![]() Author has written 14 stories for Alex Rider, Harry Potter, Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Valkyrie Profile, Hetalia - Axis Powers, Final Fantasy VII, and Bleach. I dub myself: the fanfiction collector. This profile and the 700 and growing favorites in it stand witness to the madness that overtakes me, born from the hollowness in my soul. Or I am bored and empty inside and fanfiction makes me feel like I'm living. oOoOo Quotes "I always knew that there was something strange about McDonald's burgers" -Alex Rider from Challenge "Only in America do banks leave the doors open and chain the pens to the counters." "A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic." "If you kill ten, you're a serial killer. If you kill thousand, you're a warhero." "Great. I'm subconsciously psychoanalysing myself admist mortal combat against a cockroach on steroids" -Gohan from A Tale of Supremacy 156) Sephiroth Memorial Escape Clause Any misdeed up to and including multiple genocide is forgiveable if you're cool enough. --The Grand List of Console Role Playing Games Cliches "Sanity was overrated anyway. No one seemed to have much to begin with." -Harry Potter in Reing of Power "World is run by irony." -Me "People are like fruit. Society waits for them to ripen up before they squeeze the juices out of them." -My friend, an interesting fellow. "After all, killers simplified are really just control freaks with a taste for carnage." -Grimmjow in Dance Macabre oOoOo About my stories: Not anymore: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon fic, longer than I first thought it would be. I think this is my first "real" story, this is more serious and this has more depth. Complete. Can't let Alex down: Short one-shot about Sabina, who is captured and tortured. Complete. Onko se sittenkään niin helppoa? (Is it really that easy?): Little one-shot about Draco and how he tries to learn the Killing Curse. This is written in Finnish. Complete . Happy thoughts, Happy thoughts: Yu-Gi-Oh fic, my first one. I've wanted to write something like this for a long time, but I just haven't got the right idea. It was fun to write Yami Marik. Second chapter is published. Meus Socius: Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume fic, I love the game and this is my first fic to it. I'm planning another but first I have to write this. This is about Wylfred's thoughts when he killed his companions with the Plume and also "what if Plume would have influenced him more?", so that he'd be even more of a monster than in C path. Wylfred is rather OOC in this. Chapter seven is published, maybe someday I'll return to this. Gram: Another Valkyrie Profile: CotP fic. It was very fun thing to write and I managed to slip few nice cameos from characters in other genres to it, they are fairly easy to spot, but I like the idea of those characters in there, it would be too cool if they were in Valkyrie Profile universe. This has only few mentions of violence, but nothing more. Complete. Heroes: My first Final Fantasy VII fic and my first Sephiroth fic. Sephiroth explains what he thinks of heroes. This is the result when you listen to One Winged Angel for and hour straight and analyze Sephiroth's way of thinking. Complete. To control the Moon: Just a mindless ficlet about Sephiroth's thoughts concerning the moon, I tried to bring the Nibelheim incident to it, 'cause I've been having few problems with his thought patterns concerning that particular event. Complete. Pandemonium: My first Bleach fic, finally. I was listening to Fear of Domination's "Pandemonium" and Grimmjow being my favorite character I thought the song fit him and this is the result. I wanted it to be more detailed or even chronologic, but it went and wrote itself in an oddly vague manner. Complete Happy Birthday, King: This is a fic I wanted to write for a long time. Basically, it's Ichigo and Hollow Ichigo interacting and Ichigo more or less admitting to himself that he loves fighting/killing. This is rather light and vaguely humorous in tone, but contains some violence and bloodshed. This also contains some of the first fight scenes I've written, ever, I'm rather proud of the fact that I managed to write them. This was written as a birthday gift for the Ichigo cosplayer I've been cosplaying with, hence the title and the idea. Complete. Rage is a Weapon: Again, Hollow Ichigo and Ichigo are in it, it's told from the Hollow's point of view. I wanted to achieve something emotional, something beautiful in it's own way and I like to think I captured the insanity and the bloodlust of the moment quite nicely. Every one of those warnings in this is serious. Complete. Painting: Hetalia fic, it went rather well if you ask from me. It's basically just mindless torture, written for relaxation. Russia tortures Spain to death is the main idea, just written in a very morbid way. No pairings. Complete. oOoOo |