![]() Author has written 16 stories for Twilight, Inuyasha, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Final Fantasy VII, and Degrassi. Ehm.. Yo? Yeah, we'll go with that. Okayyyy, so, guess, what. I know down there somewhere in this jumbled mess of a profile it says I'm focusing on Twilight stories.. well.. lets just say I've moved on temporarily to Degrassi! And I'll either be writing for Adam, Clare, or Eli. Since those are my favourite characters. *Smileyface.* I'm starting up a new series called, 'Choices, Choices, Choices.' And I'd greatly appreciate if all you *D* fans out there gave it a shot and reviewed to be a part of the process. *Smileyfaceagain.* So.. I'm a brat when it comes to pairings. ;D I like what I like, and hate what I don't, but when I read something I usually review. I like many different categories and many different pairings, but there are usually some pairings that are the only ones I'll read. I'm not really going to spend much time filling this thing out because this keyboard is really loud and it's kinda scaring me so... uhm, read my stories please? If you want I'll return the favour, just review and tell me which one you want me to read, kay? I won't read if I don't support the pairing though, sorry. Dx For my story Back To School, here is a link to a site that describes the setting. http :// www. / index.php http:///user/Prophetic_Shapeshifter I really wish there were more Reno & Yuffie stories out there. Pout. By the by.. though I've only truly gotten two flames in my fanfiction carrier, I'd really appreciate it if you didn't flame my stories. I understand there are some mistakes, and maybe you don't like them. But if you don't like them just exit out and go read something else. I didn't post the stories to offend you, so don't post flames to offend me. Usually when there are a lot of typing mistakes it's because I'm in a rush, and I don't have a beta, but still that's no excuse for some of the things people say. I've only ever flamed a story once, and that writer got back to me and I felt horrible. I'll never leave another flame again, because all I did was take my bad day out on someone that didn't deserve it. So, I don't flame you, you don't flame me? I think that's pretty fair. And if you do flame me, (I pray not.), then at least leave your actual account name instead of being cowardly and anonymous. At least let me defend my story, or apologize if it somehow actually offended you in some way. ( Not sure that's even possible. ) Oh, and I'm thinking of adding a couple one shot collections to my page, the two I'm focusing on right now are both Twilight. But I've also been thinking about re-reading the Harry Potter series so that I can start writing some Hermoine/Luna. ; |