Reviews for Forever Crying
of wonderlands and alices chapter 2 . 7/18/2006
Aw, I like it so far! Poor Aerith and Yuffie, and Arick. Ooh, this is quite a complicated love square. A love square, lmao! I hope it turns out to be a yuriku, or a squffie. Hehe, well, update soon, k? I'll be waiting for the next chapter. )
Tsuby chapter 2 . 4/15/2006
Arick is so adorable - Too bad this fic is on hiatus (or did I read the summary correctly or was I reading a different summary by accident?)...
pph chapter 2 . 1/4/2006
I love it! You must write more soon!
KDeo chapter 2 . 10/8/2005
Gah, so interesting!

Sometimes- a LOT of times you didn't identify the "he" or "she" of the paragraph, so I got confused a lot.

Also I didn't pick up any real flirting between Yuffie and Riku but more on Cloud and barely on Squall- I thought that if you don't devote your whole chapter on one person, then you should balance it out.

Ah, but everything still caught my interest! You're continuing this, right? Because this has a wonderful story- and I love love triangles/squares...

[story alert!]
MystiKoorime chapter 2 . 9/2/2005
Heyy Heyy!

Aw this fic is so kawaii so far! I hope you get over your writers block and update soon! Please!
AngelicConquistador chapter 2 . 7/22/2005
I meant to review this before on my other account but the thing was being stupid. But anyways I love this story so far and I'm leaning towards the Clouffie. I see too many Squiffe around and even though I like them I'd prefer Clouffie for this one. As well for Yuriku, I like those but Clouffie is what seems better for this one. Enough of my chatter, well anyways please update soon!
August Moon chapter 2 . 7/19/2005
Fwe...I love it! Clouffie! Omg, it would be so cool if you had a Cloud, Riku, Yuffie, Squall love square-thingy...FWE! Imagine that. O_O

Anywhoo, continue! There are NOT enough Cloffies out ain't right, I tell ya.


Sonora-Margaret chapter 2 . 6/29/2005
That was lovly. Beutiful, really.
Nefertieh chapter 2 . 6/27/2005
Hm... I kinda had to stop half way because of the burning sensation in my eyes. _

Please, /please/ try to keep the characters... in character! Also, you might wannta lower the amount of men in this story... it makes Yuffie seem kinda... you know... _;
Nefertieh chapter 1 . 6/27/2005
Lucky Aeris. Being ravished by Seph and all. ;_; -stabs her again- x3

Yay! Someone who uses "mum" for once! the British/ Australasian way!
Gining chapter 2 . 6/26/2005
How did I not see this before this chapter? This is great. But maybe Yuffie needs some sort of female company. It had to be hard living around a bunch of men, right? Who can she go to when she has a problem choosing just one of them? Anyway... hurry and update. I'm enjoying this.
herzeleidx chapter 2 . 6/26/2005
IT'S...IT'S A CLOUFFIE! OH MY GOSH! I AM SO FRIGGIN' HAPPY! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! *is hyperveatlatin'* Sorry...I love this so far! I can't wait until the next chapter!

leave me alone already chapter 2 . 6/26/2005
Ah, so tired. I'm afraid this review won't be very long.

I actually know a kid like Arick. He's too smart for his own good, he likes to make fun of my gerbil and he loves to match his wit against mine. He's going to the top of my favorite OC list, which, coincidently, is very short. He seems adorable, too. )

I'm actually hoping for either a Yuriku or a Clouffie. I don't know why, but I'm just not feeling the Squffie-ness. I must be growing out of them.

I really like how you characterized Cloud. This happy-ish one is very IC, as well as the angst-y one. I like this one better. I'd love to see a beach like that. Good thing I'm going to Florida this fall.

Erk, stupid cartoons. They're so annoying. Sorry, that was random.

Ah, I'm running out of things to say. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Sonora-Margaret chapter 1 . 6/12/2005
AHH! NO WAY! You killed Aerith! That's mean! Any way, I'm gonna keep reading, so do keep writing!
G.U.L.P chapter 1 . 6/10/2005
This had better be a Clouffie. I've only read ONE Clouffie by you and I think it would be a nice change. More than anything, however, I want to see ACTION and not so much FLUFF! Lol! Ya know ya luv meh! And I'll not be losin' muh accent soon!

Ghastly Unknown Loserific Person

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