![]() Author has written 61 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Kingdom Hearts, and Final Fantasy VIII. V. RayZ I am Vamptress RayZor. So, yeah. My favorite pairings... YuffieXReno, YuffieXVincent, YuffieXCloud, YuffieXSephiroth, YuffieXRufus, CloudXTifa, RufusXTifa, SoraXKairi, YuffieXSquall (Leon), RikuXYuffie... Uhm... OH! SquallXSelphie, IrvineXSelphie, SeiferXSelphie I love constructive reviews. If you dislike the storyline, sorry. It is what it is. If you don't like the pairing, sorry. It is what it is. If I have a grammatical error, please point it out to me. I hate typing, so most of the time it's a spelling error because my fingers suddenly developed dyslexia. If my characters seem off the wall or out in left field, let me know. Most of my older stuff is written completely different. Keep in mind that I was twelve when I started writing and I'm twenty now. So, if you like my story, let me know. If you think it needs cleaned up a bit, let me know. If you are going to say something like, "You have too many men and only one woman in this fic so she seems kinda... you know..." You have that right. Will I agree with you? Probably not. My best friends are all male. If you say something like, "Diz storie sux," I am probably going to reply to you and point out that perhaps you should finish fifth grade before you try commenting. I will read any genre. If you think I might be into a fic you are writing, let me know. I'll read it. Read. Review. Return. -V.RayZ- |