![]() Hello Everyone - My name is DeliaDee and I'm a fanfiction addict. (Hello DeliaDee). Okay, I'm also a little silly but I'm old (50) and an artist (photographer) so I like to call myself 'eccentric' rather than 'just plain weird.' I was obsessed with Harry Potter fanfiction for a few years before adding Torchwood and Doctor Who (2 other obsessions) to the mix. Of course, while I am a writer as well as an artist, I can't for the life of me figure out how to write a good fanfiction and so choose to leave the writing to the rest of you fine folk and spend my time reading and recommending every well-written fanfic I can get my grubby little hands on. As far as books go, I have an unapologetic obsession with all things Harry Potter but am also quite passionate about Lord of the Rings. His Dark Materials is a big favourite as well. I just love the written word. Dr. Suess and Lewis Carroll are every bit as at home on my bookshelves as Proust and Dickens. Film-wise, the HP and LotR films are comfort food to me (odd, since I don't really like the HP films and literally hate the last four; they're all I've got in terms of live action HP, though, so I must have them readily available). Yes, they are my mashed potatoes for dinner and chocolate (yet another addiction) for dessert. If I've had a bad day, I pop one of them into the player and drift away happily. I love fantasy movies, as well as independent films, dark comedy, and good political and/or historical dramas. I'm also a big fan of British television especially Torchwood and Doctor Who (gotta love Jack/Ianto - as often as possible and wherever I find them). Well, that's my little summary for those of you give a hoot. For those of you who don't...oh well. :) By the way, I am a very proud Hufflepuff and would go over to the dark side for Jason Isaacs or magically turn into a gay man for John Barrowman. I also can't figure out whether I want to be River Song or marry her - though I definitely want to shag her! :) And now, on with the fanfiction! |