Authors Note:: Wrote this awhile back but never posted it. Oh well its up now :D Please enjoy and R&R!
The warm spring breeze infected the open road as FBI agent Derek Morgan was headed out for a weekend of relaxation. The car radio was booming with some tragic song from the 80's while he was trying to adjust the car's rear view mirror. Yet the joy of driving in the open road was paused with the ringing of Morgan's cell phone.

"Let me guess, you miss me already" Morgan chuckled while answering his call.

"You wish big guy. Sitting here in all my lonesome, just wondering where you're headed too"
On the other line it was the B.A.U computer expert and good friend, Penelope Garcia.

"Staying at a cabin for the weekend, I have a friend who's letting me borrow his place"

"Weekend getaway from the city, nice"

Morgan continued to play around with the rear view mirror until it was finally placed just right. In that small space of refection, Morgan was able to get the view of his backseat passenger. A younger agent with his arms tied behind his back, his mouth closed with a ball gag and a certain piece of equipment vibrating intensely, penetrate his flesh.

"Yep, it's going to be a great weekend…."

Reid continued to struggle playfully, soaking the backseat with his bodily fluids.