*There are three Christmas one-shots and a New Year's one-shot. None are connected! They are all one shots and completely apart, 4 completely different stories. All . . . filled with Christmas spirit. Yeah, let's go with that. lol
Disclaimer: I own nothing of Rick Riordan's.*
(Christmas one-shot #1)
(Annabeth's 1st person POV)
"So . . . you're coming, right?" I asked. I'd Iris-Messaged Percy to ask if he'd wanted to go to Camp Half-Blood for three weeks during our winter break.
"Definitely," Percy said, smirking.
"Great. See you Tuesday?"
"See you Tuesday," he said. "Percy!" I heard his mother shout.
"In my room, Mom," Percy called over his shoulder. Then he grinned at me. "Got to go, Wise Girl. See you later."
"Wait, Percy, I-" But he'd already swiped his hand through the Mist, breaking the connection.
I love you, I mouthed the rest of my uncompleted sentence. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, sitting back on my heels. Percy and I have only been dating for four months, but we've known each other for four years. Really, 'I love you' was something we should have said a long time ago.
I got up from the floor of my room in the house I was staying in to be closer to the Empire State Building. Grabbing my trunk from under my bed, I started packing. T-shirts, jeans, flip flops, my teddy bear (Don't tell anyone!) and everything else I needed.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
When I arrived at camp Tuesday afternoon, Thalia was the first one to greet me.
"Hey!" I said, hugging my best friend. "You're here!"
"Yeah," she said, flipping dark hair out of her eyes. Her black hair, I noticed, had grown a few inches past her shoulders. "All the Hunters are here."
"That's great," I said. "Is Grover here too?"
Thalia linked her arm through mine and walked with me to the Athena cabin. She smirked. "Annabeth, everyone is already here. Travis, Connor, Nico, even Percy is already here."
"Percy is already here?" I asked.
"Upset I beat you to camp, Wise Girl?" a teasing voice said, a voice I would know anywhere.
Percy fell into step beside me, a grin on his face, his green eyes shining.
"Yeah right, Seaweed Brain," I said, smiling and reaching up to kiss him. I intwined my fingers with his.
"Oh, gross," Thalia said, wrinkling her nose. "Wait till I leave before you start getting all mushy." She quickly left for the Big House, leaving us alone. Well, almost alone.
"Hey, the lovebirds are back!" Travis Stoll bellowed.
"Back to the Canoe lake!" Clarisse grunted, and before we knew it, they'd hoisted us onto their shoulders and started for the lake. We landed in the water with a big splash, sinking to the bottom. Like before, Percy made an air bubble so I could breathe.
"I missed you," I said, wrapping my hands around his neck and inching closer.
I missed you too, he mouthed, since I couldn't hear him. After that, he kissed me, and it was complete bliss.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"So, guess what?" Percy said as we climbed out of the lake. I stood on the dock dripping wet while he was completely dry.
"Um, you're going to dry me off?" I said, wringing out my hair.
He blushed. "Well, no, but here . . ." he touched my arm, and pretty soon I was completely dry. My arm burned from his touch.
"So what is it?" I asked. He took my hand, and we headed back for lunch.
"Well," he said, "What if I told you I got you something for Christmas?"
"Then I would kick your butt," I joked.
He rolled his eyes. "Well, start kicking then," he joked back. When I playfully raised my foot he jumped back.
"I'm kidding!" I laughed.
"Right. Yeah, I knew that. Anyway," he said, "It's nothing special."
"I'm sure I'll love it," I said softly, hoping it wasn't a pile of seaweed or something.
He met my eyes. "I hope so. But you're not getting it until tomorrow."
"What?" I fake whined. "No fair."
"Totally fair," he said, giving me a teasing kiss on the lips.
"But why wait until tomorrow?" I asked once he pulled away.
"Because . . . I don't know. I just want to."
I rolled my eyes.
Throughout the rest of the day, Percy and I rarely saw each other as we went through our camp activities. And when we did during his archery lesson . . . well, it didn't turn out so good.
I rode my pegasus across camp after landing safely to the ground from a flying lesson. As I passed Percy I saw him look up at me, and his awed expression made me blush, which only made me blush harder for blushing.
Unfortunately, he was so busy staring at me the bow-and-arrow in his hand starting tilting to the left.
"Percy!" Chiron cried, grabbing his arm. In surprise, Percy let the arrow fly, narrowly missing Clarisse's head.
"You corpse-breath worm!" Clarisse yelled. "You almost hit me!"
I covered my mouth, stiffling a laugh.
Percy blushed. "Sorry. I was distracted."
Clarisse saw me, and she scowled. "Distracted, huh?" she grunted. "Go away, princess. You're making Percy an even worse archer than he already is."
This time, Percy and I both blushed. Thalia, Nico, Grover and a bunch of watching campers were howling with laughter. I quickly sped away before Percy really shot someone, though when I turned, Chiron was keeping all bow-and-arrows far away from Percy's reach.
I rode away, laughing too.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"Goodnight," Percy said.
"Goodnight, Seaweed Brain," I said back, wrapping my hands around his neck.
He leaned forward and kissed me softly. My arms tightened, and his arms squeezed the breath out of me.
"Hey, there are kids here!" Nico called. "Get a room."
I pulled away, my face hot.
Percy rubbed the back of his neck. "So, um, see you tomorrow?"
In responce, I pecked him on the lips, turned, and opened the door to my cabin.
"See you," Percy said, heading for his cabin. I watched him until he dissapeared into his own cabin before retreating into mine. After pulling on my pajamas I crawled into bed, and was asleep in no time.
And I had a horrible dream. Because Hera was in it.
"Hera," I said, scowling. I crossed my arms over my chest. "What an unpleasant surprise."
Her form flickered. She was wearing all black, and her image seemed fuzzy, but it was definitely the same Hera.
"You would do well to treating me with some respect, Annabeth Chase."
"I don't treat anyone who is always trying to make me step in cow poo with respect," I said coldly. "What do you want?"
"I am in terrible danger. I am trapped. Gleeson Hedge has found two demigods, and there will be a special package, a third demigod. You must retrieve him and get him to camp safely."
"Is that all?" I asked, wishing she would let me out of this nightmare.
"No." Her eyes flickered to mine. "Percy is missing. Gleeson will need back up. Go to the Grand Canyon, where they will be. Find the boy with one shoe. He will be a key in freeing me."
"Why would we want to do that?" I grumbled.
Hera's eyes flashed. "You are not helping yourself, girl. Do not anger me. Remember I am the queen of the gods. And I can choose whether or not to help you find Percy."
I scoffed. "He doesn't need finding. He's in his bed, fast asleep."
"Is he?" Hera pursed her lips. "Maybe you should check again."
"Did you do something to him?" I demanded.
Hera thought for a moment. "It was essential. A risky move, but it was to be done."
"Do what?" I asked.
"Never mind. I have said too much already. Go to the Grand Canyon. Find the boy with one shoe, if you want to find Percy."
And with that happy note, the dream faded, and I woke up to complete darkness. I scrambled out of bed and searched for my flip flops, pulling them on.
When I checked my clock, it said four o' clock in the morning. Great. But I didn't care. I had to see for myself that Hera was lying. Percy will be fast asleep in his bed, drooling on his pillow.
I marched over to the Poseidon cabin and went in. I immediately turned and . . .
Percy was gone.
"No," I said. "No, no, no." I glared at the ceiling. "Hera, you evil . . ." I didn't finish the thought. Suddenly it hit me, like a whiplash.
Percy was gone. And I have no idea where he is. What had Hera said? Go to the Grand Canyon.
I sat on Percy's bed, letting my traitor tears fall into my lap, when I noticed the velvet box on the bedside table. It was covered with what looked like an old shirt, but I could see the corner sticking out. I carefully peeled back the shirt. Definitely a velvet box. I carefully opened the lid.
I gasped out loud. I was . . . I was speechless.
It was a diamond necklace. Nothing fancy, but I always was kind of old-fashioned. It was a good-sized diamond hanging from a thick chain with smaller diamonds going up the chain on both sides of the bigger diamond. Curious, I took it out and held it on my palm. When I flipped it over, I saw tiny holes in the back, essential for all reals jewels to 'breathe.' This was a real diamond necklace.
This doesn't mean it's for you, I mentally told myself.
Check again, my mind told me. I studied the necklace, and after a moment I could make out a scribble of words on one side of the chain. I could read it easily. It was engraved in Ancient Greek.
I love you Wise Girl
Oh my gods. This was what he was going to give me. And he finally told me he loved me, in a totally cheezy romantic gesture, but a sweet one all the same.
After that, I lost track of the time, of everything.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(6 months later)
I held my necklace tightly in my hand as the ship slowed to land at Camp Jupiter. Thanks to Jason's memory returning, he was able to tell us the name of the camp.
Percy was down there, and I was terrified he wouldn't recognize me. If he didn't know me, I would have to make him remember.
"Yo guys, we're here!" Leo called, eager to get off the ship. "Dang, those are some tough lookin' Romans."
"Just don't anger them, okay?" Piper sighed. "No jokes."
"Aww, but I spent the whole ride coming up with some good ones. Like, why did the Roman cross the road?"
I smiled, and Jason grinned, but his tone was serious. "Dude, cracking jokes about them isn't going to help."
"Okay. But don't you want to hear the answer to the joke?"
"No time." Piper pointed. "Look."
We peered over the side, and saw hundreds of campers pouring out. Some looked from seven to twenty-one. I noticed a girl wearing a purple cape, and pretty soon a girl with curly brown hair, a guy with black hair (also wearing a purple cape), and another guy with black hair and a baby-like face joining her.
The guy in the cape with his arms around the curly-haired girl and the baby-faced guy was Percy.
"Oh my gods . . ." I gripped Piper's arm. "I-I see Percy."
"Really?" Piper asked. She squeezed my hand. "That's great."
It was. And it was even better knowing that he was down there waiting for us. Maybe for me.
Once the ship was down, a ramp lowered from the side. Leo, trying to be dramatic, was the first one, and he walked in slow motion. Piper and Jason followed, but I held back, afraid. What if he didn't recognize me?
Piper jerked her head in a come on gesture. I sucked in a breath and slowly descended the ramp. When all of us were on the ground we slowly walked torward the Romans, not wanting to startle them. From their side I could hear them excitedly crying out Jason's name, but my eyes were scanning the crowd for one person.
His sea green eyes met mine, and suddenly, everything went slow, then fast, then slow again. We both started forward, but it seemed like forever to close the distance. Too slow. Then fast, when my arms finally went around him.
"I missed you so much," I crooned, before remembering. He may not know me.
But he said, "I missed you too, Annabeth. Alot," And held me tightly.
Then everything went slow again when he cradled my face in his hands and bent his face torwards mine.
When we finally pulled away, I felt like there was no one here but us. His eyes went down to the necklace. "You found it."
I blushed. "Yeah, it was sort of an accident."
"Well, I'm glad you did."
I bit my lip. "On the inside of the chain, you said you loved me."
"Yeah . . . "
"But I want to hear it from you."
He took my face in his hands again and tilted my face up. "I love you," he said.
I couldn't help but break out into a grin. "And I love you too. Merry . . . late Christmas."
He laughed. "Merry-late Christmas to you too, Wise Girl."
And we closed the gap between us.
*Sorry this was so long. It was longer than I intended it to be. And I know you guys are tired of hearing this, but sorry if it's totally cheesy. But it is a Christmas story, so it's kinda okay. :)*