A/N: Sorry if its out of character, I'm still new at this. Reviews are welcome, as is constructive critisism, but please be gentle. Enjoy!
Yuffie Kisargi stood on the deck of the Highwind, wind blowing in her young face. A shiver ran through her tiny body. 'By Leviathan, its freezing up here!... But I don't wanna go below decks, that always makes me airsick, and I hate being airsick. Argh! I'm too lazy to go get a sweater too. Ah, well, guess I'll stay up here in the cold for a while longer until-' The sound of metal clicking on metal pulled Yuffie from her mental argument with herself. She glanced in the direction of the stairs that lead below decks again. There, walked the most beautiful, handsome, 'And just downright HOTT'' man she'd ever laid eyes on; Vincent Valentine. "Hey Vinny!" she called to him, praying that he would answer, instead of just looking her way, then going back to being the broody, dark, mysterious man that he presented himself as. Vincent's deep red, tattered cloak swished quietly and his hair swung slightly as he turned her way, his cold, crimson eyes meeting her soft, chocolate brown ones.
"Oh. My. GAWD. You spoke!" Yuffie blushed as he looking intesely into her eyes, a mix of anger and confusion reflecting in them.
"I have a voice, Yuffie... I merely choose not to use it... Besides, you all don't really care to hear the growlings of a demon, now, do you?"
Yuffie fell silent. She cared. She cared a lot. Vincent had always been her love, ever since she laid eyes on him in ShinRa basement. She never showed it to anyone, or told anyone, but she was infatuated with Vincent Valentine. "Your not a demon Vincent," she told him quietly while shooting him a sideways glance.
"..." Vincent shot Yuffie a slight glare, turning his back on her, wincing as the chilly air hit his face full on.
"...Vincent?" Yuffie questioned, shivering again, teeth beginning to chatter. "Vincent... I care about you. Even if no one else does, Vinny, I'm gonna care, mm'k? 'Cause well..."
"...Well?" Vincent prodded, half turning back towards the young ninja behind him.
"I love you Vinny..." 'Oh my GAWD!! No Yuffie!! Your not supposed to tell him that!! Bad Yuffie!! Oh GAWD!! He's gonna kill me now!! OH MY GAWD!! BAD NINJA, BAD!!!'
"...You do?" Vincent turned to face her full on, his crimson orbs showing something like confusion in them.
"Yeah..." Yuffie whispered softly, not meeting his gaze, and blushing the same colour as his cloak.
"..." Yuffie finally looked up into his eyes after he didn't reply. They were softer than before, and there was a different feeling in them, something she couldn't quite put her finger on.
"I know you don't love me back, Vincent..."
"That's where your wrong... I do, Yuffie... I just never..."
"Thought I felt the same way?"
The gunslinger nodded, his crimson eyes studying her form for a few seconds before Yuffie shivered. "Hey Vincent?..."
"Can I slip under that cloak o' yers? I'm freaking freezing!" With what someone people would call barely a smile, Vincent nodded again, lifting one edge of the material, inviting the ninja in. Yuffie dashed over and snuggled up against his body, sighing as the warmth filled her bones. "Vincent?"
"Something wrong?"
"Your so warm," she sighed as she buried her head in his scarred chest, gripping his cloak tightly, breathing in his scent. Vincent smiled slightly and wrapped his arms around the small body under his cloak, sighing in contentment. Yuffie looked up into his eyes as he gazed down at her. 'That's it... that's the feeling... its love...' Yuffie smiled at him, and he flashed the first smile he had in so many years. And, for the first time in his life really, Vincent Valentine was truly happy.