![]() Author has written 116 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Full Metal Panic, Firefly, Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto, Twilight, Vampire Academy, Gossip Girl, Batman the Animated Series, and Suicide Squad. When here, I am simply MakoRain (except when I feel like over sharing, for example, look at my real name) and here are a few facts about that side of me. Pen Name: MakoRain (derived from my obsession with FFVII, the color of mako, and rain, of course) I have been called "Queen of Fluff" as well. Real Name: Amber-An extremely attractive girl who's flirty personality and curvacious figure will keep you coming back for more. She's typically a brunette but occasionally acts blonde. She enjoys long relationships and has many close guy friends. Often mistaken for a "slut" but really isn't. She can also be a super bitch if you get onto her bad side. "dude, i want to hang out with that girl, she's such an Amber" Definition brought to you by and I gotta say, they pretty much nailed it :) And here ends my over sharing moment, I hope you enjoyed. Gender: Female Age: older than I'd like to keep adding to here Status: Just keep swimming... Hobbies/obsessions: reading, drawing, singing, playing my bass guitar (flame red and appropriately named Reno) anything that can be created. These just make up my constant hobbies with others changing so often that it's hard to keep track. Favorite Anime/Manga/game inspired movies: FFVII, FMA, FMA Conquerer of Shamballa, FMP! entire series, Death Note, Desecendants of Darkness, Naruto/Naruto Shippuden, Cowboy Bebop, Spirited Away...Is This a Zombie? is pretty awesome as well :D MUSIC is my LIFE. FFVII is my escape. WRITING is my sanity. "Writing is like having another voice in your head, constant, full of information, keeping you sane, idea after idea after idea...until, in turn, it drives you mad."-Me Updates: I hope to continue posting something to keep the masses interested as much as possible and yes, I love doing requests! 100th story posted as of 8/31/10! 11/3/2010: Many apologies for the few hiccups I've had with the newest story posted, Touched. I've changed the prologue to add a bit more mystery and fixed the time line at the beginning of the official first chapter (which shows as chapter 2 on the chapter index). I hope this helps! Please leave me your thoughts on how the story is unfolding thus far via reviews or messages, they're always appreciated :) 10/15/10: Wow looking at this now, I've realized I haven't updated much info lately. The last story I posted (FFVII), "Teenage Dream" came across much better than expected with many thanks to my reviewers! Down to business-I've been debating for the last few months if I should post a new story that I'm working on for FFVII now or later because I have most of it planned out and pretty much half of it written. However, I've also been notified about the crack down on rules when it comes to mature content...which puts me in a bind with this story. So, what I've decided is that for my Halloween contribution this year, I will post the first chapter of this new turning out to be an extremely long story on 10/31/10. Hopefully I don't work but if I do, I will still do my best to stick to this debut schedule. So please stay tuned and tell me what you think! It will be in the Halloween style with supernatural creatures and plot twists abound so I hope you all are as excited as I am! 8/31/10: I am back if all for but the briefest of moments which I hope turns into a long run after the amazing accomplishment I feel of posting my 100th STORY! *cheers and does happy dance* Please celebrate with me in this momentousness occassion (to me it's a pretty big deal anyways) by taking a look at the 100th slot, Not Anymore, a FFVII:AC based story. Reviews are always appreciated, even more so now :D 6/26/10: Wow it's almost July, I can't believe that. And to think I graduated over two months ago and have only been working ever since. I'm also fighting whatever germs I've had for the last month and so I'm sorry that I haven't been able to post more lately. My hands won't even let me type very well at the moment and I'm in a kind of crisis mode since I last opened up my writing flash drive to find folders-not simply files, mind you-but entire folders missing of my work. Thank god for posting most of them here already so I can at least save the copies. Masquerade, the last story I posted, was received very well which I thank all of my readers and reviewers for. Even if I'm in a semi-invalid state, I'll keep jotting down my ideas and hope to bring you something shortly. Take care and happy reading! 5/5/10: Happy Cinco de Mayo! Currently I am in the middle of the last two weeks of school before graduating with a Bachelor's degree in biology and minoring in pyschology. In other words, I'm in the middle of the longest two weeks of my life and so updating stories is on hiatus until further notice. I thank you for your patience all of my lovely loyal fans! Since I'll be done with school and only have to focus on work, that means even more stories in the not so distant future :) 4/23/10: I have posted the last chapter of the FMA fic "All Around You" as of today. There are a couple other FMA fics and one FFVII fic that I put up today. I'm not expecting a huge response for the FFVII one (at least not of the good kind) but oh well, it was a story in my head that I wanted to post so there. Like it or hate it, it still had to be written to leave my mind alone. I think I'm going to start slowing down writing/posting here again while I get through college graduation and just a general life transition. Just a heads up. 4/10/10: A quick note of disappointment. I know I haven't been a writing machine lately but for my last posting of a FFVII fic "Echoes of Existence" I've got no hits, no reviews, nothing as of yet? I know it's not my normal fluffy and romantic setting but still, there's Cloud, there's Zack, there's friendship and pain and tears and love for the women in their life. It saddens my heart at the lack of any kind of review or opinion or note or just anything. That's all I'm going to say on the matter. 3/17/10 Part 2: I just have to make a note here that I cannot believe how awesome people here are on this site! Seriously! 100 hits for my first Twilight piece ever in less than twelve hours after posting just blows my mind. Thank you thank you thank you! 3/17/10: I have thrown my hat into the Twilight Saga ring as well. Please take a look and drop a note if you could, it would be much appreciated. Also new additions to the FFVII, FMA and Naruto universe posted! 3/5/10: I have dropped a few lines in the Firefly, Fullmetal Alchemist and Naruto writing pool. The Naruto fic may be an idea that's been played out many times but I can't help it, I need to get it out of my system. Please read and review-feedback is always needed for motivation and my general peace of mind. This doesn't mean that I'm done with FFVII, far from it actually with 3 multi chapter fics in the works. Right now it's down to what I want to post first, how long will the stories go and just a little more proof reading. Thank you for your patience and your faithfulness my many beloved readers! SOLDIER: Even though I am slightly saddened by the lack of response from the recently updated chapters, I have no patience and therefore will end up posting this sooner than before because guess what, it's FINISHED!! DONE!! After 3 years, it's COMPLETED AT LAST!! -does dance of joy- I used to have a series called My Soundtrack but I felt that it wasn't standing on it's own very well and I love the stories so I split them up into separated oneshots. As you can tell, I've focused on FFVII since they made a movie and just because I love the the endless story possibilities. I'm a hopeless romantic secretly at heart and love the coupling of Cloud and Tifa above all else. There's just so much you can do with them. I don't exaclty like Cloud and Aerith together and before any of you freak out at me, it's for this legitimate reason: Aerith is supposed to be with Zack...Zack is supposed to be with Aerith...Cloud and Aerith are just too confused in the beginning to see this...and that's just how it is. I don't exactly shy away from the darker side of the characters as well so when I say I like happy endings for the most part, I don't stay strictly with happiness. Happy and sad go hand in hand in my view and so there will always be heartache and pain somewhere in my stories...either as a focus or just in the background, but it'll most likely be there. It is the balance of the universe. Just thought it would be nice to warn you, is all. Hope you enjoy, and even if you don't, reviews and constructive criticism always welcomed. I don't appreciate being flamed just because someone doesn't like an itty bitty teeny tiny thing in a story. I'm sure most people don't enjoy that either and it comes off as rather rude when you do it. Side note: When I say "standard disclaimers apply" from now on in my fics, it means that the standard disclaimers of I do not own the show/movie/series or any of its characters with that honor going to Sqaure Enix (FFVII), Joss Whedon (Buffy, Firefly), Hiromu Arakawa and Viz Media (FMA), Gonzo and Kyoto Animation (FMP!), Masashi Kishimoto(Naruto) respectively. Prefferred pairings/readings: FFVII: Cloud and Tifa (obviously), Zack and Aerith. FMA: Roy and Riza (they are perfect for each other and they'd so be together if those stupid rules weren't in the way), Ed and Winry. FMP: Sousuke and Kaname, Sousuke and Tessa (I can't really choose but I write mostly SousukexKaname cuz the show kind of lays it out). Naruto: Sasuke and Sakura, Naruto and Sakura, Naruto and Hinata. The Twilight Saga books: Bella and Edward. (Haven't read fanfic for this either but I'm working on a fic for it). Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Spike and Faith, Buffy and Angel, Buffy and Spike. Angel: Angel and Buffy, Fred and Wesley (so adorable together with such a sad ending in the show). Dark Angel: Max and Logan, Max and Alec. Firefly: Mal and Inara, Simon and Kaylee, Wash and Zoe. Smallville: Clark and Chloe, Chloe and Davis, Chloe and Jimmy, Oliver and Lois, Lois and Clark, Chloe and Oliver (if you didn't notice, my fav character is Chloe). Tru Calling: Tru and Luke (again, why the sadness at the end of the show?) Gossip Girl: Chuck and Blair, Blair and Nate, Dan and Vanessa, Serena and Carter. (shameful addiction of mine, I know). The Mediator book series: Suze and Jesse, Suze and Paul, Adam and CeeCee. (Own all of the books, just haven't had the inspiration to write anything for it.) The Glass House book series: Claire and Shane, Eve and Michael, Sam and Amelie. Anything else I find on here is pretty random or stumbled upon; I like it when a story jumps out and finds me instead of the other way around. Top Ten Most Popular Stories I've Written (According to hits and surprisingly all FFVII haha) 10. Spell of Rain (1,662 hits)-Tifa contemplates the rhythm of the falling rain as Cloud finally asks of her fascination with it. Wow, it's been so long that I had to look this one up to remember what I wrote (how sad is that lol). 9. Shower Scene (1,892 hits)-It is decided that Cloud and Tifa need to spend some quality time in the shower together. I'm surprised cuz this one's so new but I am rather happy how the sensual lemon turned out. Thanks, everyone :) 8. Restless Dreams (2,297 hits)-Tifa can't sleep and Cloud is just what they both need for an escape from bad dreams. This is actually one of the first fics I ever wrote and it makes me so happy that it's so loved! (It's one of my personal favs, too) 7. Warriors Don't Get Sick (4,027 hits)-Tifa and Cloud take their turns exchanging colds and take the time to make each other feel better in their own little ways. One of my most original pieces that I love to death, glad others do too :) 6. Candle in the Moonlight (5,777 hits)-Cloud and Tifa are forced to spend so much time apart that they come up with some racy and creative ways to make up for it once reunited. I have to say that this one surprises me and yet at the same time makes perfect sense since everyone loves a little bit of the erotica. I'll admit I was debating posting this series for a long time and still have some future chapters on the back burner, we'll see what happens ;) 5. More Bath Time Fun (7,853 hits)-Cloud gets to take a bath with an unexpected and very pleasing guest, second section of Bubbles Series. The Bubble Series that me and my close friend LadyTilBug (formerly zacksoldier1) created on a whim extremely late one night caught on much quicker than I could have ever imagined. This chapter is of course a fav among my readers because of the great Clotiness but the other chapters can't be shorted, either. One of my absolute fav series to write ever :) 4. Crimson Showers (8,975 hits)-My own take on what happened (but was never shown in the movie) after the end of FFVII:AC. I gotta say, this one was a little surprising also in that it was kinda sad. I also wrote it during a somewhat bad time in my life and probably added too much of myself to this fic. Whatever the reason, I'm glad there is love for it. 3. Let It Snow (9,744 hits)-Cloud and Tifa spending snowy days together that lead to a magical winter wedding. This is the only wedding scene I've ever done, that I can recall off hand at least. It just felt like it was the right time for one, ya know? Looking back at this, I can see my earlier writing style (especially the sex scene...I mean, what was that?!) and even though I can pick it to pieces, I still love the end result as much as the readers do. 2. SOLDIER (10,567 hits)-My tellings of how Zack and Cloud were in SOLDIER, Cloud's reunion with Tifa, and a lot of stuff I didn't even know I could think of to twist a plot all to hell. So close, SO CLOSE to being number 1 it makes me tingle! This loooooong chapter story is probably my most prized work, even though reading through it all makes me laugh at the most odd things. I mean seriously, Tifa as a Turk and pre-engadged (yes, it is a real place a relationship can be in) with Rufus?! I swear I've never done crack in my life even if that is some crack pot writing. Oh well, it all turned out in the end. Thanks everyone with going along with it! 1. Every End (16,751 hits and also most reviews at 55)-A supernatural thriller original starring Cloud and Tifa and the rest of the cast, set right after AC. This was my first, and I mean FIRST story ever written. Seriously, I'm not kidding here. I started writing it after watching AC for about the fifteenth time-that week, I kid you not. I LOVE that movie and I don't even have the complete version yet :( There used to be a whole lot of song lyrics here explaining some of my inspiration but I realized that if I got annoyed scrolling through everything to get to the bottom then most likely other people feel the same. If you want more information about a song I have featured at the top of the first page of the stories I write, message me and I'll get back to you :) This profile got waaaaay longer than I intended so for all of you that stuck through it til the end, I hope you enjoyed. Thank you :) I'd like to leave you with my favorite quote from a world of wonder and intrigue: "We're all mad here."-The Cheshire Cat Alice in Wonderland |