Title: A Delicacy Pt. 1

Pairing: Erik Lehnsherr and Charles Xavier

Fandom: X-Men: First Class

Rated: M

Reviews are love!


His skin, right now in this moment, couldn't better be described any other way: Strawberries and cream.


His voice equally as sweet, dripping with a sense of desire he's never felt before.

He lay bare, breathless, and flushed before his first male lover. Blotches of pink covered his chest, neck, shoulders, and face.

It was glorious in many ways: In that he was the most beautiful thing Erik had ever seen with his own two eyes. In that someone as sweet and innocent (though Erik still had his doubts) as he was beckoning and pleading with such lustful eyes and pleasure coated noises to finish the job at hand. In that Erik was the first man to ever touch him like this, the first man to kiss him like this, and the first to make him his.

All his.

He felt like a child who had never been given sweets before firstly gazing upon a delicious feast of strawberries and cream.

Selfish, like a child.

All his.

"Erik, please..."

"Say it."

He needed to hear it. He so desperately needed to hear it.

"Touch me, please, touch everything, all of me, please, Erik."

The red splotches of skin on his chest and neck tickled up to his ears and cheeks.

Erik couldn't smile, how could he?

He didn't deserve such a heavenly creature, he didn't deserve this delectable specimen waiting to be devoured so eagerly by someone so wrong and vile.

But Erik was just a child.

A child with strawberries and cream.

And honestly, who would be silly enough to pass up such a mouth watering treat?