
William stared at Derek for a moment before the man smiled madly. "This your boyfriend, Spencer?"

Spencer stared wide eyed at Derek who had his gun facing William. Spencer heavy breathing could be heard through his slightly open mouth.

William licked his bottom lip then reached down and pulled the scissors out of his arm. "You're not the only one with a weapon."

"My gun can shoot faster than your hand can move a pair of scissors." Derek said back.

Spencers mouth open more, a look of pure horrified as the blood from Williams open wound dripped down the side of his face. Derek had a clear view of Spencer. He wanted so much to hold the teen and never let go.

"Let him go." Derek growled.

"I dont think so." William said with that same smile. "You see, the little porn star here is going to help me with a little problem. Is'nt that right baby?"

The words made Spencer sick to his stomach he gulped dryly and took a deep breath. "Shoot him."

William chuckled. "You just gave your boyfriend permission to shoot your father Spencer."

Dereks brows narrowed. Father? He looked towards Spencer, who had tears running down his cheeks. "Please, Derek? I wont be able to live knowing he's out there." Then he started sobbing.

William chuckled again. "Thats right, Spencer, because I will always be in your dreams. Wont I?" He leaned down and brought his mouth by Spencers ear. "I cant say i'm not happy about that."

Spencer shut his eyes when he felt Williams tounge slide up the side of his face.

Thats when the gunshot went off.

Spencers eyes opened wide and he stared down at the blood splattered on the floor near his feet. He felt himself being let go, then the sound of a body thumping onto the floor. He stood frozen, body trembling. His mind didnt have time to register all that happend.


His eyes trailed to his right where Derek stood kneeling on his knees. The man grabbed the teens face. "Spencer? Spencer, you ok?"

Spencer finally let go of the breath he'd been holding since the sound of the gunshot. He slowly shook his head and leaned his head into Dereks broad chest and grabbed onto the mans shirt.


"Sh, sh, sh. I know. I know." Derek whispered as he smoothed back Spencers hair with his hand. "He was a sick man." Derek stared down at Willliams body. The agents brows narrowed. He slowly let go of Spencer and walked over to the body. He leaned down and brought his finger to Williams neck. After a few seconds, he shut his eyes. "Shit." He said low.

Spencers eyes widen. "What is it?"

Derek pulled out his cell and dialed. "Yeah, I need an ambulance to..."

Spencer stared down at Williams body on the floor. He saw it. Williams chest slowly rising and falling. No! He was shot in the chest. he couldnt be alive! Spencer felt his breathing pick up. He couldnt live the same word as he father. His eyes trailed towards the spot where Derek was just sitting at and he reached out his pale hand.

"Yeah, thanks. We'll be waiting." Derek hung up the phone. "Ok Spence, they're on their-" Dereks eyes widen. "Spencer!"

Too late. The gun went off and shot William in the head. Once, twice, three times.

Derek stared mouth open as Spencer stared down at the now dead man on the floor with hatred in his eyes. The man slowly moved towards the teen, then just as slowly reached out and grabbed the gun. "Spence, it's ok." He said low. "Give me the gun."

Spencer confused eyes trailed towards Derek. "I dont want to have bad dreams anymore."

Derek stared for a moment for he felt tears sting his own eyes. Spencer, he sounded so young and confused and scared. Derek couldnt deny him happiness. He nodded slowly. "Yeah, ok." He whispered. "They'll go away. I'll make sure of it."


Spencer stared up at the building, before staring behind him towards Derek who had just parked the car.

"Ready babe?" Derek asked.

Spencer smiled. "I should be asking you that."

Derek shrugged. "I'm fine with it. It's you that might have a problem. I mean, you havent been back here in four months."

Spencer nodded. "You're going to be there. I'll be fine."

"You're moving up in the world Spencer. You're gonna be more famous than you know."

Spencer smiled still. "You sure YOU can handle the fame?" He teased.

Derek scoffed and pulled Spencers towards the building.


"We need some makeup over here!"

John looked up from his computer and smiled wide. "Spencer, you're back." He got off his seat and walked over to the teen. He reached out to hug him but Derek held out his hands.

"Boundries. Remember what I said."

John lifted a finger. "Right. Sorry about that." He looked towards Spencer. "You ready to get dressed."

Spencer nodded.

John pointed towards the man who was like a gaurd to towards Spencers. "Derek, would you take Spencer to the dressing room?"

Derek smirked. "More than happy to."

John rolled his eyes towards Stan. "Arh! Lovers." He said.

He went over to the camera section to get his equipment ready. A few minutes later, Spencer came out of the dressing room in nothing but a black silk robe.

John mouths lined. "Wheres your boyfriend?"

Spencer smiled wide. "He'll be out in a minute."


The teen turned back towards his boss.

"Spencer, i'm really sorry."

"I know."

John shook his head then took a deep breath. "I promise, I will never do anything like that again."

Spencer smiled wide. "Trust me, I know." His eyes trailed behind John. "Especially since he'll be here everyday."

John turned behind him to see Derek Morgan wearing nothing but a red silk robe.

Derek made his way towards Spencer smiling wide. But the teen could tell his older boyfriend was uncomfortable. Derek grabbed Spencers hand and pulled him towards the white fur couch.

"I feel so naked." The man whispered.

"You'll be more naked in just a minute." Spencer teased.

Derek shook his head and stared down at the robe that came up to his thighs. "Can you remind me again why I quit the FBI for this job?"

Spencer shrugged. "Ok." And he slid his robe off, letting it fall to the floor revealing his naked body to all.

Derek raised an eyebrow. "Oh. Thats why."

Spencer nodded. "That... and you had no choice but to quit." Then his smile slowly faded. "You did take the blame for me after all." He said low. Derek noticed this and brought his hand under Spencers chin.

"I never said I regret it, babe. I just...proved that the term, "i'd kill for you" should sometimes be taken seriously."

Spencer lightly shook his head and looked up from Dereks chest that was showing a little throughh the open robe at the top. "But you didnt kill anybody."

Derek brought his finger to Spencers lips. "Shhhh. Thats between us. Remember?"

Spencer chuckled. "I'll try and keep that in mind."

Derek nodded. "Good. Now lets get to work." The man pulled his own robe off.

All eyes for a moment moved from Spencers to the big and beautiful, naked bald man in the room.


Prentiss walked into the BAU building and walked right over to JJ. She bit her lip then lifted the side of her jacket then pointed to the coffee room.

Five minutes later.

Prentiss, JJ and Garcia all were in the coffee room, doors locked.

"You got the new "Pet Me"?"

Prentiss nodded happily. "I havent opened it yet. I wanted to make sure you guys were with me."

"Well, open it. I want to see who this sexy white chocalate is you've been talking about."

"Ok, ok." Prentiss opened to the first page.

All the womans eyes popped out of their faces.

Prentiss pointed to the picture. "Spencer and..."

"No way." Garcia couldnt take her eyes off the naked dark chocolate that lay on top of the naked white chocolate.

"Derek Morgan, you dog." Prentiss whispered.

"Look at his-"

"Shhhh. JJ." Prentiss had to slap the blonds pointing finger.

JJ giggled and stared at the picture.

"Turn the page!" Garica yelled, desperate for more.

Prentiss obeyed. Thats when the brunets eyes widen even more than the first page.

"Is that allowed?" Garcia asked licking her lips as the two men in the picture were in a very personal postion. "Why would-"

"Wait, sh!" Prentiss said then pointed to the small article at the top and began to read. "Our youngest and most sexy star the one and only Spencer has finally found his one true love. The teen in question decided he wanted to share his first experince for all his fans to see."

The three woman stared at each other before turning back towards the magazine.

"Spencer wanted to make it clear that he is no longer known as a virgin to his Ex-FBI boyfriend, Derek Morgan. If you wish to see more about his first experience, this special edition is limited, as are the video recordings..." Prentiss stopped reading and stared up at the women next to her.

"Theres a video?" JJ asked wide eyed.

The three women glanced at each other, before they all jumped to their feet and out of the BAU building to the closest video store.

A/N: Annnnnnnnnnnd, COMPLETE. I feel i'm really gonna miss this story.
Review Please:)