Light of Remorse

Written by: Self-Proclaimed KingofDDR

Summary: What if The Light of Destruction was sent back into the past, instead of being destroyed? What if it wanted to repent? And what if it helped the least likely person in the world? Takes place from Battle City and beyond. Joey/Mai/Ishizu

Last time, on Light of Remorse...

"I'm aware of that. But trust me when I say that it will help us take the first few steps towards winning this duel...and getting rid of you two forever!" R. Sarina said.

The Duel between Lumis, Umbra and the two Sarina Twins raged on. Both of the Rare Hunters had three cards in their hands, while R. Sarina had one, and C. Sarina had five. Nobody had any monsters on the field, but Umbra had one face down card on the field. It was now R. Sarina's turn.

"Since you're done, I'll take my turn now," R. Sarina said, drawing her next card. Her eyes lit up when she saw what it was. "This shall come in handy. I activate the spell card, Monster Reborn! And I'll use it to bring back my Silver Spirit - Ukyo!"

The famous symbol of Monster Reborn appeared on the field, flashing brightly before Ukyo appeared once again on the field, crossing his arms. (800/600)

"Humph. I don't see what good that will do you! Without his twin on the field, he's pretty...much..." Lumis bragged, only to trail off when Ukyo moved to the side, and revealed a smirking Sakyo. (600/800)

"Oh, did I forget to mention the special ability of my Ukyo?" R. Sarina said with fake naivety. "When he's special summoned successfully to the field, I can special summon his twin, Sakyo, from the graveyard. And Sakyo is summoned to MY side of the field, which means that I can attack with him as well as Ukyo. So one of you is about to take some MAJOR damage. The question is...who?"

Both Lumis and Umbra gulped in fear...

"Wow, Sarina's schooling dose caped clowns out there!" Joey cheered.

"You were saying something about her dueling skills, Kaiba?" Yami smirked.

Kaiba sneered. "Humph. They may have the upper hand now, but it'll take much more than weak monsters and Tag Team Tactics to defeat the Rare Hunters."

Meanwhile, R. Sarina had made her choice. "I think I'll attack you, Lumis. Those Spells of yours are beginning to bug me, so the sooner I get rid of you, the better! Sakyo, Ukyo, attack Lumis' Life Points directly!"

Lumis watched in horror as the two twins jumped into the air getting ready to attack him...

"Don't worry, I've got your back, Lumis!" Umbra shouted. "I activate my face down card, Mask of Weakness! This card will lower Ukyo's attack points by 700, making the damage that my partner will receive shrink!"

The trap on Umbra's side flipped up, and soon after, another mask appeared on Ukyo, weakening his attack dramatically. Sakyo glared at Umbra, even as he fired his Silver Wind at Lumis along with Ukyo's much weaker wind.

Lumis: 2500

"Thank you, Umbra. I'm still in the game!" Lumis chuckled.

"Think nothing of it, partner!" Umbra chuckled back.

"'ll regret using that card so early. But for now, I'll activate the spell card, Mirror Call! This card allows me to return one trap card from the graveyard to my hand, so long as Ukyo and Sakyo are on the field when I play it. And I think you can guess which card I'm choosing..." R. Sarina smirked, as she retrieved her Mirror Bind card, and placed it back face down. "Your move, Lumis..."

"Humph, fine!" Lumis snarled, drawing his next card. "I know full well that your face down card is Mirror Bind! So, I'll just force you to use it on one of my weaker cards. I summon Grand Tiki Elder to the field in attack mode!"

Lumis did so, as a freaky looking spirit with a tiki mask came out to the field. It waved its arms in a trance like way, eyeing the two twins, who glared back at it. (1500/800)

"Now, its time to attack! Grand Tiki Elder, destroy Sakyo!" Lumis commanded.

The Elder did so with pleasure, laughing as it sent a wave of hypnotic energy towards the weaker twin.

"I activate my face down card! Go, Mirror Bind!" R. Sarina declared, revealing the trap once again.

Just like with Shining Abyss, two copies of Grand Tiki Elder appeared on the field, and attacked both sides of it, wiping out every monster.

Not to mention adding three more mirror counters to Full Moon Mirror, totaling up to six altogether...

"Humph. It may have cost me my monster, but at least those annoying twins are gone!" Lumis laughed. "But the field won't be very empty for long... First, I'll play one card face down! Then I play the spell card, Card Exchange!"

"Card Exchange? What does it do?" Yami asked from the side lines.

"Ya got me, Yug. I've neva heard of dat card!" Joey said.

"It's very simple. Card Exchange can only be played during a Tag Team duel. And it allows me to exchange my entire hand with that of any duelist on the field!" Lumis explained. He then turned his head towards Umbra. "And I choose you, Umbra!"

"Huh?! Lumis, why are you using that card on me? I thought that we were on the same team!" Umbra growled.

"Of course we are. But think about it! All those two have been using lately are weak monsters. And I don't want to take the chance of gaining monsters that can easily be destroyed during the other Sarina's next turn. So hand over your cards!" Lumis said.

Umbra growled again, and went over to Lumis as the rest of the people watched. "Here!" He said, giving Lumis his cards. "You'd better not screw this one up, Lumis!"

Lumis chuckled in glee as he saw the cards he now had. "Oh, don't worry. I plan to make VERY good use of these cards. Right now, in fact!" Lumis laughed. "I activate the spell card I placed face down! Curse of the Masked Beast!"

As he did this, a dark looking alter appeared in the middle of the field, displaying two pillars split apart slightly.

"This doesn't look good..." Mokuba said, a bit freaked by the pillars.

"Hmm, so the Rare Hunters are planning to do a Ritual Summon..." Kaiba said, looking intrigued.

"A Ritual Summon? Dat's what Mako used to summon dat giant whale against me in our duel!" Joey said, eyes wide.

"Then...that means that Lumis must be summoning a super powerful monster!" Tea gasped.

"Yes...and if it's strong enough...then this duel could take a turn for the worse," Yami growled, eyes narrowed.

"This Ritual Spell card shall allow me to summon a powerful monster straight from my hand without having to worry about a tribute! All that needs to be done is for me to send the correct level of monsters from my hand to the graveyard. And I hold Rouge Doll, and Nuvia The Wicked, both at level 4. And as you know, 4 + 4 equals eight, which is the exactlevel of the monster I am summoning!" Lumis laughed. "So now, I send both Rouge Doll and Nuvia the Wicked to the graveyard, in order to summon The Masked Beast!"

As the alter vanished after absorbing the energy of the two monsters, a frightening looking monster took its place.

It seemed to be a gigantic centaur with humane, muscular features on its upper torso, but its lower half was more like a horse, only more deformed. It held a large staff within its hands, and its face was covered up with a mask. It snarled as it gazed towards the Two Sarinas in Hunger... (3200/1800).

"Woah! Dat makes Mako's Fortress Whale look like a fish-stick!" Joey gasped.

"It's even stronger than Kaiba's Blue Eyes White Dragon!" Yami said, a drop of sweat going down the side of his face.

"Sarinas! Hang in there!" Mokuba pleaded.

"HA HA HA HA HA!! With this monster on the field, you two meddlesome fools don't stand a chance! So you might as well say good-bye to the Real World, and hello to the Shadow Realm!" Lumis laughed.

But neither of the Two Sarinas were fazed by this new, powerful monster.

"Humph. In case you've forgotten, you've already attacked this turn. Which means that you'll have to wait until next turn before you can do anything else," R. Sarina said. "Are you done yet?"

"Yes, that shall end my turn. But just you wait. When my Masked Beast attacks, you'll be that much closer to losing everything!" Lumis gloated.

"We shall see..." C. Sarina said, drawing her next card. She didn't even bother looking at it before she played her next card. "I activate the spell card, Card of Sanctity! This card will allow every player to draw until they have six cards in their hand!"

As the duelists did so, Kaiba had a shocked look on his face. "Why on earth did she play that? Even though it granted the other Sarina a full hand, it helped the Rare Hunters more than it did them!" He stated.

"Hmm...I'm sure that they have a plan of some sort. ...And it most likely involves that Full Moon Mirror they played at the start of the duel," Yami said, gazing at said card.

"Yeah...have you guys noticed dat everytime a monsta was destroyed, another mirror appeared on dat ting? I wonder what it means..." Joey said, deep in thought.

"Well, from the looks of it, there's only four more mirrors left to be opened," Tea said.

"Yeah. The only question is...what'll happen when all of the mirrors are opened?" Mokuba asked.

Meanwhile, C. Sarina gazed at the extra card that she drew thanks to Card of Sanctity, before she placed three cards face down unto the field. She simply waved her hand towards Umbra, silently telling him to make his move.

"Humph, the silent treatment, huh?" Umbra growled, drawing his next card. "You'll regret playing that card! I summon another Shining Abyss!"

The creepy looking monster appeared on the field once again, rubbing its hand in glee at the thought of avenging its defeated comrade. (1600/1800)

"Since you did that, I shall activate my face down card! Go, Soul Mirror!" C. Sarina declared.

One of her face-down cards revealed itself, depicting a mirror with a wicked spirit dwelling within it.

"Now, thanks to Soul Mirror, all I have to do is send one card I control to the graveyard, and I am allowed to special summon one monster from the graveyard to my side of the field!" C. Sarina explained. "So, I'll send one of my other face down cards to the graveyard, and summon Ukyo back from said graveyard in defense mode!"

One of Sarina's face down cards vanished, but the form of Ukyo took it's place, kneeling down in a defensive stance. (800/600)

"And as you know, if Ukyo is summoned, then his twin can be brought back from the graveyard!" C. Sarina laughed. "So say hello, once again, to Sakyo!"

Ukyo moved to the side to reveal Sakyo, taking up the same stance as he. (600/800)

Umbra growled viciously. "You know, I'm REALLY starting to get sick of those annoying twins! So this time, I'll get rid of them for good! I'll play the spell card, Masquerade! This spell card allows me to take control of Lumis's Masked Beast, use it as if it were my own for one turn. So both of those twins can say good-bye! Abyss, Masked Beast, wipe out those twins for good this time!"

The two monsters obeyed eagerly, as The Masked Beast slashed through Ukyo, ripping him in half and sending blood spilling everywhere, and Abyss fried Sakyo with its light energy.

Even as the others looked disgusted at this display, the two Sarinas didn't bat an eye, even as two more mirror counters appeared on the Full Moon Mirror, adding up to eight...

"Heh, that was a big mistake, big boy! By destroying both Sakyo and Ukyo during the same turn, you've activated my final face-down card! I play Buried Soul Talisman!" C. Sarina crowed.

The card flipped itself to reveal a picture of a Skull Servant being cleansed with a glowing Talisman.

"What does THAT do?!" Lumis said in shock.

"Like I said, I could only activate this all powerful card when two of my monsters were felled in battle and sent to the graveyard. This card has the very handy function of DESTROYING every monster that attacked!"

"W-WHAT?!" Lumis and Umbra shouted, watching helplessly as their Masked Beast and Abyss were surrounded by a dark energy, and ripped apart from the inside-out. They collapsed to the ground, before vanishing.

"Heh...and that's not all! Now, thanks to the second effect of my card, I'm allowed to Special Summon a Level 5 or higher monster from my hand!" C. Sarina laughed. "Come forth, Magic Mirror Spirit - Nayuta!"

In a flash of light, a beautiful looking human spirit, wearing the same red and white miko clothes as Sarina did (and wearing a cat mask) appeared on the field, ready for battle. (2600/1400)

Also, the two final mirrors appeared on the Full Moon Mirror, making all ten present...

"Alright! Sarina got a monster powerful enough to wipe out the rest of Lumis's Life Points!" Mokuba cheered.

"And look, guys! All of the mirrors on the Full Moon Mirror are open!" Tea exclaimed.

"So...what happens now?" Joey asked.

"I have a feeling that we're about to find out..." Smirked Yami.

"Is there any other moves that you want to make, Umbra?" C. Sarina smirked.

"Grrr..." Umbra growled, seeing that he didn't have any spell or traps that would get him or Lumis out of this mess. "I'm sorry, Lumis. It looks like it's over for you..."

"You son of a...! This wouldn't have happened if you didn't use MY Masked Beast to attack! This is all YOUR fault!!" Lumis barked at Umbra.

"What do you mean MY fault?!" Umbra snarled.

"Oh well...Lumis and Umbra are losing their Team Spirit. That means that they are destined to lose the duel," Yami said.

"If you two blockheads are done arguing, it's time to end this duel!" R. Sarina said, drawing her final card. "And don't worry, Lumis, Umbra shall be joining you in defeat as well!"

"What?!" Both Rare Hunters shouted.

"I activate my spell card, Premature Burial! At the cost of 800 of my life points, I can Special Summon one monster from my graveyard to my side of the field. So, say hello to Sakyo!" R. Sarina gloated.

Once again, Sakyo appeared on the field, smirking at the angry Rare Hunters. (600/800)

He moved to the side to reveal his twin, Ukyo, also smirking at the Rare Hunters. (800/600)

R. Sarina: 3200

"But this time, I shall tribute them! In order to summon the most powerful Monster that we possess! Come Forth, Dark Creator!"

As Ukyo and Sakyo vanished from the field, a huge monster, black all over with spikes protruding from its outer shell, and a huge eye from the middle, appeared on the field. It gazed at the Rare Hunters in anger, as they took a step back in fear... (3000/1000)

"But that's not, thanks to you two, my Full Moon Mirror has enough Mirror tokens! So, I can send it to the graveyard to activate this! My Infinite Fiend Mirror!"

As the Egg-looking thing vanished, a huge glowing circle appeared underneath everyone. Before anyone could say anything, a bunch of mini versions of Dark Creator sprouted out of the ground, each holding a mirror.

"Wow! What da heck is going on?" Joey said in awe.

"I don't know...but I DO know that it'll most likely spell the end for Lumis and Umbra..." Yami said.

"What is this?! What have you done?!" Lumis shouted.

"I've played my Full Moon Mirror, that's what! And guess what? Since Dark Creator is on the field, this new spell will multiply him by the power of TEN! And all of them will have the same attack points as the original!"

"You've gotta be kidding!!" Umbra whimpered. But it was the truth, as Dark Creators began appearing out of nowhere...until the field was full of them! Atk: 3000(Times 10)

"Sorry, but it's time to end this duel. I activate the spell, Trap Booster! Now, by discarding one Card from my hand to the graveyard, I can activate one trap card from my hand!"

R. Sarina did just that, and then held up another card.

"Now, I play the card that will END you. Go, Skill Drain!"

As R. Sarina played the trap card, a dark type of energy poured out of the Dark Creator Army, until it vanished completely.

R. Sarina: 2200

"By paying 1000 of my life points, this card shall negate the effects of all of my Dark Creators!" R. Sarina declared. At Lumis and Umbra's confused looks, she went on. "You see, my Dark Creator's effect prevents it from attacking my foe directly. But thanks to my Skill Drain, that's no longer an issue! So say good-bye, Rare Hunters! Now, my army of Creators, attack Lumis and Umbra directly!"

Lumis and Umbra screamed in fear as the Dark Creator army fired many dark bolts at them, engulfing them as their Life Points went to Zero.

Lumis: 0

Umbra: 0

"Let that be a lesson to you," R. Sarina said, as the glass floor underneath the Rare Hunters shattered, plunging them to their doom.

"Evil is NEVER the way to go," C. Sarina finished.

Card Exchange

Normal Spell

Activate only during a Tag-Team Duel. Select 1 other player. You and the selected player must exchange all cards in your hands with each other.


Normal Spell

Activate only during a Tag-Team Duel. Gain control of 1 of your partner's monsters on the field until the End Phase of this turn.

Both cards were used by Lumis and Umbra in the 4-Part Yu-Gi-Oh Episode: Double Duel. Credit goes to the writers of those episodes.

Soul Mirror

Normal Trap

Send 1 card you control to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 monster from your Graveyard.

Buried Soul Talisman

Normal Trap

Activate only during a turn that 2 monsters on your side of the field are destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard. The monster(s) that attacked are destroyed. Then, Special Summon 1 Level 5 or higher monster from your hand.

Magic Mirror Spirit - Nayuta


Level: 6

Atk: 2600 Def: 1400

When this card is successfully summoned, you can Special Summon 1 "Magic Mirror Spirit - Asogi" from your Graveyard.

Full Moon Mirror

Field Spell

When a "Dark Creator" is face-up on the field, that monster's controller must Special Summon 1 "Dark Creator Token" on their side of the field with the same Attribute, Type, ATK, DEF, Level, and Effect, in all unoccupied Monster Card Zones. If a "Dark Creator" on the field is destroyed, all "Dark Creator Tokens" Special Summoned by this card's effect are destroyed.

These cards were all used by Sarina in the 2-Part Yu-Gi-Oh GX Episode: Mirror Mirror. Credit goes to the writers of those episodes.

Trap Booster

Quick-Play Spell

Discard 1 Card. This turn, you can activate 1 Trap Card from your hand.

This Card was used by Zane in the Yu-Gi-Oh GX Episode: The Demon. know the rest. took forever to do this chapter. Just glad it's over. In the next chapter, the gang head for the Battle City Finals! And Mai is introduced into the story, as well as Ishizu. Catch you Next Continue!