I think that was what got me. That twinkle in her eye, that caused the change. That was what made me realize that I loved her.

To be honest, I don't understand why something like that would make me realize my feelings. It doesn't really make sense now when I look back to it. There was just something in her eyes that made me see the truth, that I loved SeeU. Maybe I had loved her the whole time. I don't know, and either way, it doesn't seem to matter. But what overcame the love was the feeling of dread, masking and distorting it. She couldn't possibly love me back. She would hate me if I ever admitted it. Yet, the feelings wouldn't go away. They felt too pure, and yet the feelings themselves felt wrong, somehow.

Believe me, I hate using that kind of contradiction, but it's the only way to describe it. She was so much older. Like an older sister, almost. She probably thought of me as a younger sibling. I couldn't think such things about her. But as we continued to seek company in each other, the small things she did, like her smiles, or grabbing my hand when leading us through a crowd, or hugging me when she thought I looked too despondent, they fought back the other feelings and planted a little thought in my mind that told me that this was just too right. I certainly had to hope that that one tiny voice in the back of my head was right, because there was no way to shake the feeling after the apples.

After that, it became obvious how this had affected me. I took the things she did more seriously, constantly monitoring her actions. Whenever we sang Magnet together after that, I meant it truly from the bottom of my heart. Sometimes, after we had settle down in our cots, I would peek over to her sleeping form. It was an obsessive thing. Maybe if I had stayed away from her, this wouldn't have happened. I could have recovered quietly for a while, and then perhaps returned when I had gotten over this phase. But really, how could I? I was the only one she could communicate with, and we were an ideal match as we got along very well. We even slept in the same room. There was really no way to get around it at that point, and being around her only made it worse.

As I admired her secretly, there was always a conflicting rise of emotions that entered my mind. The most obvious one was the disgust. We really did have a close friendship, and almost treated each other like how siblings would. Would I really think such immoral thoughts towards my older sister? This part of my mind was always full of self-hatred. It scolded me about how selfish I must be to put my wants before hers, to ruin her new start here. What could she do if she rejected you?, they said. She'd be helpless, without assistance, and it would be your fault.

There was another side of emotions as well, emotions that were the polar opposite of the other ones. My affection for her always clashed with the other thoughts, and managed to keep up a good fight with the negative thoughts despite being much frailer, which kept up my hope that maybe, she might like me back. We were ordered to sing a love song together! If it were real love, it would be okay to everyone too, right? Maybe she liked me, too. Maybe she felt like how I did... It was a thin sliver of a hope, but one that seemed to never quite fade.

The last side was confusion. I had never really felt something like this before. Before SeeU, I had never really had any close relationship with a girl before. Maybe I didn't know what love was, and this was a phase from being around the opposite gender. These emotions were really just a jumble of thoughts that I couldn't put together, ones that I couldn't organize.

Sometimes, all of them drove me near a breaking point. And when that started to happen, SeeU was always there. She had my back, and it reinforced the emotions of affection for her. It was a vicious cycle that only got worse as it progressed.

Meanwhile, she continued to smile and laugh with me. Despite being my weakness, she also brought me strength. Maybe, I thought, I'm going crazy. I needed time to think. Time to think alone, preferably. But not so for Robot-Eye, and his cat-girl partner. Being performance partners meant sticking together for everything. And besides, could I really stand to be away from her for a long period of time? While I was painfully aware of what consequences being in her presence might have, I also knew I would't be able to resist her. This situation was so much worse than I thought.

A/N: Sorry for not updating for so long! I had a bit of writer's block, and I've been busy with school...
But here's the latest chapter! I'm kind of not sure where I want to go with this, so if you have any suggestions, feel free to tell me.
Also, please review! I really love it when I get a new review~