Reviews for The Weapon
Checkers chapter 13 . 4/26/2017
Hey, good story, but there were some holes in the logic. I don't think shinibi transfers would be an actual thing. How can anyone expect people to trade loyalties just like that? There's no way it would be as easy as handing over a scroll for top-secret village info, trust, and complete citizenship (much less after attacking their sentry!). Also, if it were so, then there is no way the Mist would just hand over their best shinobi (Hinata didn't even try to look like a "common shinobi"). Furthermore, it seems like a rookie mistake for Hinata to use that much power executed flawlessly against every opponent she comes across when she is supposed to be blending in.
Guest chapter 7 . 11/30/2016
Other weaklings... Hahahaha this made me laugh so much
Hinatta chapter 1 . 3/15/2015
Another long Hinata story!
I'll add this story to my Hinata Community
PM me to be staff or if you know of any others!
Look for it here: ...

Tamani chapter 29 . 12/7/2014
A very interesting story that I hope one day you decide to continue! It was very interesting. I personally think that hina will go against the akatsuki to not only further her spot but I would like to think that she would get angry at them for getting rid of her emotions when they themselves are allowed to have some.
Shy Whisper Of Life chapter 27 . 4/22/2014
I love this story. I've read it two times: once, the first time, and the other, when you updated after a long break. I don't know if you're still writing, or able to write, but if it's possible, I'd love for you to update. If you can't finish the story, could you at least tell us what you picture happening, a "barebones" outline of sorts? I would put this in a PM, but I noticed that I can't.

Please update with something as soon as you can. It's been nearly four years, but things happen.

Shy-chan :3
Guest chapter 29 . 2/9/2014
Oh my gosh! This is amazing! I love this story! Please please please update! It would be very much appreciated! Hehe
holmesfreak1412 chapter 1 . 11/19/2013
Please update.

I love this. Not only does it include strong-with-a-spine Hinata but it's Sasuhina so that is enough points for me. It's plausible too. Very well-written. And it is a fic I am sad to have stopped.
hermonine chapter 29 . 10/22/2013
Nice story, update soon!
Guest chapter 23 . 7/22/2013
its too...confusing
BlueBeast chapter 29 . 6/30/2013
Wow THAT WAS AWESOME love the way you made Hinata seem mysterious
aurora0914 chapter 29 . 6/28/2013
Wooo hoooo! Hinata is a girl, now. THIS IS GREAT! SASUKE HAS A CRUSH!
Well, so does Itachi. And Gaara.
rayningnight chapter 29 . 10/21/2012
This is why I hate incomplete stories.
Was so darn good that I couldn't STOP reading (and I was supposed to be doing homework and reading two Book Club books for school mind you) and now I can't even imagine what the heck's going to be happening next. Seriously, I LOVE badass!Hinata, and I haven't read one yet where she actually is better than Sasuke. (Although, sometimes I wish he's better, but whatever.) Plus, although she technically not even Hinata anymore (oh sometimes I miss the stuttering girl...) I love this version of her. Your portrayal is awesome - I LOVE STOIC PEOPLE. I don't know why I always like the emotionless bastards. But I do. And now that you've made Hinata in one, I really, well, like her in this version.
Must find a new one.
Anyway, are you even going to update this? It's been years, and no offense, but you should probably get back to work soon! This is too good of a story to just give up on (Plus you already have 29 chapters done on... may as well finish right?) and simply put:
However, if you do decide to not pursue on this...
That will make a lot of people sad.


PS: Okay, one last thing: when's Hinata going to... well... "blow up" on the Hyuuga family? I don't know why, but I do find it hard to believe that Hiashi would not care in the slightest about his MISSING DAUGHTER. I know most people think he's an emotionless bastard, but really, the guy's not THAT bad. He formally apologized and whatnot (guiltridden) since his brother's (Neji's father's) death, so shouldn't he also be hung about his daughter?
Sigh. Sorry. I'm blabbering.
And what about Hanabi? We never really got an in-depth description of her as of yet. Is she like the 'canon' Hinata, or is she like a girl-version of Neji?
Can't wait!
MyLiloITAChIassasin chapter 29 . 10/3/2012
momijiinubashiri chapter 16 . 8/7/2012
Itachi will not be happy to learn about what his brother was about to do to sure the other akatsuki members wont be happy to learn that hes destroying all they worked gonna kill him,Itachis gonna kill him.
kandita chapter 29 . 3/19/2012
You really need to update
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