Title: Clean Uniform
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Reno x Yuffie Kisaragi
Prompt: 001. Tired
Word Count: 226
Rating: T
Summary: When Reno has a hard day at work...
Author's Notes: Written for the 100situations community on LJ, using table one, and my own additional challenge of having the theme Reno's apartment, or apartment in the drabbles. I haven't gotten my approval yet, so I'm just posting just to my own LJ and on My original idea was to use the 100 prompts to just write one or two sentences, but I started to like what I was writing, so I went back and turned them into at least two hundred word drabbles. I still like them a lot. Drabble on... Oh and I don't own anything except for my imagination. :)
He won't say it out loud, but Reno loves it when he comes home from a hard day at work, and Yuffie is in his apartment to comfort his tired body.
She'll draw a hot bath for him, and never questions whose blood is on his clothes this time.
She'll sometimes sit behind him while they watch television, her legs wrapped around his waist as she massages his knotted shoulders or his freshly washed scalp.
They'll talk about her day and compare any new materia she had liberated or that he had been given by the company.
They'll enjoy each other's bodies; usually her on top, since he's tired and she doesn't mind doing all the work for him. That and she knows exactly how to work it while on top.
Then they'll fall asleep and he'll hold her, or sometimes she'll spoon him, just because he's had a long day at work and she knows that he kind of likes it, even though he won't admit it.
He didn't know exactly how long ago it was that she started these surprise trips. However, he did notice that when he came home and she wasn't there, he would just sit on the couch in his bloodied clothes alone, waiting for sleep to lull him away until the next morning, when he had to don a clean uniform.
Hope you like! Please R&R!!