Dear Thranduil
I am writing with regret to inform you that your son, Legolas, has been injured during his stay in Rivendell. He and Aragorn were having an afternoon of innocent fun terrorising Lindir when suddenly they were both carried off by Evil Slavers. Luckily, Elladan and Elrohir were able to catch up with the Evil Slavers and free Aragorn and Legolas.
By the way, you owe me twenty dollars for your son.
Seeing as they both seemed to be unharmed by this event, I then sent them to work in the kitchens as punishment. Sadly, after less than ten minutes they ran out, screaming and being chased by what looked like a horde of angry mutant potatoes. While escaping from said potatoes, they fell into a waterfall, and we were unable to find them for some days.
Eventually, they washed up in a small river and made their way back to Rivendell, looking much the worse for wear as they had been ravaged by bears on the way. I immediately took them to the healing ward and tended to their injuries, but Aragorn is still unconscious. Legolas however is awake and very bored, and sends his regards.
Elrond Peredhril

Dear Elrond,
I am saddened to hear that my son was injured, but glad that he is recovering. If he is still bored, I would suggest giving him a spoon to play with - they can provide hours of fun for him. On a rather more pressing note, I ask that you send him home as soon as he has recovered enough to help with the spider infestation - Mirkwood is becoming rather overrun with the creatures. In fact, a very large spiderrraaaaaaarrrrgh_

Dear Thranduil,
Although somewhat disturbed by your last letter, I am sending Legolas back home to you today. Aragorn is going with him to act as a guide - frankly I am amazed at the pace at which they heal. I should expect them to arrive within a month or so, unless the Evil Slavers capture them again.
Elrond Half-Elven, Lord of Rivendell

Sooo what did you think? This is just something random I came up with - should I continue with it or not? Rainbow cybercupcakes to all who review!