Hi this is my first fanfic of any kind and I really hope you like it. I would love feedback good and bad so please feel free. Also I was a series and gameboy Pokémon type of fan and I really stopped watching after Joto, so I'm going to probably avoid using May and Dawn and them because I don't really know them. Anyway bare with me and enjoy thanks for reading

In case it's not obvious, or I need to say it I don't own any rights to Pokémon.


Hi. This must seem a little weird to hear from me, and in a letter. I'm coming home. Yeah I know weird right? Well it's been a while since I've seen you, I'd say about four years now right? And I know I stopped calling, I'm sorry for that. But I really wanted to see you and since Cerulean City is on my way to Pallet I figured I'd stop by on my way. I heard you've been running the gym on your own now so I thought I'd come in as long as you're not busy. I hope you're good Mist. Pikachu misses you too. The other day I found that picture Brock had us take on that last day before we all spilt. I had almost forgotten it was there. Stupid of me I know. So why am I writing and not calling, well mostly because I'm not stopping on the way, or trying not to anyway. I guess I just wanted to make sure I get home soon. And taking a minuet of my time before I go to sleep is easiest. Also this way if you don't want to see me or talk to me or something you don't have to 'cause you don't you know… if you don't want to I mean. Anyway I think I'll get there in about two weeks, so two Tuesdays from whenever you get this about. See you soon Misty. Maybe, or um hopefully.


Misty must have read the letter a hundred times. Pidgeot had delivered it to her two weeks ago. Ash was due to be here soon and she hadn't decided what to do just yet. Four years. That was a long time. She had talked to Brock every now and then. When he had gone along with Ash again the four years ago he had asked her if she wanted to come along too. Problem was she had the gym now, plus she had been working on things with her family; her three sister and their parents. She sighed this was so stupid. It was Ash. Being eighteen wasn't easy as it was but when she finally admitted she had fallen for a guy who was tramping all over the place and you were stuck here it just wasn't easy. And he choose now – now that she had moved on, met someone and was finally over him- to reappear and leave a letter like THAT to announce it. Sure Jeff would understand. Jeff ALWAYS understood. That wasn't the problem. The problem was she didn't know for sure if this was a good idea. She had been ten when all of this had started, thirteen when it ended and now she was a full grown adult woman. Did she really want to bring back the problems of her childhood?

Misty set the letter back down on the table of her bedroom. She still lived at the gym, which she had decidedly made into her permanent home when the three sisters were asked yet again to tour. They had wanted Misty to come, but she pointed out that someone needed to run the gym and since they hated it and she did not that made the choice obvious.

Misty really didn't mind. After all even when Lilly was still living here the only time she entered a gym was when the four of them were doing a show. Misty really didn't mind that so much either. When she had first come back the "Sensational Sisters" were on tour so she didn't have to worry about it. When they came back she had grown up just a little, enough to make them want her to be the mermaid again in the show, permanently instead of their normal switch parts routine. Frankly Misty liked it. She thought she would hate it, but there was something nice about swimming around with her water Pokémon just for fun, and for a show.

That was how she met Jeff. He had come with his sister Kitty to see them, and well he SAW them alright. He promptly asked Misty out after the show, she still laughed every time she thought about it. She had tried to say no, but Daisy said yes, and well Misty was fifteen and Daisy was twenty so she did what her sister had promised.

The date had really been ridiculous. She couldn't stop noticing how much like Ash he was or wasn't. He had dark hair like Ash, but Hazel eyes unlike Ash. He was tall unlike Ash, and he loved Pokémon the way Ash did. She had gone home feeling terrible but Jeff hadn't given up and now they were still together and even though she wasn't supposed to know he was planning on proposing at the return show when the other sisters came back in two months.

Misty went into her bedroom to get changed into sweats. She never slept in pajamas. The three years with Ash made her too used to sleeping in regular cloths. It had taken THIS long to get herself into some things that were at least a little more comfortable. She changed into grey pants and a light blue tank and went to her vanity. She brushed out her hair every night now that she had let it grow out a bit. She still preferred it tied up and out of her way and Jeff liked it best short but she had wanted to give the look a try and had decided she liked it best like this for special occasions. Besides now she didn't need the hair extensions when she was a mermaid in the water shows.

She really had changed since the last time she had seen Ash. She had been fourteen and discovered Ash was in town- or close to it anyway- so she went to visit and meet his new travel companions. They were nice enough although Misty often admitted to herself that May seamed fairly annoying. Lilly called it jealousy, Misty called it too much of the wrong part of Ash. Anyway back then she still had her side pony tail and well was fourteen and wasn't, well, "fully developed". Her hair had still been a little orangey too, now it was a little darker, redder. Her eyes had always been a bluish greenish color but now they were mostly green, which she happened to really like. They would change color sometimes though, into a really nice light blue, but unfortunately it was only when she was angry, or at least that was the only time she knew of.

That all made her wonder what Ash was like now. She bet anything that he was still wearing a baseball hat of some type. He had worn his because of his Dad when he left for journeys that eventually lead him onto the league council. Last time Misty heard he was back home with Mrs. Ketchum. Of course that was about two years ago so anything could have happened. She also imagined that his hair was still dark brown an almost black color, and long and messy like it had been. And she hoped like anything Pikachu was still on his shoulder or head because if she found out that had changed then there was no way he was the same Ash.

She had shown Jeff the letter and said she wasn't going out of her way to be gone but wasn't going to go look for him either. Still Jeff wasn't happy. He loved Misty and had a feeling that was something he had in common with Ash. Misty might not see it but he wasn't that dumb. He had asked her not to see him, to have someone else be at the gym this week to watch for him and to send him away when he showed up. Misty still could do this. Ash hadn't come yet after all, but she wanted to see him. If she was really going to Marry Jeff, she needed to be over Ash, and honestly now that she had this letter she wasn't 100% sure she was any more.

As she climbed into bed she decided to give him one more day. If he came she would see him, if not then she would let it go. She might still need to think about her possibilities with Jeff a little more but she would do it without Ash, just like she had for a long time.

One day earlier

Ash knocked on the door with a slight smile on his face. Brock had gone ahead by about a week because his father needed him. It was actually a little random that Ash had made the decision to come home just after. He decided to surprise him, and well they needed to talk.

Brock didn't open the door; it was one of his little sisters who did. She smiled at Ash and hugged him quickly though not even stopping to say a proper hello before pulling him inside.

"Hey everyone! Come in here! We have a visitor!" Nattie couldn't help but smile as she did this. She was a sweet little kid and was about nine now. Almost old enough to start battling if that's what she would decide to do. They all came in and said Hello to Ash happy to see him, but none were as surprised as Brock.

"What you couldn't go on without me?"

"I decided I needed to go home for a while, prepare the Pokémon I have for my battle instead of trying to find more. There will be plenty of time for that later anyway."

"That's very interesting, so what brings you here?"

"Well for one, it's on my way home, two I needed to talk to you about something you busy?"

"No, why don't we head over to the gym for a little quiet though." Brock and Ash walked over there and sat in the stands. It was rare to see them filled but every year a different gym was chosen for the Master battles and they all had to be able to hold a certain number of people to be in the mix. "So what did you want to talk about?"

"This." Ash held up a small piece of paper his hand that he had had in his pocket and handed it to Brock. "I wrote to Misty to tell her I was coming home and wanted to stop by and this is what she said." Brock looked down at the paper.


I would appreciate it if you didn't stop by.


He read it over a few times before looking up.

"Well that's not the Misty I remember."

"I know. The last time I was close she came to see me, now she won't even let me stop by. I mean I know she's busy but I just thought she would let me come say hello, after all these years." Ash drifted off a little. He remembered how hard it had been to say good-bye. At the time he hadn't known why. He didn't question it anymore. He had had a crush on her. It was in the past, and long been through, but he still cared about her and wanted to see her.

"You know what else?"

"No, what?"

"This doesn't even look like her hand writing."

"What do you mean?" Ash reached out and grabbed at the paper tilting it to look at it again, although it was pointless because he had the one-liner etched in his brain already anyway. But Brock had a point. Ash had been surprised to see her hand writing like that, he remembered it being neater. "Yeah I know it doesn't look right does it."

"What if I come with you? It will only take a day; I'll go in, talk to her and then come and tell you what I found out. After all I told her I'd stop by soon when I video called her last week. Speaking of which why didn't you call her?"

"Because it's been a while, and I figured she was busy. A call you have to do right then or it's gone. A letter you can read whenever you have time. It made sense." Brock nodded.

"So I'm coming with you then?" Ash turned and smiled,

"Be ready first thing in the morning." Brock laughed. He had always tried to get Ash to move in the morning to make better use of the day time. Ash rarely listened. Then again this was about Misty. Even though Ash and he had never actually spoken about it seriously Brock had known that Ash had had a thing for her, and assumed the feelings were mutual. Even though a lot had changed and Ash didn't speak of her or look at the picture he had of her anymore Brock had a feeling there was still something there. Maybe he'd find out in the morning.

They left as soon as they had eaten, Brock promising to come home that night. He had come home because his father was getting older and frankly so was he. He was a twenty three year old man tramping around with an eighteen year old. Even though Ash was basically his brother, and best friend they both knew he needed to start to take responsibility back for the gym, and help with his siblings. But it was weird to be back. When he had talked to Misty that was one of the first things she'd asked him. Misty had grown up, they all had really. Ash had gotten taller, much taller as a matter of fact. They were just about even in height now. Brock had probably changed the least, after all he had been thirteen when they'd left, sixteen when they had the initial split-that for him hadn't lasted long- and by then he had already really looked like a man. He had always looked older than he was as a teenager so it was like by then he had plateaued, even though you could argue he had looked like this basically since he was ten. Ash hadn't changed a tremendous amount, though he had lost most of his boyish features he no longer wore his hat, well at least you could actually see him walk around without it anyway. His hair seemed to be darker than in the pictures they had, and he had become more muscular and a bit toned, something he definitely was not when he was ten, or even thirteen.

It took only a couple of hours to enter Cerulean City from Pewter City. Brock left Ash at a small café to eat and relax a little while he was gone. On the condition that if he was gone for more than two hours Ash would go home or to Nurse Joy's. Brock would check the center and if Ash wasn't there he would go home and call Ash that night or the next day. Somehow Brock had a feeling that Ash would stay in town. Especially if he had not called his parents and they weren't expecting him anyway.

When Brock got to the gym he just opened the door and walked in. This was how Ash used to enter ALL the gyms in Kanto and even though they had decided knocking or calling out right away was the 'more adult' thing to do Brock just came right in and started for the house part of the gym upstairs.

Misty was in her kitchen nook eating some fruit. She wasn't particularly worried about any battles that day but her loss of appetite which leaving her forcing herself to eat at least the apple in her hands was due to Ash. If he didn't come today, she didn't want him to come at all. She was staring out the window when she heard the door open. Thinking it was Jeff she started towards it, when she saw Brock instead she was so surprised she dropped her half-eaten apple.

"Brock!" Misty ran up and hugged him, this wasn't the man she'd been hoping to see today, but it was still great to see him in person, versus the video call they had had last week. "What are you doing here?"

"I told you I was going to drop by."

"Yeah but the way you were talking about your Dad I figured that it would be a while. You look great."

"So do you! Not a little girl anymore, that's for sure." Misty blushed as Brock rustled her hair. She knew her hair any everything was different but that didn't make her magically like compliments, she never really had anyway. After a moment she shook it off and said,

"Wow I'm rude sorry come sit." Brock smiled and followed her into the little TV room she had and sat on the sofa. They chit-chatted for a while, how were the gyms, how was his dad, how were her sisters, and finally Brock got to the big stuff.

"You haven't heard from Ash have you?" Misty blushed again, she did want to talk to Brock about it but she was a little embarrassed. Shaking it off she replied,

"Actually I got a letter from him a couple of weeks ago saying he was going to stop by this week, yesterday actually, but he hasn't shown up yet, what about you have you seen him since you two split?"

"Uh yeah, he stopped by yesterday just to say hello."

"Oh, that's weird then he should have been here today if he saw you yesterday I wonder why he didn't show up? In his letter he said he really wanted to see me."

"Misty did you want him to come by?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?"

"Well then I guess I should tell you…"

"Tell me what?"

"Ash is in town, we came in together." Misty was taken off guard.

"Then why isn't he here?"

"Misty I asked him for this so I could show you just in case this was in fact a misunderstanding."

"Show me what?" Brock pulled out the letter and handed it to her. She was completely perplexed. It was the special new gym paper and the message was to Ash from her but she definitely hadn't written it. "What IS this?"

"That's what I want to know. Whoever wrote this knew Ash was coming and didn't want him to see you, any ideas?" She was about to shake her head when it hit her.

"Damn it."

"What? What is it?"

"Damn it damn it damn it!"



"Your boyfriend?"

"Yes my jealous un-trusting boyfriend, Damn it!" Misty never swore. Seriously. She reserved swearing for times like these when she had nothing left to say that could communicate what she was feeling. Jeff had told her he didn't want Ash to come, but it wasn't his choice. It was hers. She couldn't really believe this. It was a good thing Brock had come and said this himself because odds were she wouldn't have believed it otherwise. "Brock I hate to do this to you, but I need to go on an errand right now. Think you could send a message for me?"


"Hold on." She walked into the other room and scribbled on it for a few seconds returning with it folded and handed it to him. "I'm sorry to rush out on you but this is important."

"Its fine Misty don't even worry about it, who's the letter for?"

"Who else?"

"I'll give it to Ash before I head back to Pewter."

"Thanks Brock and it was great to see you. Please come back soon, or maybe I'll have to come bombard you over there." He smiled

"Either way works for me, keep in touch with me and we'll figure it out okay?" Misty reached out and hugged him before she replied with a yes and they walked out together. Brock headed towards the Clinic and Misty towards town center. Brock kind of wished he could see what was about to happen over there.

Brock knocked on the door and smiled as soon as Ash opened the door.

"I figured you wouldn't leave town."

"That was a lot faster than I expected, any way get in here, what did she say?" Brock smiled and held up another note that looked-from the outside-exactly the same as the old one.

"She said to give this to you." He smiled and held it out to him. Ash took it and stared at it for a moment before opening it up to read it.


I don't really know what to say. I guess I'll start with that I didn't write that letter. I think, well okay I know who did. I don't know if I ever told you that I had a boyfriend? We've been together for three years now. His name is Jeff and well he is a very jealous person. I told him you were coming and I guess he figured I wasn't going to tell you to leave and stay away from me like he wanted so he tried to do it himself. I'm sorry for the confusion of this whole thing. Anyway Brock told me you were here in the city and I want to see you, really I do, but Jeff and I need to talk. Right now. So I was hoping (As long as this isn't messing up your travel or any other schedule) that you could come by tomorrow after Jeff has had some time to cool down and relax. If you can't I understand and hope you can make arrangements to stop by soon. It's really been too long Ashton Ketchum. Much too long! Tell Pikachu I say Hello and give him a hug for me! I miss him too!

See you soon,


Ash couldn't help but feel a little mad and he handed it over to Brock to read. Brock smiled when he was finished and his look changed when he saw Ash's face.

"What's wrong?"

"Why didn't she tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"That…About… Him."

"Ash why? Why does it even matter?" When Ash's face hardened Brock sighed. "Ash the last time she saw you was four years ago and they hadn't even started dating yet. Misty probably wanted to tell you in person. You know she likes to give big news face to face. Not to mention it wasn't like she could just call us up and fill us in, she didn't even know where we were."Ash sighed. Yeah he knew that. He knew that Misty liked to give significant news in person. And he knew that them not talking in so long was his fault and that even if she had wanted to tell him over the phone she wouldn't have been able to. His face softened.

"Yeah you're right. But man would I give anything to see what she does to him when she sees him." Brock broke out into laughter.

"I was thinking the same thing."

Misty walked toward the tallest building in town, the radio station. Jeff worked there in the technical department. She could not believe he had done this. He KNEW she wanted to see him, he also knew that she loved Jeff… then again maybe he didn't. Misty slowed down a little and thought about this, a minuet ago she wanted to rip his head off. He had a right to be upset. They should have talked about Ash's coming more, and maybe should have even had him there…

'No, I have a right to see whomever I want to. And if he really loved me, he'd trust me and respect that.'

Misty pulled herself together and turned around. By letting her rage subside she had decided she would wait for him to come over tonight. She would just call him and tell him to, and then they could talk, not in front of his boss and co-workers.

When she got home she went to her call box and went through the motions to set up a video call with him. He was busy but came on after about ten minutes.

"Hi honey, what's the problem?" He noted her face and immediately knew she was mad.

"Jeff I need you to over here tonight. We need to talk about something."

"Well I'm not super busy right now why can't we talk now?"

"No this is not some fifteen minute conversation, come here tonight and we'll talk then. Honestly you don't want to have this conversation at work anyway."

"Misty did I do something?" She looked up as her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yes." She disconnected the call and sat back in the chair. "Well at the very least I know Ash wanted to see me, which just makes it all harder." She grumbled and got up to go to the gym. She needed some good training and swimming to think clearly

When Jeff got there he found Misty in the pool. He wasn't sure if that was good or bad, because well it had probably put her in a better mood, but odds were that that meant she'd been in a horrific mood and talking to him would just bring it all back out again. He waved and got her attention and she promptly climbed out and reached for a towel.

"Hay, sweetheart so, we need to talk right?" She sighed and nodded.

"Come on." She gestured towards the door. He knew that meant they were going to go up to the apartment. When they got there Misty pointed to the couch. "Sit, I'm just going to get changed; it'll only take a second." Jeff sat nervously and looked around the room. He couldn't wait to get Misty out of here and into a real home. He knew that she wouldn't see it like that this was to her was a perfectly fine home, but to him it was dump. He had lived in the life of luxury to say the least. He had only come here to Cerulean when he knew he wanted a life with Misty. Jeff was two years older than her, and he had gone to school instead of journeying around as she had done. He respected her life choices, after all he too loved Pokémon, but he knew this would never give a big house, or any of the modern luxuries he had become accustomed to. Even his apartment was luxurious and it was always meant to be temporary.

Misty reemerged in a yellow t-shirt and jeans. She looked at him for a moment before seating herself in the love seat across from the couch. "Jeff…"


"Why the Hell did you send Ash that letter?" Jeff froze. He had written Ash that letter a week or so ago. He figured Misty would never find out so long as Ash never showed up…

"I don't know what you're talking about. What letter?" Misty's eyes narrowed and she sighed.

"Jeff please don't make this worse than it already is." He closed his eyes putting his head in his hands. Then after a moment looked back up at her.

"So he came by?"

"No actually he didn't apparently he was under the impression that I no longer wished to see him."

"Then how did you-"

"Brock on the other hand didn't think I hated him and came over to ask what Ash had done to make me hate him. Apparently Ash stopped by Brock's on his way home as well. What the Hell were you thinking!" Jeff closed his eyes. Yeah she'd been that mad.

"I guess I was thinking I wanted you to respect MY wishes and not see him."

"Jeff you are not in charge of me."

"I'm your boyfriend!"

"Exactly, you are my boyfriend. Not my father, not even my husband but even if you were that would not give you the right to make my decisions for me!"

"So that's what this is about, you think I am trying to take away your independence."

"Don't you dare change this into any of your philosophical crap. This is about exactly what I'm saying it is, my right to see who ever I want whenever I want, and you respecting me and trusting me because apparently you don't!"

"I do trust you Misty I love you-"

"Oh yeah? Then why would you do that!" She had stood now out of anger and Jeff was bracing himself for the decibel to get much louder in here.

"Because I don't trust him."

"If you think Ash has any power over me-"

"Misty you followed the man for three years; tramping around all over the place."

"He ruined my bike; I wanted him to repay me."

"You followed him for three years for a Bicycle?"

"Well we became friends and it was fun after a while."

"And as soon as he came back into Kanto you went running off to meet him."

"We are friends."

"And now all these years later with no contact you STILL want to see him."


"And you have the audacity to be angry with me?" That struck a nerve.

"Stop it! If you honestly thought I loved you, none of this would even matter! Ash hasn't contacted me because he is always moving, you weren't there you've never gone to another town without at least an SUV! We camped and he still does! Not all of us are as privileged as you."

"You say that as if it is a bad thing."

"To some extent it is. Face it Jeff if something happened you wouldn't last five seconds out there. You don't even HAVE a Pokémon!"

"I work in an office; I don't NEED one, and besides what's going to happen anyway?"

"That's not the point."

"Misty this is not about me, or you, it's about him."

"You used my name Jeff. It's about me."

"Well what did you want me to sign it? 'Misty's Boyfriend Jeff'? That would have been stupid."

"No I wanted you not to write it at all."

"Well it's over with anyway, we should just move on."

"It's not over with. He's coming."

"What do you mean he's coming?"

"I mean I wrote him a real letter and gave it to Brock to pass along. So long as he's not busy he is coming tomorrow." Jeff just froze for a moment. Then he sighed.

"Fine, I'll stay home tomorrow and-"



"No I am meeting him here tomorrow privately. If you had wanted to do that originally that would have been different but now I have a lot of damage control to do."

"Then I'll come over after work."

"No Jeff, I want some time. I need to think about this."

"But Misty,"

"No. Jeff I don't know if I can be with a man who would do, well this. I think you should go." Jeff just sat there as if he had forgotten how to speak or move. Finally he blinked and got up.

"I'll call you soon." He said blankly and moved to the door to let himself out. As soon as he had gone Misty collapsed in the chair. She felt like her body had gone numb. She knew she had done the right thing; just sometimes doing the right thing was a lot harder than she wanted it to be.

The next morning Misty felt a little better. A good night's sleep was really all she seemed to have needed. She had gotten up a little earlier than usual. Even if she didn't romantically love Ash she still wanted to look nice, after all it had been four years…

She ended up decided on a nice pair of jeans, and a blue and green tunic. Normally she would have thrown on flats or something but she was going to go work with the Pokémon so she went bare-foot. If Ash had time to stop by that'd be great, if not she had to get some work done.

Misty stopped in front of her mirror. She had thrown her hair up in a pony tail like she usually did, letting her bangs be the only thing remotely in her face. She sighed as she walked back over to her little vanity and brushed it out again this time leaving it down. It really was long, it went half way down her back, but now she looked really nice, maybe a little too nice to be training but what the Hell, it was one day right?

Ash woke up around nine thirty. He had decided to spend the night and had been planning on going over to Misty's gym this morning. He felt a lot better knowing she wanted to see him, but he still didn't know how he felt about her boyfriend. He wasn't really sure why it mattered, he didn't like her like that anymore, but still he had imagined her single, the way she'd been before. Ash shook his head and climbed out of bed getting dressed quickly. Pikachu got up too and watched Ash eventually going around and helping him pack.

"What do you think Buddy? Ready to see Misty?"

"Pika pi!" Pikachu nodded and ran around the room stopping at the door. Ash laughed and he picked up his green back pack.

"Alright Pikachu let's go."

It didn't take long to get to the gym. After all the Pokémon centers were strategically placed near the gyms, and at a strolling pace it took maybe five minutes. That was what Ash was doing, one because he didn't know what he was going to say, and two because watching Pikachu get all excited was amusing. When they got there Ash walked right in. That was what he had always done at gyms and well he wasn't about to change that now, not for this one. Pikachu leapt off of Ash's shoulder and started sniffing around. Ash laughed; sometimes he could swear Pikachu thought he was a Growlithe. He stepped in and was about to call out when Pikachu started down the hall.

"Pikachu!" Ash ran after him down the hallway. He couldn't be sure, but if he was remembering right they were headed straight for the battle arena. Ash looked up and saw the signs advertizing where the four Sensational Sisters' show was and knew he'd been right. Pikachu stopped at the main door when he was there. He couldn't go through because the door was shut so he waited for Ash.

"Pika Pika!"

"Okay Pikachu, I'm coming." Ash got to the door and hesitated for a second, and then he realized he could hear her.

"Come on Poliwhirl! Use water gun! And Seadra avoid it by going under! Poliwhirl do let it stop you, Go!" Ash shook his head. She liked to do that when she was training. She had always done that when they were younger and they had time. She always said that they needed to be strong against their own type and learn what to do automatically for battles; she was there to strategize with them, not be their brains. That was probably why she was one of the best water Pokémon trainers. Ash reached for the door again this time opening it. Pikachu was the first to go through.

"Pika Pi!" He screamed out in excitement and darted over to her. Misty stopped what she was doing and smiled brightly.

"Pikachu!" She reached out her arms and caught the little yellow mouse Pokémon bringing him into a hug. "You look so good, I've missed you!" She was so absorbed in Pikachu she almost didn't notice Ash walking over to her. Misty looked and smiled a certain glittering appearing in her eyes. "Hi Ash."

She leapt off the podium still hugging Pikachu and started walking over to him. Ash was shocked. She looked so different. Her hair was longer, and darker, even a little redder. She looked a little taller and her green eyes were shinning, not to mention she wasn't exactly scrawny anymore, she looked toned. Pikachu climbed onto her shoulder and she went over and hugged him.

"Hi Misty." He was dumbfounded, he had wanted her to be exactly the same but now he could see that she had grown up she wasn't some goofy little girl or teenager anymore. She was, well basically a woman. Then again he had been considering himself a man for while now so he didn't know why Misty wouldn't have grown. They stepped back and Misty reached onto her belt for two poké balls and recalled her Pokémon.

"Come on; we'll go up to my apartment."

"You have an apartment in the gym?"

"Yeah its right upstairs, it's a little small but its fine for one or two people."

"You and that guy Jeff living here?"

"Nope, just me. Jeff lives across town closer to the radio station. That's where he works. Besides I'm eighteen I don't need to be living with my boyfriend yet anyway." Ash smiled, Misty had always been independent, maybe she wasn't all that different after all. "Right up here." Misty opened a door and started up the stairs Ash following. When they got there Ash looked around and smiled, it was plain and simple but beautiful, just like Misty.

"Wow Misty it's really nice in here."

"Thanks Ash here take a seat." Ash smiled and sat down next to Misty on the couch. Pikachu was still very excited and now sitting in her lap. She smiled and patted him and he lit up. She reached into her belt and pulled out three Poké balls. "Hey Pikachu, want to see some old friends?"

"Pikaaaa!" He jumped off her lap and onto the floor as she called them out.

"Come out guys and see an old friend." She couldn't help but smile as she watched as Golduck, Starmie, and Seadra came out and saw Pikachu. They all excitedly danced around each other calling out and playfully 'attacking'. The water Pokémon drizzling water on Pikachu, and Pikachu sending little shocks at them. "They're like kids." Misty said laughing softly.

"Yeah" Ash said nodding in agreement. That's when they started talking. Just as with Brock they asked about each other, the trip, the family and then the Pokémon. By the time Misty had started to feel like they might be running out of topics she looked up and saw it was about three o'clock. She and Ash had been talking for five and a half hours.

"Hey we've been here a while are you hungry… wait stupid question, c'mon let's eat." She smiled as she stood pulling out her poké balls. Of course Golduck ignored it and kept playing with Pikachu who looked a little too amused. "Seriously Golduck you haven't done this since we were with Ash!"

"I guess I'm the common variable."

"Or Pikachu." Misty sighed. She wouldn't have really cared leaving them out to play while they went, but she couldn't let the bad behavior go unnoticed or punished. "Golduck c'mon you know I can't let you stay out now."


"C'mon into your ball you'll eat with everyone else later, and if you go in now you can play later okay?" Golduck nodded and went into the ball this time.

"Wow he really listens to you now."

"He always just needed patience, and a little persuasion, but he does attack when I tell him to now at least. Anyway let's go."

"What no home cooking?"

"Don't make fun of me because I can't cook. I'm better at it than you."

"I wasn't making fun of you it was a legitimate question."

"What am I your mother?" They both laughed as they walked out of the gym and Misty led them towards town center.

"God I hope not!" was Ash's slightly delayed response.

"What I could be a great mother!"

"That's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean?" Ash turned and looked in the other direction. He was just playfully flirting like they'd always done but he didn't really know how to respond to that. Luckily Misty picked up on what she had said and changed the topic, or well kind of. "Speaking of mothers how is yours? Have you told her you were coming home?" Ash smiled he was really glad he didn't have to answer that question, and this one was way easier to answer anyway.

"Nope I decided to surprise her and my Dad."

"Have you even seen your Dad since he got back?"

"Not in person, we've video monitor called and stuff but that's it."

"Must be nice though, to know he's back. I bet he's really proud of you."

"For what?"

"You've been on an eight year journey, that's an accomplishment!"

"But I haven't even really done anything that special." No sooner had he said this two little boys came running up.

"You're Ash Ketchum!" The first sated.

"Can you sigh our pokédex?"

"Didn't accomplish much hun?" Ash glared at her and took the pokédex from both signing them with their names. They thanked him and ran off to show their friends.

"I didn't think anyone in Kanto would remember me."

"Ash you're the guy from Kanto everyone is rooting for to be Master."


"You're one of the few that's gone on to the other places like Joto. Everyone knows you're good, and anyone who sees you with your Pokémon knows how great you are with them." Misty rarely complimented, especially Ash. She always said how he had a big enough head to begin with, and that she didn't need to add to it.

"Thanks Mist." She smiled then out of the corner of her eye she saw a man in the bushes with a camera.

"Crap. They see me…oh no us."


"The paparazzi. Ever since I was voted hardest gym leader in Kanto they've been all over the place, and now they see me with you, the expected to be master." She shut her eyes and sighed. "And they see me with you and not Jeff." Now Ash got where she was going. They were going to put that Misty had a new love interest in the tabloids. "Oh geese." Ash looked over to see Misty staring at her feet.

"What?... oh" She was barefoot.

"I totally forgot to put on shoes."

"Why would you do that?"

"I don't know I wasn't thinking about my shoes!"

"Too busy thinking about me?" Ash smirked and Misty glared.

"Shh! They'll hear you!" She looked at the store up ahead and smiled. "Come on quick little stop."


"Ash I can't walk around without shoes." She walked right in noting the stares from the woman behind the counter. "Hi Linda, um I forgot my shoes again so I'm going to buy a pair, and these hair ties."

"Why don't you just go home and get them? Tabs after you again?"

"Yeah plus I was walking around with him so I want to look a little more casual now."

"Okay I'll ring it up. Who are you anyway?" She now had her attention on Ash who was standing by the door a little dumbfounded.

"Ash Ketchum."

"Oh my gosh you're Ash Ketchum, THE Ash Ketchum? The soon to be Pokémon Master?"

"If I'm lucky maybe." Misty reappeared in sneakers and with her hair already tied up in a pony tail. It wasn't exactly a side pony tail but Ash noticed that it was more to her left than in the center.

"Oh Ash please luck will have nothing to do with it, besides with your luck you should be grateful for that." Ash glared over at her and punched her playfully in the arm.

"Come on weren't we going to get something to eat?"

"I'm set now come on." Pikachu jumped up on Misty's shoulder as they exited saying good bye to Linda as they left.

They were almost at the restaurant when a man came running towards them. Misty glared and narrowed her eyes.

"Jeff what are you doing here?"

"We need to talk right now, I'm sorry but it's urgent."

"Fine. Sorry Ash I'll be right back."

"Okay no problem Mist." Misty went with Jeff over by a bench at the park across from where Misty had planned on eating with Ash.

"Okay what's so urgent?"

"We just got a call at the radio station that I thought you should see. Here I wrote it out." He handed her the piece of paper and she started to read it.

Is the boyfriend of the Misty of Cerulean in the station?

Uh… well… um….

He might like to know he won't be seeing her ever again.

The script was from the sound bite room it printed in that text and that way they could easily print things out like this.

"I'm going to tell Ash, but thank you for telling me Jeff."

"Misty what if it is Ash?"

"Jeff Ash is one of my best friends."

"Misty you haven't seen him in four years!"

"Yeah but I've spent the whole day with him, trust me he's the same person."

"I want to come over tonight."

"Jeff that's sweet but honestly you're useless. I'll be fine. I'm in the gym with all my Pokémon and Ash will walk me home."

"I don't want you staying alone."

"Jeff you are the heaviest sleeper ever. Not to mention once again you don't have Pokémon."

"Ask for someone to come over then." Misty hesitated. She knew that if this was serious the best thing to do would be to call Brock and have Ash stay, but she also knew Jeff was not going to go for that, not to mention it would take Brock a couple of hours to get here. "You want Ash to stay don't you?"

"I mean if it's a serious threat then, yes Ash is probably the best person, if he could even stay and I was thinking of calling Brock too."

"So every important man in your life minus the only man who's actually been here."

"Jeff please don't look at it that way."

"I know why you think I'm useless but don't you think I'm a better choice than them? I love you Misty I would never let anything happen to you."

"Jeff you would never want anything to happen to me, but you would never be able to stop it. If I can't take care of myself by myself then I seriously need them. Not to mention that I still think we need some time apart."

"Fine." He grumbled obviously unhappy "But you'll call me in the morning?"

"Yes I'll let you know that I'm alright in the morning."

"And you'll call me if they can't stay."


"Enjoy whatever it is you are doing then."

When Ash found out what was happening he knew he was staying even before Misty asked him to. He was not going to leave her alone with that kind of a threat out on her. As for Brock he promised to leave in an hour after she had called. After she had called Brock they had actually eaten their late lunch and Brock promised to make dinner when he got there, which was great considering he was the cook of the three of them. When they got back to the gym Misty would let all the Pokémon out in the pool, they usually slept in another pool and ate in there too because this one was closer to the entrance and her sisters had always feared intruders would steal one of the strictly show Pokémon. She had just left it like that out of habit, but tonight she was going to be in need of some comfort and guards. After they had eaten she would tell them that they needed to be extra careful tonight and watch the gym. They all would take this very seriously. The ones that could be out of the water for long periods of time she would give permission to come up with her or walk around and long as they were good, and carful. This was going to be some night.

They ate at their leisure but as soon as they were done they returned right to Misty's apartment in the gym. Brock wasn't due to leave for at least another half hour and even though Misty was confident that no one could really threaten one of the best gym leaders in Kanto but she was unnerved so she let all the Pokémon out and fed them early like she had planned. Starmie and Golduck came with her.

"Starmie, Golduck don't you two want to stay down here with everyone else?" They both responded in a way that Misty knew meant they wanted to be with her. Misty rested a hand on each of them and petted them lovingly. She wasn't the most sentimental girl but she knew she had some amazing Pokémon.

Ash called back to Brock to check in and double check times before he came back up to the apartment. When he got there he saw Misty had moved the couch to the far side of the room in front of the window, the two chairs she had, one love seat and one recliner, she had moved onto the other two walls in the room. On each she had placed sheets and pillows, with one set on the floor. Currently she was sitting on the couch with her knees up to her chin and Golduck and Starmie next to her. She looked unnerved. Ash didn't blame her, he would too if it was the other way around.

"Hey Mist how you holding out?" He asked as he came in and sat down next to her and Starmie, and Pikachu jumped into her lap. His voice seamed to snap her out of her trance and she looked at him.

"Ash, something just doesn't feel right about this."

"Misty it's a threat it's not supposed to feel right."

"No I mean, oh I don't know I guess… I guess I mean that I feel like it's going to happen. I'm scared."

"You don't need to be scared, I'm here Brock is leaving for here in about fifteen minutes, and we have all our Pokémon." She nodded but he knew it didn't seem to matter. He could see it in her bright green eyes. Ash was about to say something else when there was a knock at the door.

"Who's that?"

"I don't know it can't be Brock, I'll get the door. Pikachu stay with Misty, Golduck, and Starmie." Misty gave a slight node and the three Pokémon stood defensively in front of her. Ash reached for and opened the door.

So that was the beginning. I already started the next chapter so I should have it out by Sunday. And as a side note, the way Misty was dating Jeff four and a half years ago and saw Ash four years ago was because there was this episode after she had come off the show where she went to meet up with them for a while so I was counting that. This chapter has been Re-edited so if you note any changes that's why.