10-year-old Harry Potter sat in his cupboard under the stairs with his knees drawn up to his chest and a notebook balanced on his knees. That day in one of his lessons his teacher asked her students to write a letter to a relative they didn't know. This relative could be alive or dead. Harry decided to write to his parents, seeing as they had died when he had been just a baby leaving him to grow up with his aunt and uncle. Sighing, he put pencil to paper and began to write.

Dear Mum and Dad,

I know that you don't know me very well, but I'm your son Harry. You died when I was just a baby. Do you watch me from up in heaven? Were you watching when Dudley and his gang were chasing me and I jumped on the roof? Did you help me up there? Were you the ones that helped me hair grow over night when Aunt Petunia cut it short? It's the only explanation I can come up with because I couldn't be the one doing it like Aunt Petunia says can I? I get so confused cause she says I do them but I'm not sure how. I wish I were living with you instead of them.

If I were, would you make me special breakfasts just because Mum? Like Aunt Petunia does with Dudley? Would you teach me how to ride a bike and to play football Dad? I bet you were a real fast runner like me right Dad? Mr. Peters said I'm the fastest runner in my year. He's the Phys Ed teacher. It's my favorite class cause no one can yell at me for being better at it then Dudley. Aunt Petunia yells me at if I do better then Dudley in everything else. But she says Phys Ed is dumb so she doesn't get mad about that. You wouldn't get mad if I did good would you Mum? You and Dad would be proud of me right?

I wish you were here. I miss you a lot though I don't know you very well. I wish I did. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon won't show me any pictures of you so I don't know what you look like. Can I guess? Aunt Petunia said I have your eye color Mum so I know your eyes were green like mine. I don't look much like Aunt Petunia so I guess I look like you Dad. Did you have messy hair like mine? How could you stand it? I can't get it to lay flat! I wish you could tell me how.

Oh! Guess what? I got the certificate for being the best reader in my year! Aunt Petunia was real mad about it, said it should have gone to Dudley. But you'd be proud right? I wish you could have read to me when I was little Mum. When I was little I used to sit in my cupboard at night and listen to Aunt Petunia read to Dudley. Sometimes I would close my eyes and pretend it was you and you were reading to me.

Dad? Would have taken me to work with you sometimes? And shown me off to your work buddies? Like Uncle Vernon does with Dudley sometimes? Would they have laughed and said I was the Chip Off The Old Block? Whatever that means, but Uncle Vernon says it a lot about Dudley. And I heard it said on the Telly so I don't think it's a bad thing.

Aunt Petunia is calling me to make dinner so I have to go now. I miss you. Love You.

Your Son,


Harry picked up that letter and folded it twice and put it in the envelope the teacher had provided and labeled it: To: Harry Potter's Parents; Heaven