Okay, this is another one of my totally random fanfics. Scared yet?
Standard disclaimer applies, but just to be safe, I didn't write the dog haikus that appear in this fanfic.
Warning: OOCness
Dog Days of Duo
By Kaori
Duo is lounging in the hammock reading manga when he spots Relena's limo. Quickly he runs indoors.
Duo: [yelling] Relena's coming!!! [runs through the entire house yelling this over and over]
Heero: [hears Duo from upstairs and heads for the hills]
Quatre: [pokes his head into the hallway from the kitchen, shrugs and goes back to whatever he was doing]
Wufei: [stops meditating and gets his sword]
Trowa: [trips Duo as he runs by him upstairs] Knock it off.
Duo: [looks up and growls at Trowa] You never let me have any fun.
I sound the alarm!
Neighbors cat - come to kill all -
Look! Look! Look! Look!
Wufei is enjoying some milk and Oreos. Duo enters spots the plate of cookies and swipes them off of the table.
Duo: [eating and running] Oh come on Wu-wu! What's a couple of cookies between best buddies, huh?
Wufei: Oh really? Where were you when I needed help cleaning out the attic "buddy"?!
Duo: [melodramatic crying] You don't love me anymore!! You only want to see me when you need something from me! Besides, it's nice to share!
Wufei: Then do your share of the work around here!
I am your best friend,
always, and especially
When you are eating.
The G-boys are hanging out downtown when they enter the restaurant district. Duo's eyes light up and he immediately starts hopping around like a psycho.
Duo: Oooohh!! Let's eat at this one [spots another restaurant] No! Wait! This one! [spots yet another one] Nononono! This one!! [this goes on for a little while]
Heero: [calmly removes his jacket which was tied around his waist, gets behind Duo and wraps it around his neck. He then proceeds to drag Duo down the street]
Duo: Ack! Air!! Air!!
Heero and the others keep walking like nothing is going on.
I hate my choke chain --
Look, world, they strangle me! Ack!
Ack! Ack! Ack! Ack! Ack!