Author has written 8 stories for Trace Memory, Detective Conan/Case Closed, Teen Titans, Kingdom Hearts, Pokémon, Mega Man, Inuyasha, and Fullmetal Alchemist. BIG NOTE: Okay, this is for all you people who keep bugging me. SHUT UP, they are my stories and i will write them however the hell i want, got it. So stop reviewing if you got nothing good to say.If you havent read my stories, i am into Yuri which means girl on girl action. I write it about my favorite Characters. I have lots of stories in mind and the few i wrote are just the beginning. It seems i have gotten lots of Fans of my stories. Let me say now, i dont really want to do any sequels. And also i dont write any stories with girls and boys doing it. Only girls alone. So please dont ask. I am always open to suggestions. If you have something you want me to do. Feel free to ask. Doesnt mean it will happen but never hurts. If you want to contact me please IM me on Yahoo Messenger the_dragon_master20062007. What are you waiting for Read my stories, and Review. Please Review and tell me what you think. My upcoming ideas are Maylu x Roll (Megaman NT Warrior)CHECK StarFire x Raven(Teen Titans)CHECK Kairi x Yuffie (Kingdom Hearts 2)CHECK Eureka x Talho (Eureka Seven) Winry x Riza (Fullmetal Alchemist)CHECK Sakura x Ino x TenTen (Naruto) Rachel x Serena (Detective Conan)CHECK Kaname x Tessa (Full Metal Panic) Tea x Serenity x Ishizu (Yu-Gi-Oh) Alexis x Jasmine (Yu-Gi-Oh GX) Misty x May (Pokemon)CHECK Sango x Kagome (Inuyasha)CHECK Tell me which ones you think i should write first. I got a lot of ideas but dont know which to do next. Ones with check next to them are already started and or completed. |