During the lunch break, Germany stood up and made his way over to one of the buffet tables. More specifically, the one New Zealand was currently heading towards, hoping to 'accidently' bump into her and get a chance to start a conversation. Unfortunately for him, England was sticking to the younger nation's side like glue, speaking to her in low, impatient tones as they walked. New Zealand didn't seem too impressed though, pushing at his shoulder and snapping at him when he blocked her way to the table. Finally though, they seemed to come to some kind of agreement and England let the shorter blonde pass.
Germany waited awkwardly next to the table, toying with an apple while he waited for her to reach him, a light blush dusting his cheeks as she offered him one of the wide smiles she had been giving the curly haired brunette, Wales, earlier.
"Kia Ora, Germany!" she greeted him, stealing the apple out of his hands. "Did you need something? It's not often you single me out to talk to, after all," she teased, taking a bite of her stolen fruit. Germany flushed lightly and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Ah, vell, I vas just vondering if you would maybe like to possibly go get some coffee after zhe meeting, if zhat is alright…" He looked down at his feet, suddenly nervous.
"Ka pai! I was just gonna ask you the same thing!" He heard her clap her hands happily and he looked back up, taking note of her wide, excited smile.
"Ah, so is zhat a yes?" he asked uncertainly. New Zealand nodded and opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off by England grabbing her wrist and beginning to drag her off.
"You said you were getting something to eat, not stopping to have a chat," he scolded. "Terribly sorry, Germany, but there is important business that I need to discuss with New Zealand."
England began to pull her away as he spoke. New Zealand scowled at the Briton and attempted to jerk her arm out of his grip.
"Sod off, Mum!" she complained. "I was talking to Germany!" England's face blazed red at the nickname and he leant close to hiss in her ear, still loud enough for Germany to hear.
"I told not to call me that!" he growled. New Zealand simply poked her tongue out at him in retaliation.
"Let go, then. I don't interrupt you when you're mooning over France," she snorted, yanking her arm free.
"I do not moon over France!" England snapped, his cheeks burning with colour again. New Zealand snapped her fingers, as if remembering something.
"Oh, that's right, you moon over America now, how could I forget?"
She grinned lazily at him, taking another bite of her apple. Germany watched the entire exchange silently, frowning slightly at New Zealand's blatant use of sarcasm. If he ever tried to talk back to his boss or even Prussia like that, he'd surely have been smacked over the head by now.
"You insufferable little-" England started, raising his hand to point at New Zealand.
"England! New Zealand! So this is where you two got to!" Wales seemingly came out of nowhere and draped his arm over England's shoulder, flashing Germany a polite smile. "Nice to see you again, Germany."
Germany gave him an awkward nod in greeting and picked up another apple, just so he could have something to do with his hands.
"Get off, Wales!" England growled, trying to detangle himself from the brunettes grip. Wales released him and moved to stand next to New Zealand.
"So, are we going to have the Commonwealth meeting or not?" Wales asked, pointing over to a door near the end of the meeting room that had a sign on it, proudly proclaiming it to be the Commonwealth Meeting Room.
"Of course we are!" England snapped. "I was trying to fetch this ungrateful little shit over there just before you arrived." New Zealand smirked and put her hands on her hips nonchalantly, shrugging slightly.
"Kaore au e mārama~" she grinned.
"Don't you fucking dare start this nonsense again!" England hissed. "I'm allowed to hit you now, remember?" New Zealand poked her tongue out at him once again before turning back to Germany and standing up on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on his cheek.
"Meet me in the foyer after the meeting, alright?" she confirmed. Germany nodded, almost too quickly, cheeks aflame with blush. "Ka pai~ Come on Owen, Mum, we have a meeting to get to."
She hooked her arm through Wales' and began to drag him off to the Commonwealth Meeting Room, chuckling at something Wales whispered in her ear. England stomped after the pair, muttering obscenities under his breath.
Germany returned to his seat, still fiddling with the apple and frowned slightly. He wasn't sure, but as New Zealand and Wales walked away he could've sworn he heard the Welsh nation call New Zealand 'Jamie'…. Jamie could be a girl's name, right?
Here's the next chapter of this one~ Oh Germany you awkward little potato~
Darky out~