Author has written 1 story for Criminal Minds. Hello there! My username is PupGeek, but I've also gone by Dogaholic, iAnimalLuver, and Mixed_Mutts in the past, so I'll probably respond if you call me any of those... or if you wanna come up with a nickname, that is fine too. I am a girl, just so you know. I am twenty-one years young and for the time being my obsessions are Criminal Minds and most things dog related. I love dogs! Actually, I seem to love anything canine, if truth be told. If I ever get around to writing my own stories, doing something with the ideas floating around my head, they will probably contain at least one dog or animal reference. I'm a vet tech student, so it kinda comes with the territory. Like I said, I'm obsessed with Criminal Minds. More specifically, Spencer Reid (or MGG)... and I love the Derek Morgan with Spencer Reid pairing. I also read other pairings, but my favorite is Spence and Derek. At some point, I may write down brief plots to stories I want to write here, but I'm not sure if I should do that yet or not. I have years of experience in writing, as well. I spent a couple of years writing fanfictions before I took up roleplaying on Gaia for at least four years. This will be the first time I've written fanfiction again since before I started up on Gaia. Until another time! Oh, and for those who are curious, I am not done updating my current story, Undercover Sugar, and you can also find me on LiveJournal, username PupGeek. |
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