Author has written 7 stories for Naruto, Sailor Moon, and Shugo Chara!. name crimsonkira formerly ByakuganHyuuga360 age fourteen gender female Hi everyone! I'm going to be completely honest - writing isn't usually my thing, and neither is reading books, but fanfiction is seriously a great time killer! When I'm not playing on Ragnarok Online, watching anime, blogging (tumblr LOL), or drawing anyway. I hope you'll enjoy reading my disappointingly short/discontinued fanfictions! You're not the only one mourning. some fandoms & otps Naruto Sasuke x Hinata Neji x Hinata Shikamaru x Temari Naruto x SakuraSailor Moon dem canon ships (you know what i'm talking about)Free! ... not even gonnaLOL that's about it. Actually Naruto is the only active fandom but I added the other two anime because, well, why not? It makes my bio longer. :D Anyway, thanks for reading this pointless combination of 26 letters! I hope you'll keep me in your mind as you read what little stories I have. wink, wink. other places to further stalk tumblr instagram yeah that's about it HAHAHA- crimsonkira p.s. sasuke for life. |
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