Of Knights and Overlords

Written by: Self-Proclaimed KingofDDR

"Damn that Etna! When I get my hands on her, she'll regret ever failing her duties as my vassal!"

To say that Overlord Laharl was slightly put-off by Etna's actions was a MAJOR understatement. Ever since the sharp-tongued Demon Lord had left his service (without his permission, he might add!), things had all but fallen apart at the castle. Since she had the audacity to take the entire network of servant Prinnes with her, there had been no one there to take care of the cooking, the cleaning, the paperwork, and most importantly…the cooking!

The Half-Pint Overlord hadn't had a decent meal in the past three weeks. And a hungry Laharl, was an angry Laharl. And an angry Laharl, was a deadly Laharl. That Red-haired brawler and Debutant Princess had found that out the hard way…

"Those loser weaklings had it coming!" Laharl snarled, his hands gripping the arms of his throne tight enough to form cracks. "They had the nerve to summon me unexpectedly like that, and then not even have the power to back up their challenge!"

The powerful demon sighed, resting his face in his palm. "Even worse, that idiot Etna was reported to be on that backwoods planet. I don't even know if she's still alive…not that I care about her safety! I just want her alive so that I can teach her a lesson myself!"


Laharl's eyebrow twitched. "Come on, Flonne! I said that I was sorry about blowing up that planet a hundred times, already!"

Flonne just gave a 'humph' sound. "Sorry doesn't bring all of those innocent people you killed back to life."

"But they'll just be reborn as Prinnes sooner or later! Besides, since they were all being turned into demons against their will, what I did should be considered a mercy upon them!" Laharl said.

"You think that forcing them all to turn into servants for the next few centuries of their lives is mercy?!" Flonne said in disbelief. She shook her head. "I don't even know you anymore, Laharl."

Laharl sighed, dragging his palm down his face. "Okay, Love Freak. What's it gonna take for you to stop giving me the cold shoulder?"

The Fallen Angel looked at Laharl from the corner of her eye. "…You really want to make it up to me, Laharl?"

Laharl swallowed his pride, and just gave an irritated nod. If it were anyone else, he would have just threatened to blow off their arms, so that showed just how highly he regarded Flonne.

Flonne still looked upset, but she accepted Laharl's answer for the time being.

"Okay then. Follow me," The Fallen Angel said, walking towards the Viewing Room of the Castle, Laharl right behind her.

Once they got there, Flonne went over to the Dimension Portal and began to use her magic on it. It didn't take very long for the portal to form a vision within itself.

Laharl took a close look at the vision that Flonne had conjured up. It looked like the ruins of a tall castle.

The vision changed, and showed many humans looking like they were preparing for battle, if the swords and armor were anything to go by. They also had these huge things beside them. Laharl had remembered Flonne calling them 'dogs' when they had visited the Human World once. But these were the hugest ones that the Overlord had ever seen.

Once again the vision changed…and what Laharl saw in this vision made all of the others pale in comparison.

There was a huge hoard of these…demons. They didn't look like any demons that the young overlord had ever seen though. Those…things looked like something out of a B-Movie Project, with rows of jagged teeth, grey rugged skin…and was that an ogre?

Even with the limited space that the portal could show, it was quite clear to Laharl that the humans were very outnumbered, and that quite a few of them looked like they would rather be anywhere other than where they were now. If it came down to a battle between the two forces, the demons would slaughter them.

"Why are you showing me this, Flonne? I didn't know that you were into watching humans get massacred…" Laharl said.

Flonne huffed. "You know very well that that isn't the reason that I'm showing this to you, Laharl."

The small Overlord shrugged. "So why are you showing this to me, then?"

"Tell me, Laharl; are you familiar with a little place called Ferelden?" Flonne began.

"Hmmm? That backwoods place? Is that what that vision was in the portal?" Laharl questioned.

"Bingo. Currently, the nation of Ferelden is facing its darkest hour. A once in a lifetime threat called 'The Blight'." Flonne replied.

"The Blight, huh? Sounds deadly," Laharl said. "What is it?"

"Which do you want, the long version or the short one?" Flonne asked.

Laharl simply gave her a look.

The Fallen Angel sighed. "Right, that was a stupid question. Anyway, the Blight happens when one of those demons, which are called 'Darkspawn' by the way, becomes so powerful that it ascends into a higher state of power called an Archdemon. To the Darkspawn, an Archdemon is the same as an Overlord to Demons."

"So the Archdemon has the strength of an Overlord? Sounds like a worthy opponent, unlike those last two fools…" Laharl grumbled, ignoring Flonne's glare at his words.

"Well…the Archdemon's power really only goes as far as an average Overlord's does. Compare its' power to your own when you fought Lamington-sama for my sake. But since that time, you've gained the power to destroy a world all on your own, while the Archdemon doesn't possess such power, so you could take him out pretty easily," Flonne said, taking note of the smug smirk on Laharl's face. "The Darkspawn are pretty stupid on their own, but with the guidance of an Archdemon, they can rally and overwhelm an enemy with their unlimited numbers. That's why it's called a blight. The Darkspawn swarm the ground, killing everything and everyone in sight until the Head Honcho is killed."

"So, you want me to kill this Archdemon and put an end to the blight, right?" Laharl said, his powerful aura gathering in his clenched fist.

"Nope!" Flonne said cheerfully, sounding more like herself again.

Laharl blinked, the aura vanishing. "Well then, what the hell do you want me to do?"

"Have you also heard of an omnipresence called 'The Maker'? It's that land's equivalent to God." Flonne said.

Laharl scowled. "In case you haven't noticed, Love Freak, I don't really care about things like that. Just get to the point already!"

Flonne giggled. "Fine, then. Long story short, the humans are starting to lose faith in The Maker, and if they do then the results will be…devastating. So, when the two forces are about to charge each other, I want you to appear right in the middle of the battlefield in a dramatic fashion, claiming that you are a servant sent by The Maker to help the humans in their battle. Then, wipe out any Darkspawn that you see until they are all gone. That way, you save the humans, reaffirm their belief in The Maker, and give a huge morale boost to the land, making them have a fighting chance against the Blight, and hopefully saving the world in the process."

Flonne took a deep breath, and beamed towards the Little Overlord. "What do you think, Laharl?"

Laharl looked less than impressed. He looked a bit miffed, if anything.

"That's all well and good, Flonne. But what makes you think that the humans, the second they see my pointy ears and crimson eyes, won't yell 'Demon!', and try to kill me?" Laharl asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Simple. I forgot to mention that while Humans are the most numerous of the people in Ferelden, they are not the only race the land has to offer. There are also Dwarfs and Elves. So you can just pass yourself off as one of the Elves, since you both have the same pointy ears. And the crimson eyes? You'll be going there as an omnipotent servant of The Maker. I doubt that they'll be expecting you to have dull brown eyes, or anything like that."

Laharl raised an eyebrow. "Well, I have to admit that you thought this through pretty good. I guess that your brain got sharper along with your teeth when you changed into a Fallen Angel."

"Ha-Ha. Very funny, Laharl," Flonne grumbled. "But that's my plan. If you want me to forgive you for blowing up that defenseless world, then you'll have to do this. Doom a world, save a world. What do you say?"

"Hmhmhmhmhm…you ask me to do something far too easily these days, Flonne. You're becoming more and more like a demon every day," Laharl chuckled. "Very well! I shall go to this doomed land and pose as a divine solider sent by their 'Maker'. How much time do I have before the battle begins?"

"By the looks of things, about an hour," Flonne replied, smiling.

"Good. Get all of my best vassals ready to leave within that time. We've got a land (and planet) to save!"

Flonne nodded, and rushed off towards the lower chambers to gather the troops.

"Prepare yourselves, Darkspawn. For soon, you shall fight a power that you could never have imagined existed in your twisted little lives. And that's ME, Overlord Laharl! HAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

And that's the end of the first chapter of this Disgaea/Dragon Age Crossover. Don't worry, Laharl won't just simply kill off all of the Darkspawn, otherwise this wouldn't make for an interesting story. Just wait till you see what happens in chapter 3.

Anyway, in the next chapter, Laharl makes his dramatic appearance. How will both the Darkspawn and Ostagar Army react? Find out next time!

Catch you next continue!