Kill la Kill: Cold Blooded Lightning
AND WHY am I yelling?
Chapter 1: The Lightning Transfer Student!
"Yeah I know what I'm getting into. Not like I've never done this shit before." A boy with short, spiky jet black hair with a rather… out of place electric blue streak in it, electric blue eyes with a star shape around the pupils, wearing a midnight blue blazer with matching pants, a red and blue scarf with what seemed like two red and orange eyes on the front, a simple white button down and white sneakers, along with a black glove on his left hand, muttered into his cell phone. Over his shoulder he was carrying a wrapped cloth that was the length of a sword, but it was tightly wrapped, and two holsters with black pistols in them that were highly decorated with silver tribal marks hung on the back of his waist.
Raiden shoved the blue subtitles out of his face in annoyance.
"Where do those things keep coming from?" he muttered.
"I'm just saying you need to be careful here at Honnouji Academey! You can't perform your normal "bust-in-and-kick-loads-of-ass" routine, especially since two other Kamui users are here!" Mikisugi stated in his overly dramatic, yet oddly serious, way. I'm pretty sure my normal routine will work based on the description you gave me. Raiden thought, his eyes giving off an annoyed gleam.
"I am so glad we're speaking over the phone right now." Raiden sighed as he started walking forward.
"Why is that?" Mikisugi asked.
"Because then I don't have to watch you lose your clothes. I get we're both guys but come on. That's a little weird." Raiden sighed.
"But it is because I am part of Nudist BEEEEAAA…."
Raiden hung up before Mikisugi could finish.
"Why does he always hang up?" Mikisugi sighed as he looked out his window, his shirt on the ground.
"I hate it when he does that." Raiden mumbled, pulling his scarf up over his face slightly, and the "eyes" seemed to look up at him.
"You know he can't help it. It's part of his position." A gruff voice replied.
"Shut it Reiketsu. You of all people… clothes… WHATEVER! Should know that I cannot stand the craziness I'm around half the time." Raiden murmured.
[Kamui Reiketsu]
"Okay, what is with all these stupid subtitles!?" Raiden snapped as he shoved the subtitles hovering next to his torso to the side.
"Do you have to question everything?" Reiketsu asked.
"Yes, yes I do!" Raiden growled as he went over to a fruit vendor, buying an apple so he could sate his hunger. "Besides…" he muttered, talking a bite out of the apple, taking out a decent chunk with one bite, "It's not like I need a reason." He mumbled through the mouthful as he made his way through the slums.
"Yeesh, and yet you're fully capable of sending people flying with a simple glare, and yet you question why floating subtitles always show up?" Reiketsu asked.
"Shut. Up." Raiden sighed, placing his hands in his pockets.
"HEY! Don't stick that apple in me after you've taken a bite. AGH! I can feel the wetness! Wait… that's actually kinda nice, if sticky." Reiketsu mumbled.
"Do you even know what you're saying? God you're such a perv." Raiden sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as a young boy with messy brown hair ran by him, bumping into Raiden.
"Sorry!" the boy yelled as he started to run off. Raiden reacted quickly and grabbed the kid by his shirts collar.
"Hold it kid. I think you have something of mine." Raiden mumbled.
"I don't know what you're talkin' about!" the kid yelled.
Raiden looked over his shoulder and shot Mataro a glare, his eyes seemingly glowing and they were shadowed over.
"Don't lie to me. Hand over the apple. I can see the bulge in your shirt." Raiden muttered.
"GYAGH! Man, and I thought I wouldn't get caught! Guys!" Mataro yelled, and three other boys showed up, brandishing makeshift weapons.
"I'll use you as a weapon kid. You'd be surprised what I can do with a human body." Raiden mumbled.
"Ha! I doubt that! Get him!" Mataro yelled, and his buddy's charged. Raiden rolled his eyes and swung Mataro hard, using him to bludgeon his three friends and send them flying.
"Now maybe you'll learn a thing or two." Raiden muttered as the dazed Mataro let out a pained moan.
"Talk about resilient." Reiketsu muttered.
"Yep." Raiden nodded as he dropped the kid on his head.
"I'm sorry!" Mataro shouted, moving back and groveling, his three friends appearing beside him somehow. Raiden's look changed to a confused expression.
"Say what?" Raiden muttered.
"We're really weak against strong people! That's our strong suit!" Mataro snapped.
"Hehe. Guess I really can't hold it against you if you're so good at groveling. I'll let it pass this time. Just let those bruises be some reminders." Raiden chuckled, adjusting his cargo.
"MATARO!" a girl shouted, and Mataro was hit from behind by a book bag.
"What the fuck?" Raiden muttered as Mako plowed into Mataro and pinned him, using various, rather painful looking, holds on him.
"What have I told you about trying to mug people in the morning!?" Mako shouted.
"I'm sorry!" Mataro shouted.
"Man this town is crazy." Raiden grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose again.
"Let's go Raiden. We've got to be up at the Academey as soon as possible." Reiketsu stated.
"Good point." Raiden nodded before turning around and walking off, completely missin Ryuko as she walked up next to Mako.
"Who the hell was that?" Ryuko muttered.
"I don't know, but did you get a look at his uniform? Some thing's off about it." Senketsu muttered.
"Not really, but it is odd. And what's with the overly huge scarf?" Ryuko muttered.
"Raiden, did you see that last girl that showed up?" Reiketsu muttered.
"The one in the black sailor uniform? What about her?" Raiden mumbled as he jumped onto the top of a nearby tram packed with students.
"I got an odd feeling… almost like she was wearing a Kamui." Reiketsu muttered.
"She did fit the description Mikisugi sent, but I'll find out once we get up to the academy." Raiden muttered.
"Class, today we are getting another transfer student. This is Raiden Ryuken and he's transferring here from the Chubu region." Mikisugi, who was thankfully in his teachers disguise, muttered as he drew out the characters of Raiden's name on the board.
"Nice to meet all of you." Raiden muttered with a slight nod, moving his scarf down.
"Raiden, look: it's the two from the morning." Reiketsu stated, making a short gesture. Raiden followed it and his eyes locked with Ryuko's, and the girl was shooting him a glare. One could literally feel the tension in the air as the intrigue both seventeen year olds had escalated.
"You feel that?" Senketsu and Reiketsu murmured to their respective wearers.
"Yep." Ryuko and Raiden nodded.
"All right Ryuken, there's a free seat behind Matoi over there." Mikisugi stated. Raiden nodded. "Be a bit wary. She's one of the Kamui users I told you about." Mikisugi whispered.
"I noticed." Raiden mumbled as he moved over to his seat. Ryuko's eyes followed him until he sat down, and her glare didn't change. "There a problem or something?"
"Nothing. Just getting a bad feeling." Ryuko muttered.
"Most people tend to get those around me." Raiden stated. "It's a natural thing really. Especially when one knows a threats around. But I'll tell you this, Ryuko Matoi, I'm no threat, at least, as long as you don't start something." He chuckled, slouching in his chair.
"It's nice to meet ya' Raiden! That's an interesting name ya got there!" Mako shouted, shooting around. Raiden leaned back a bit, cocking an eyebrow.
"You're that one Mataro kid's older sister right?" Raiden muttered.
"Uh huh! Sorry about this morning! He never really learns!" Mako nodded enthusiastically.
"I used him to bludgeon his friends. I think he'll learn something." Raiden muttered, leaning on his gloved hand.
"You what?" Ryuko asked.
"I used the kid as a club to whack his friends. He stole my apple and when his friends attacked me I had him by his shirt, so I used what was on hand." Raiden stated. "Now, I think we should start paying attention and save small talk for later."
"I'm getting this really cold feeling from the kid… and I can swear the air around him is electrified." Senketsu murmured.
"I wonder why…" Ryuko muttered, taking one more brief glance at Raiden, who had covered his mouth with his scarf again.
"We'll have to find out." Senketsu muttered.
"Oi! Transfer student!" a student in a two star uniform yelled, holding a spiked bat.
"Hmm?" Raiden hummed, turning around.
"Really now? First day and already a fights gonna be picked?" Reiketsu muttered.
"He's probably acting under orders from Kiryuin is my bet." Raiden muttered, "What do you want?"
"I, captain of Honnouji Academey's Baseball Club, challenge you to a duel here and now!" the captain yelled, twirling his bat.
"And on my first day huh? I must be one lucky bastard to get to fight a club captain so soon." Raiden chuckled, planting his covered bundle into the ground. "Let me guess, you're acting under orders from Kiryuin to test my abilities?"
"CORRECT! But you don't seem like much!" the captain yelled.
"Sheesh, talk about loud." Raiden muttered, turning his pinky in his ear. "But… I guess if it's a fight you want it's a fight you'll get." He shrugged, "Alright, let's go Reiketsu! LIFE FIBER SYNCHRONIZE! KAMUI REIKETSU!" Raiden yelled, pulling the pin on his black glove.
When the transformation was done, Raiden was standing there covered in full midnight blue armor, his scarf still present, and there were blue undertones in his hair. The armor was fitted to his skin tightly, accentuating his lithe but toned frame. The armor also had extra pads on the knees and forearms, and electric blue spikes were on the middle part of his lower legs.
"WHAT THE HECK!? YOU ALSO HAVE A KAMUI!?…. Wait…" the baseball captain muttered, "I get you're a dude, but I thought Kamui's were more…. Revealing."
"Kamui's on males work differently you dolt, and I made some modifications. And in case you didn't notice the armor is skin tight. I hated wearing skintight stuff before." Raiden stated, taking out his pistols and spinning them around before crossing his arms as the crowd gathered. "Now, how about I show you what I can do?"
"Ryuko, did you see that?" Senketsu gasped.
"How could I not? The only thing is why is he covered except for his eyes?" Ryuko muttered.
"WHOA! He's got something like Senketsu! That's awesome! But… why is it completely covering him, well, mostly?" Mako shouted.
"Senketsu?" Ryuko asked.
"Well, that armor is skintight, and it accentuates his build, so I suppose for a male that's pretty revealing in a way." Senketsu muttered
"Well, Kamui or no, I'LL STILL POUND YOU INTO THE DUST! THEM I'LL SEND YOU RIGHT OUT OF THIS SCHOOL WITH A BURNING HOMERUN!" the club captain yelled. Raiden simply rolled his eyes.
"I'm tired of hearing you shout." Raiden muttered, taking aim, "Let's see if your fast enough to evade this." He punctuated this by firing a storm of electrified bullets. The club captain swatted dozens aside, but a crap ton of no-stars and one stars were blasted and sent flying, partly from the force of the two combatants fighting spirits, and then mainly from getting shot.
"HAHAHA! DO YOU SEE WHAT THIS BASEBALL SPEC GOKU UNIFORM IS CAPABLE OF!? EAT THIS! GRAND SLAM!" the club captain yelled, throwing up a glowing ball and hitting it with enough force to light it on fire. The ball slammed into Raiden, but in truth the only thing that was hit was an after image. "WHAT!?"
"You're too slow. You can't keep up with lightning." Raiden muttered from behind the captain, one gun aimed at the other boys head. "Now to end this! Finishing Move! FIBER STRIPPING GATLER!" Raiden yelled, slamming his two guns together, electricity crackling between them. "FIRE!" he yelled, letting lose a storm of electrified bullet, each one slamming into the club captain, sending him sprawling along the ground as his uniform was picked apart.
Raiden spun his guns and stored them as Reiketsu absorbed the life fiber strands, the nude club captain stuck in a crater in the wall.
"Well, that was shorter than I thought it would be." Raiden muttered as he detransformed. "So, I guess you saw what you wanted to see, right Kiryuin!?" he yelled, looking up, and indeed, Satsuki was looking down at his smirking face from on high, the Elite Four behind her.
"That one has a mouth on him." Ira grumbled.
"I'm more interested in the data I can collect. A third Kamui, rather unexpected, and just what is that third object he has with him?" Houka muttered.
"Who cares? This new guys pretty tough, and he's got mastery of his Kamui. He'll be fun to watch." Jakuzure chuckled.
"Transfer Student Raiden Ryuken!" Satsuki yelled, slamming her blade into the ground in front of her, the clack resounding throughout the courtyard, "You have shown me what I wanted to see, and as such, here and now, I am putting the same proclamation against you as I have Ryuko Matoi! All club presidents are free to fight with you as they please!"
"That's it!? I was expecting more Kiryuin! I didn't come here to fight your lackeys!" Raiden shouted, stamping on the cloth wrapped cargo, causing it to spin up high in the air, catching it in his right hand, undoing the latch with his left hand and unrolling the cover, revealing a ninjato in a black sheath. "I haven't had a chance to use this thing in a while, and I'm looking for a challenge!"
"Now that sounds familiar." Senketsu chuckled.
"Well, show us what you are capable of first then!" Sangeyama shouted.
"That'll be done easily." Raiden chuckled.
"Did you really have to go with that little display afterwards?" Mikusugi muttered, leaning on the windowsill.
"They wanted a show, so I gave them one." Raiden stated, sitting on the couch lengthwise with one arm behind his head, turning a pinky in his right ear casually.
"You shouldn't have acted so rashly!" Mikisugi sighed.
"Not my fault they sent that idiotic baseball nut to fight me. The guy didn't even last five seconds." Raiden sighed. "Seesh, you'd think those two stars would be more powerful."
"Raiden, you do remember that you have me right?" Reiketsu asked.
"Yeah I didn't forget. Still, we hardly ever get a decent challenge." Raiden sighed.
"You never change do you? What is it with you and trying to get into a good fight all the time?" Mikisugi sighed.
"I swear, if you start giving me another one of your lectures that involves losing your clothes in front of me I'll punt you out the window." Raiden growled right as Mikisugi made a move to remove his glasses.
"Hagh… you never let me have any fun." Mikisugi sighed.
"For rather obvious and good reasons." Raiden muttered. He closed one eye when the door flew open with a loud slam.
"MIKISUGI!" Ryuko yelled, "YOU HAVE SOME… explaining… to…" she started to sow down when she spotted Raiden on the couch.
"Sup?" Raiden asked, making a peace sign with his fingers.
"Getting lectured by this perv over here." Raiden muttered, jabbing his thumb at Mikisugi.
"I am not perverted!" Mikisugi snapped.
"You undress when you're giving a lecture. That's seems pretty perverted to me." Ryuko muttered. "Wait… Okay, first, what are you REALLY doing here, and two, WHERE DID YOU GET THAT KAMUI!?" she shouted, grabbing Raiden by Reiketsu's scarf and pulling him up slightly, which was as much as she could handle since he was a full head taller than her and no doubt heavier.
"GYAGH! I… I heard it!" Ryuko gasped, shooting back.
"How dare you address Ryuko in that way!?" Senketsu shouted.
"BITE ME SHORTY!" Reiketsu snapped.
"Well, I see both out Kamui's are getting well acquainted." Raiden laughed, sitting up. "I'd much rather let Mikisugi here explain what he can about me. Because to be deadly honest my memory still has some gaps in it." he added in a serious tone.
"What?" Ryuko and Senketsu asked flatly.
"Allow me to explain…" Mikisugi started, and his shirt started coming down. Raiden whipped out one of his pistols in the blink of an eye and fired a shot next to Mikisugi's head.
"Don't… even…" Raiden growled, and his anger seemed to be permeating the air.
"Talk about a temper." Senketsu muttered.
"Yeah… I can literally feel it coming off him. Just what is this guy?" Ryuko muttered.
Why does Raiden seem OP, well, seeing as how Kill la Kill has plenty of OP characters, he seems like it since he's extremely strong, though I think he's currently at the same level as Ryuko. NOW! ONTO EXPOSISTION AND SHIT BEFORE ANOTHER FIGHT!