Please see first chapter for disclaimer, rating, warnings, pairings, etc.

Special Thanks: goes out to Kia-B, Kibachow, TheValkyrieGladiator, Sachiko Heiwajima, Hawkllama, RikuDai, moonlightclock, CrimsonNight41, unknown90s, Fanfiction Bard, 11, wolf-enzeru, necee90, Guest, narutofreak23, alex, NeverInUrWildestDreams, Sasuhina fan, orangemystery, ImCutePoison, misao97, Eerie Ava, Tamani, 1MoreInMe1, Saki-Hime, fray, kirk, rao hyuga 18, and xXYour DoomXx for all your wonderful reviews - you've helped me break 500, a new record for me! And so many favorites and follows, both for me and the story, wow! Thank you all so very much for your support throughout this story - this epilogue is for you all!

Author's Note: I really can't believe this story is done! I mean - it was done a while back, when I finished writing it, but it feels like I'm just now typing The End again now as I post this final installment. I've really enjoyed this ride with you all, with the ups and downs of Sasuke and Hinata's journey together. Thank you all again so much for your support, and I hope you enjoy this epilogue!


~Six Months Later~

The bold colors of a bouquet of sunflowers. The light of the sun gently gilding a rippling field of winter-browned grass. The movement of the breeze through the bare tree branches, sending patterns of shadows dancing across the ground.

A year ago, he would have taken them all for granted. Sasuke wouldn't have noticed the quiet beauty of any of it, nor even cared it existed. He would have walked right past the golden-brown grass; registered the movement in the trees only by the sounds of limbs faintly creaking, and the feel of the breeze through his hair; and not even glanced at, let alone had, the bouquet of sunflowers.

But now, having experienced the terrible darkness blindness had wrought upon him (even though, thankfully, only temporarily), Sasuke refused to take anything for granted again. He did things now he never would have done before his blindness.

He took the time to stop and watch the sunset. Or run his hand along the rough bark of a strong old tree, admiring the contrast of the brown trunk and tender green of forming buds. But most of all, he enjoyed watching Hinata. Her lavender eyes, pale skin, flowing midnight hair, graceful movements...

He fell in love with her because of her good heart, gentle spirit, and healing touch. Sasuke had gotten far deeper glimpses of her true beauty while blind than he did looking at her with his physical eyes; and that was why he loved her. She was beautiful both inside and out. Sad though it was to admit, he wasn't sure he'd ever have noticed her if not for his blindness.

The one-time bane of his existence had turned into his greatest blessings. It brought Hinata into his life. It precipitated healing and forgiveness with his brother. It turned him into a better man, and a better shinobi - in that order.

Despite the pain, and the frustration, and the anger, if Sasuke had to do it all over again, he would. Willingly.

Tucking his hand into his pocket, Sasuke turned his steps along a well-worn path. He'd been back on the duty roster for a couple of months, Team Kakashi slipping right back into their comfortable routine. Occasionally Sai, Sasuke's temporary replacement, still accompanied them on missions; which surprisingly never felt as awkward as he'd thought it would be.

A gusty wind blew past him, carrying the crisp chill of February. It never got cold enough in Konoha to snow, but there had been several days where coats and gloves had been necessary if one had business outdoors. Although windy, today was sunny and relatively clear, allowing the sunlight to illuminate his path. Sasuke flickered a glance up at the arch as he passed under it, then allowed his gaze to slide over the hundreds of familiar grey headstones before coming to rest on the one he'd come to visit.

Sasuke approached quietly, thoughts turning backward as they always did. He knelt in front of the stone, eyes tracing the engraving of his brother's name.

Itachi had lived almost a month after the eye transplant, dying with one of his hands tightly clasped between both of Sasuke's. It had given the brothers time for further reconciliation: to relive old good memories and make so many new ones. The time had been bittersweet but healing for both of them, and Sasuke was glad they'd had the opportunity. It gave him an entirely new insight to the brother he'd thought he'd known so well, but realized he'd never really known at all.

It had been twenty-six days Sasuke wouldn't trade for anything. After the funeral, when Lady Tsunade allowed Itachi to be buried in Konoha's graveyard for fallen shinobi after finally being made privy to the truth of the brothers' history, Sasuke had come back once a day. After a month or so, he started coming every other day. Since he'd returned to the duty roster, he came once every week he wasn't out on a mission.

"Thank you, Itachi." Laying the bouquet of sunflowers at the foot of the stone, he started the visit the same way he did every time, knowing he couldn't thank his brother enough for every difficult thing he'd done. Even now he couldn't fully comprehend how hard it must have been for his older brother to make the choices he'd made, but Sasuke knew he and Konoha were the better because he had.

"I miss you." The words slipped out, surprising Sasuke. Though true, of course, he hadn't allowed himself to admit it aloud. Doing so made his brother's death feel more real, more permanent. More painful.

Letting go of his hatred had been so hard. Sometimes he'd woken in the night with bloodlust running through his veins, the thirst for vengeance sour on his tongue. But Sasuke had fought past it and gained a closeness with Itachi he hadn't possessed even as a child, when he'd idolized his big brother.

Had he traveled a different path, his original path... He wondered, sometimes, where he would have wound up. He didn't like to think about it often.

The wind rustled through the trees again, bringing with it the familiar scent which he still couldn't quite pin down. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw Hinata approaching, a gentle smile on her face, a bouquet of flowers cradled in her arms.

For a moment, just a single blink of time, Sasuke saw a blanket-wrapped bundle in her arms instead. The idea of being a father terrified him in a way, but at the same time he thought Itachi would have very much enjoyed being an uncle.

And Hinata, he knew for sure, would certainly be a wonderful mother.

Her pale gaze touched Sasuke's face as palpably as a physical caress. She knelt beside him, shoulder brushing his as she leaned forward and placed the hothouse flowers on Itachi's grave. "Thank you," she said softly, in an unconscious echo of Sasuke.

He had a feeling she thanked Itachi for much the same things.

Reaching out, Sasuke took Hinata's hand in his. For a long time they sat side by side, gazing at Itachi's grave. He knew they were both reliving memories, going over their individual gratitudes one-by-one.

"You know," Sasuke said at length, glad when his voice didn't disturb the peaceful blanket of calmness enveloping them, "Itachi told me something before he died. I've been waiting for the right time to share it with you, and I think now is it."

Hinata turned her head to look at him, the brisk breeze teasing strands of her long dark hair across her face. Her eyes brimmed with equal parts puzzlement and curiosity, and Sasuke marveled again at how right it felt to have her in his life.

"I'd been focused on just two things for the past decade or so," Sasuke began. He reached out and brushed Hinata's hair away from her face with his free hand, smiling as she closed her eyes and leaned into his touch as he cupped her jaw. But he could tell by her expression she still listened, so he continued. "One of which, as you know, was exacting revenge on my brother."

Nodding slightly, Hinata opened her eyes and met his. Not for the first time, Sasuke wondered what she saw when she looked into those eyes - one his, one his brother's - but he pushed the thought away. Perhaps he'd ask the question someday, but for now, he had another more important one in mind.

"The other thing," he continued, "was rebuilding my clan. After I killed Itachi, I knew I wanted to make sure the Uchiha would not die out with me. Though my thoughts about Itachi changed, my second goal still lingered in my mind. When I mentioned it to Itachi, he pointed out to me something I hadn't realized. Any woman could help me rebuild the Uchiha force, he said, but it would take a rare woman, a certain woman, to rebuild the Uchiha family. My clan was always proud and confident, but we were lacking in other equally important areas."

He saw understanding light Hinata's eyes as he shifted so he faced her completely, and took both her hands in his. The wind blew again, this time in a gentler way; Sasuke liked to think it was Itachi cheering him on. "I love you, Hinata. You brought light back into my world, both inside and out, and I am so incredibly thankful to you for that. Please allow me to try to repay your kindness by letting me love you as your husband for the rest of my days." Sasuke had put a lot of thought into his proposal. He felt slightly ridiculous, saying those flowery words, but Hinata deserved them. While a strong woman, she was also gentle. She deserved to be treated gently.

Hinata blinked, and a single tear trickled down her cheek. Sasuke quickly whisked it away with his thumb, anxiety stirring in his chest. He hadn't meant to make her cry!

But then she reached up and took his face in both her hands, her fingers warm against his chilled cheeks. She smiled, a thousand beautiful words of love shining from her eyes as she whispered, "I accept, but only if you allow me to love you as your wife for the rest of my days."

The breath Sasuke hadn't even realized he'd been holding rushed out of him on a half-sigh, half-laugh. Leaning forward, he kissed Hinata carefully, reverently, before pulling back and pressing his forehead against hers.

Looking at Hinata with his own eye and his brother's, he saw in her the beautiful light that had shone into his darkness; and he felt, for the first time since his clan's massacre, complete.

*~The End~*

Author's Ending Notes: I can't believe this story is done! I wrote the words The End a while back, but it feels like I'm doing it all over again as I post this. Blind Faith challenged me in so many ways, and I think I've grown as a writer and as a person throughout the experience. I'm so thankful to all of you who shared this journey with me, and for all the support you've showed me by reviewing, favoriting, following, and even just reading it. You helped me reach the 500 review mark - and then move beyond it! It's a new horizon for me, and I couldn't have done it without all of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you all. I hope you've enjoyed reading Blind Faith as much as I did writing it, and I hope to see you all again for future projects!