So guys, this is the end. Thank you so much to everyone who reviewed, they're what kept me going :) . Please read the stuff at the end, most of it's important.

I don't own Maximum Ride.

Fang POV:

"Get away from Iggy." I said, trying to stay calm and keep any growls out of my voice. I felt bad when Iggy jumped and went quiet.

Iggy POV:

I jumped at the sound of Fang's voice. I hadn't heard him approach us. I unconsciously increased the strength of my grip on the guy's-whose name was Luke, I had learned earlier-jacket. He seemed to understand.

"He doesn't want me to let go," Luke said. "And he doesn't want to talk to you."

"Too bad." Fang growled, Why did he have to make this harder? Just hearing his voice gave me false hopes and simultaneously made my heart hurt even more. "He's coming home with me."

"What right do you think you have to hurt him more? It doesn't take a genius to figure out that you're the cause of his broken heart!" Luke countered, standing up to face Fang, shifting me behind him.

"Better than you! You just want to get into his pants!" Fang roared. I cringed, ducking my head. Why was he so angry? Was it my fault? Was it something I did? Did I disgust him or something.

"My boyfriend wouldn't appreciate that." My new friend said quietly, eerily calm. There was a short silence as Fang probably stood with his mouth open. "I'm just comforting someone who is experiencing extreme cases of heartache." He finished off strongly.

"Just let me talk to him!" Fang shouted, obviously frustrated. If this kept up, there was going to be a fight. I'd have to stop it before that happened.

"You have no right to do this to hi-"

"It's okay." I said quietly, and they both went silent. "Thank you, Luke, but it's okay. I'll talk to you later, since I have your number."

"If you say so." Luke said reluctantly. He walked away after hugging me briefly. And then it was just Fang and I.

Fang POV:

Despite that the guy apparently had a boyfriend, I won't deny that I felt more relaxed with him gone. I turned my attention to Iggy.

You know how supposedly people look really ugly when they cry? Iggy wasn't like that. He still looked absolutely amazing somehow. Even when he was reduced to tears. That thought aside, I felt absolutely horrible knowing that I was the cause of all of this. He had managed to stop crying at this point, and was just standing in front of me, looking vulnerable and holding his left arm with his right hand.

I stepped forward, and he winced at the sudden movement, looking down and shivering slightly.

"Sorry." I said. That one word hung in the air between us. I wasn't sure whether I was apologizing for this whole mess or startling him. We were silent again for what seemed like hours. My heart was beating rapidly at the knowledge of what I was going to confess. I was afraid that Iggy could hear it.


"Why are you here Fang?" Iggy interrupted me with a shaky voice, looking up right into my eyes in that amazingly accurate way he can. Tears had started to form again. "You've made it obvious that you want Max. You don't care about me, none of you do." Tears ran free down his face. I could feel my eyes start to water too. "Why don't you just leave me-" He couldn't finish his sentence as he choked back a sob. I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled him into a tight embrace.

Iggy POV:

I stiffened as I felt Fang's arms encircle me, closing the distance in between us. Then I relaxed, realizing that I felt too weak right now to try breaking out of it. I couldn't fight the small flame of hope that sparked to life at his next words.

"Max and I decided that we weren't meant for each other. And she helped me realize that I'm meant for you." I was speechless.

"But, you two were kissing so deeply, and how do I know you're not joking? And, if you're serious, what if you get bored and leave me for someone better looking or-"

"Iggy." He said with a slight waver that was very un-Fang-like. I shut up when he hugged me tighter, his fingers gripping my shirt. "Please believe me. Please don't do this to yourself, it breaks my heart." Something wet landed on my shoulder. Was he... crying? "I was denying it because I was scared. But I'm not scared anymore." He pulled away slightly, but I think he was still looking at my face. I heard him take a deep breath. "I'm so sorry, Iggy, for everything I've put you through because of my selfishness. I love you." I blushed, sniffling a bit. A small smile formed on my lips.

"I love you too." I said nervously. We both kind of laughed/cried for a bit. I felt his hand brush gently through my hair, his other hand gently holding my chin, tingles going down my spine, and bringing my lips up to meet his.

I'd only ever been kissed once before this, but this one definitely won. You know that expression "sparks flew"? Now I know what they're talking about. The kiss in itself was very tender, sweet, innocent, and absolutely amazing, despite the fact that we were both still kind of teary. I could feel him smiling into the kiss. We pulled apart, but stayed close, my head resting on his shoulder.

"I'll never leave you." He said, successfully crushing the last little shreds of doubt in my heart.

"You sure about that?" I said, my joking-self returning.

"Absolutely." I smiled, and I knew he was smiling too. I shivered a bit as a cold gust of wind hit us. Guess I forgot my jacket. He obviously noticed.

"Let's head back to the hotel." He put his jacket around my shoulders, despite my protests. He gently held my hand, entwining my fingers with his.

"What'll we tell the others?" I wondered out loud as we walked.

"Something tells me they won't be too surprised." Fang said, leaning into me playfully. We both laughed a bit.

I didn't feel so alone anymore.


"Did Luke really give you his number? I'm getting jealous. Am I going to have to fight off every guy that comes near you?"

"Shut up Fang."

"No seriously, you're like some kind of magnet for creeps." *whap* "Ow!"

"I said shut up." We both laughed.

It felt nice.

Fang: I vocalized my feelings... *disgusted face*

Iggy: *in a sing song voice* Like a woman!

Me: Okay you weirdos, take it someplace else.

Fang: *evil smile* Like your couch?

Iggy: Wait, what are you two talking about?

Fang: Oh, you'll like it, trust me. *slides arm around Iggy's waste*

Me: *nosebleed*

And that's the end! I might to an epilogue type-thing if you guys want me to, but I think it's fine like that. You guys can write up your own sequels and stuff to it if you want, you don't have to ask, just credit this account.

I'm really sorry for any typos in the whole story, I don't get someone to look through my work ahead of time, so that's why.

Oh! Just in case anyone was wondering, Iggy did end up getting Max to read him that note Shiiganah wrote. It was basically just saying that he needed to stay happy, and such, and not to blame Ari for whatever he might have done, because it was just the Eraser part of him taking over. It also said that it would be best to just forget about her, because she was never supposed to exist on Earth anyway. He ended up burning it afterwards. I just didn't really feel the need to put it in here, because you guys are here for Figgy, not my OC ramblings.

Bye! Thanks again to all that read this and review! They all hold special places in my heart!

For anyone who wants to include Luke's boyfriend in any stories they write added onto this, he's quite tall with straight, butterscotch blonde hair down to his shoulders. He sings and plays the saxophone, and was quite the ladies man before he met Luke. Doesn't matter to me what his name is.