Author has written 37 stories for Animaniacs, Chronicles of Narnia, Sonic the Hedgehog, Oz Series, Wicked, Hetalia - Axis Powers, Doctor Who, and Drawn to Life. If you would like to ask me a question, from getting to know me from using one of my characters in your fan fictions, PLEASE BE LOGGED IN SO I CAN RESPOND TO YOU!! I DO NOT comment on my own stories!! Also, if you would like to finish a story I have started, I don't mind as long as you let me know. Update 21 December 2016: You may have noticed a few of my stories have disappeared. I am cleaning up a few things here and am moving them over to Romanajo (alternate account) . They are still up on AO3 in the meantime. About Me: Strong Christian, fanfic writer, roleplayer. Currently in love with Doctor Who and its Expanded Universe. (If you're curious, the Fifth to Eighth Doctors are my absolute favorites but all of them are great). Also currently a fan of Campion (the television adaptation, haven't read the books yet) and the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series. Other Places You Can Find Me: Tumblr-human-nxture Teaspoon-Romanajo123 Livejournal/Dreamwidth-romanajo123 AO3- human_nature(AllyHWarner) DA(not as active now)-517NewCreation |
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