, so they need to go so that I can focus on some of the more developed ones. Sorry if I got rid of a fic you liked! And here's the link that leads to the story that my story 'Two Ghosts, One Plumber' is the unofficial sequel to. |