Author has written 5 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Lord of the Rings. Age: 18plus (damn plus sign doesn't show up. XD) State: of Mind somewhere around here. Problem: I like to start fanfics, but I have trouble finishing them. Too much going on in life. I NEVER USE A BETA. I try to go over it, but I get bored. It's good enough to make sense of it yourself or make it up. I dunno. HA! I love swearing... I do it a lot because it perfectly expresses how I feel and it's fun. I might over use it in my LOTR fic, but it'll go down since I don't think elves and hobbits and men and and and... maybe dwarves? Lol to Hell with it. :D I deleted "She Who Solved the Puzzle" because I couldn't really let it hang there for years without being continued and stuff. Also, as years went by, I started to see that it was far from what I originally invisioned and it was pretty dumb. Ah, to be 16 again... now as I re-read it as a few-plus-years-over-18, I think it needs a ton of work. I will be working a new fic though that will involve the characters, mine and my friend's character. It won't be like any other since it will involve vulgar language, racial/orientation/ethnic/stereotypes/slurs, more ghetto than ever but without making the rest of the Yu-Gi-Oh cast too OOC. To start it though, I will need Season 4 DVDs. LOL. Don't worry, I've jotted notes and I think about it when I got time. :D It'll be fun... :D Also, I'm a Sonic the Hedgehog nut. Love it! I'll try writing that out and see how it goes. I feel as though I am 13 years old again. I marathoned LOTR in the theaters before The Hobbit came out, and I watched that too in the high frame rate... and I'm back in baby! Gawsh, I get suckered easily. XD This fic might be easier for me since I can manipulate a plotline instead of creating a whole new one... haha... sorry to my other fanfics for now... they will be updated... sometime in the future. :P I apologize for the delays. Being an adult brings about new worries, responsibilities, and therefore I have to rearrange priorities... I know, otherwise I love being an adult, but just the crap it comes with. Lulz. I apologize for the delays on my fanfics, but please keep reviewing! I like to know that people are still reading it, otherwise, they just stay on my word docx. in my fanfics folder... it's like... rooting for me to finish... :P Currently working on: The Host of Chaos Not the End Eff My Life Couples I dig: SonicxAmy And some others... that's the list for now. My email works if you would like to send one! :D |
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