Disclaimer: Well, we've been at this for 19 chapters already, haven't we seen enough of this?

Hi guys, I know, I know. This story has already ended, but why am I here? Well, I was going through the reviews the other day and I see a lot of people wanting to see Orochimaru in Hades. Literately. I don't know why, but I think you guys find it amusing for this to happen. So here I am, sad and unmotivated for my new story 'Beware of what you play' due to the lack of reviews. Hehe. I know I'm a riot.

Well, since you guys want it, might as well give it to you. Ok. This is officially the last chapter. Officially. You won't see me again.

So here's the final laugh, I can't promise anything but since it's labeled as 'highly demanded', might as well do it once and for all.

Bonus chapter! Presenting the snake!!!!

Konoha Personality Test- Orochimaru's wrath

The scroll was passed down from over hundred years ago. When a person possesses the scroll, he can see what the previous user's response. Who was the originator of it? What's the purpose of it? Nobody knows. But as rare as such things are going to happen, the scroll only has very few people's responses. But it was also said that the person would meet with misfortune if he finds the scroll…

Orochimaru was in his hideout deep in the shadows of the Hidden Village of Sound, plotting his next destruction. Kabuto is somewhere doing his meaningless scouting in the forest outside of the village. Finishing with his final draft of plot, he stood up and decided to go have a walk (A/N as if he would, but just work with me ok?).

So while he was strolling within the compounds of his residence, he decided to examine something he found yesterday, flowing out of the river.

A scroll.

A very old scroll…

"Personality test, for those who had nothing better to do." He opened it and read it off the top…

"Pathetic." Orochimaru sneered. Then he smelt something. Jiraiya… the scroll has the idiot's smell.

What's your christened name? "Orochimaru." Then some words appeared beside hers. Jiraiya

"Just as I thought, that idiot…"

Which village are you from? "Sound." Some words appeared again. Konoha

"Somewhere which is going to be destroyed soon."

What is your height? "172." 191.2

"You must have cheated by wearing those sandles…"

Do you have any siblings? "No." Hehehe nope

What time is it? "10am." 9pm

Are you bored? "The word 'bored' is one that does not appear in my dictionary." Yes, and it can only be cured by a few pretty ladies here in the hot springs with me!

"You are pathetic, do you know that?"

Are you a female or male? "Male." Male

"Since you like women so much, why don't you go for an operation to make you a female?"

When is your birthday? "27 October." 11 November, easy to remember

"As if.."

What makes you most happy? "Killing." Hehehe…

"I don't have to ask I know what answer he'll give…"

What makes you most sad? "I don't recall being sad for a long time." When women leave me!!!

"I don't see women sticking around with you so I assume you are sad most of the time?"

What things annoy you most? "When things don't go according to plan." When there's an irritating fly disturbing my research

"Well, come to think of that, Jiraiya also annoys me most in my earlier days."

What's the last thing you ate? "I had something unidentified. Kabuto made it." Well… I can't really remember because that's like 2 days ago?

"Well, that should starve you back into shape, fatty."

Who's the last person you talked to? "Kabuto." Someone I don't know

"Apparently you do that all the time."

What's the last thing you said? "If you want to stop me, by all means try…" Is screaming 'ARGH' considered?

"You really are pathetic…"

Do you have a crush? "The word has several meanings, and the one that is in my dictionary happens to mean destroy." Hehehe, yup!

"You seem to have a crush on every woman you see, since young… pathetic…"

What's the coolest thing you've ever done? "To master the Jutsu of longevity." You know, there was this time, I used my peeping jutsu and sneaked into the best hot springs and I saw…

"Really pathetic, and pitiful…"

What's the dumbest thing you've ever done? "There is no 'dumb' thing that I have ever done." Well, only Jiraiya would ever complete such a scroll, this is so stupid… Orochimaru thought. To fall into the traps laid by that old geezer

"Well, that was really 'dumb'."

What do you spend most of your time doing? "Coming up with new techniques and plotting my attacks." Researching

"As if you would do constructive ones…"

What is your goal in life? "To obtain everything." To explore unknown territory!!!

"Something that I don't want to know about."

What is your favorite animal? "Snakes." Erm, toad? With the exception of the biggest one…

"Well, I happen to like the biggest snake best."

What is your favorite food? "I have no favorite food." Fried Chicken!

"(Shakes head)."

Which is your favorite month? "I have no favorites." Those that has summer vacations and hot springs season…

"You are without doubt the worst idiot I've ever met."

Which is your favorite day of the week? "I've answered that already." Orochimaru starts to grip the scroll tighter. Sunday

What are your favorite things to do? "…" Orochimaru's eyes turn dark. Research. Hm! Hm! Hm!


Where is your favorite place to go on vacation? "I don't take vacations." Hehehehe!!! Where else? Hot springs, bars… Heheheh!!

"I'm starting to get very annoyed…" well, maybe he shouldn't even be doing the scroll in the first place.

What's your favorite colour? "I said I have no favorites. Well, purple seems more appealing to me though. " Hmm… no preference… every color looks nice on women… Hehehehe!

"He's far worst than I thought…"

Do you prefer day or night? "Night." Anytime, as long as hot springs are open!!!


What's the weather like now? "Fine." Raining?

"I hope the rain washes your brain thoroughly."

What are you wearing now? "My robe." Nothing but a towel! HEHEHE!!!

"Perverted, pathetic and pitiful."

What is the state of your hair now? "It's fine." Wet?

What are you eating now? "I'm not eating anything." Nothing…

What are you drinking now? "I'm not drinking anything…" the scroll is full of stupid questions… Orochimaru thought. Sake!

Have you cried in the last 24 hours? "Crying is a sign of defeat." Nope!

"Well, I'm surprised you are no longer a crybaby, Jiraiya."

Have you met someone new in the last 24 hours? "No." Well, no, but a few days ago, yes…

"Really? A new girl perhaps?"

Have you cleaned your room? "I have people to do it for me." Do I have a room?

"You certainly don't, you're homeless."

Have you done laundry? "…" The sun was shining brightly and is beating down on our villain. No doubt the scroll is irritating, but there's a mysterious power that compels him to complete it. Not yet…

Have you ever been so drunk you blacked out? "I don't think so." Er… I don't think that's counted because I was drugged…

"How pathetic to hear that coming from a ninja…"

Have You Put A Body Part On Fire For Amusement? "No." Nope…

Have You Been Hurt Emotionally? "I don't think I have feelings." Well, yes

"That is the reason why until now you are such a failure…"

Kept A Secret From Everyone? "I have many secrets." Many

"Many of which are not important…"

Had A Crush On A Teacher? "This is absurd." Er… unless it's a pretty lady?

"You are hopeless."

Who have you known the longest of your friends? "Unfortunately it is Jiraiya and Tsunade." Old hag, snake idiot

"I'm going to kill him…"

Who is the dookiest? "JIRAIYA!" Old hag Tsunade!

"And her too." Orochimaru gritted through his teeth.

Who is the prettiest? "Nobody!"All the pretty ladies out there


Who Is The Loudest? "Jiraiya." Old hag Tsunade and Naruto

Who is the weirdest? "Jiraiya." Old hag Tsunade

Who do you go to for advice? "I don't need advice." Hmm… research center!

"You are an unnecessary character in the world. I'm going to get rid of you the next time I see you."

What is the best feeling in the world? "Domination." Research!

What is the worst feeling in the world? "Failure." When I got discovered doing research

"I'm really going to get rid of you."

No more questions.

However, there is a message…

"Thank you for completing this personality test. Unfortunately, there are no results of this. Just something to for you to do when you have absolutely nothing better to do. Sadly, you are in bad luck, for whoever picks up this scroll… GOES TO HADES!"


"Humph, you know nothing about hades." Orochimaru sneered at the scroll. He walked towards the stream nearby and threw the scroll into it.

Then he turned around to head back to his residence, when suddenly there was a slight splash behind him. He was about to turn around when something grabbed him from the water and pulled him down into the stream.

Then after a while, several bubbles floated to the surface and popped…

One fine day down by the stream of Karakura Town, a high school boy with orange hair was standing by it, enjoying the view. The winds picked up and the leaves rustled. There was something in the stream, the boy looked closely.

It was a scroll…

A very old scroll…

All right, that's the last I'm going to do for this story, like I said I came here because of the lack of motivation for my new story. Anyway, this is the LAST entry, so I'm not going to do Itachi or Kisame or whoever there is. Haha. Why? Because think we all had enough of this personality test already. So, see you guys in Beware of what you play, and bye!
