DISCLAIMER (for all the chapters): I don't own Yu.Gi.Oh! Nope, never had and never will.

IMPORTANT: This story will contain shonen-ai, so you've been warned. The pairings? Oh well... lets say it's a not surprising surprise.

This fic is a continuation to my songfic "Goodbye, my Pharaoh" (one-shot). There was a reviewer who suggested writing a sequel. After too much thinking, I decided to give it a try. This story is especially dedicated to that reviewer: Sansi.

And now...On with the story!

Chapter 1: The Aftermath of a Goodbye

Cold gusts of air made the windows rattle as the strong wind whispered its way along the almost deserted streets of Domino City. The harsh winter had ended just a few weeks ago and, though the sunny rays worked their way through the heavy clouds to light the city below, the residents knew that spring was still far away. Oblivious to the nasty weather, one of these residents, a seventeen-year old Yuugi Mutou, laid sprawled over his bed; absently humming to the melody playing in his earphones. His slim hands shuffled expertly the deck in his lap while his eyes gazed over each card that ended on top. He could recite the entire stack without hesitation, name every single special ability, explain the possible attacks and counterattacks…but he wouldn't do it anymore. Those cards no longer held his interest.

That deck had accompanied him through all his adventures in the last three years. Yes, as silly as it may sound, the game of Duel Monsters had been an important part in the youth's life. Very important and yet rather painful, and he was going to get rid of those feelings once and for all. Every time Yuugi looked at those cards, a river of memories hit him with such force that he'd lay depressed for hours. And he was definitely tired of it.

Many memories of duels, hardships, enemies, tears, smiles… and all of them included HIM. Him, who was ripped from my heart to "go on" with his life. Everyone said that was what he really wanted. But in fact, they never asked. They NEVER asked what I wanted.

Yuugi knew he was being selfish, but after a year of mourning over Yami, the other half of his soul, he really didn't give a damn.

Everything had just gone downhill when the teen returned from his trip to Egypt. Yuugi had lost the will to do anything. He didn't eat nor sleep, his grades were the worst of all his life, and he began to drift away from his friends and family. All the young light did was cry his heart out for hours in hope that someone would take pity of him and bring Yami back to his life. All this paranoia would've lead to worse outcomes if Sugoroku Mutou had not taken matters into his own hands. The old man had witnessed the changes going on within his grandson. Yuugi had transformed his once joyful and carefree attitude to a sullen and sorrowful one. For the old man, it was awful to see that the person he loved the most prayed not to wake up the next morning.

First of all, Sugoroku dragged his grandson into a six-hours-long talk. In the beginning Yuugi had been very stubborn: he cried, wailed, shouted, shrieked, and swore… until the older Mutou threatened to take him to a psychiatrist. With tings settled that way, Sugoroku was able to take out the venom and demons in his grandson heart. They talked about the purpose of life, death, love, and most of all, of Yami. Yuugi was able to confess the old man all his fears, his feelings about the departure of the ancient pharaoh. Feelings he had bottled up and that were breaking him up inside.


"I miss him Grandpa. I miss him so much it hurts", sobbed the teen, head low and hands fiddling with the bottom of his sweater.

"I know, my boy. I know your pain, because it's the same one I experienced when I lost my wife. The same feeling that nestled in my soul when I lost your parents."

"No! It's not the same. I feel as if …"

"…you won't be able to love again. Yes Yuugi, that's what I thought. But then you came and believe me, my love returned stronger than ever. When I thought I had lost everything, you brought faith back to me. And it's time I return the favour", said Sugoroku.

"Grandpa …I …you've done enough for me…"

"No Yuugi, nothing will ever be enough … I won't lie to you, my boy. It hurts and it will for a few months. You'll wake up every morning with that heavy weight in your chest, and you'll still cry when the memories come back. But as the days pass by and you face your inner fears, you'll be able to move on. The weight will become lighter, until one day you won't feel it anymore. You can't bring back the past, but you can make your future right. And remember, your friends and I will always be by your side. I can even bet my entire shop that Yami is somewhere up there, also looking after you."

"Thank you, Gramps", Yuugi whispered, allowing fresh tears to flow down his cheeks as he gave the elder a huge hug.

"Anything for you." Sugoroku chuckled. "And if I didn't know better, I'd swear that Yam is nagging that god of his, Ra, about making your life a reality show so he can own the only channel and see your life twenty-four hours a day".



When Yuugi turned back into his own self, he apologized to his friends for casting them aside and for his behaviour in the last months. "Nothing to forgive Yuugi, just glad you're back with us", they had said. As weeks passed by, the young teen felt that the weight in his chest was slowly becoming lighter; and realized that, although the support of his family and friends was a decisive pillar in overcoming his depression, he needed to assume some responsibility. That's when Yuugi decided to get to know himself once again. He had always lived with what the others expected from him, never had the chance to develop his true self. And when he did, he discovered a wiser and more confident Yuugi, as well as a hidden talent: drawing.

It had been during a boring class in school. So boring he didn't remember which one. Yuugi had been scratching a piece of paper absently. He was thinking of Yami, and how he would always complain about the mistakes in his History books.


"Come on, aibou. How can you be studying such an inaccurate text? Here it says: '…ancient pharaohs and priests used to wear jewellery all the time so no matter where they went, their baggy pants and gold items would point out their godlike heritage…' My priests and my people in Ancient Egypt DID NOT wear baggy pants. This book is an entire piece of…"

"Yami! I know what you mean, I was also there, on our trip to Memory World, remember? But you have to understand that all of that happened way too many years ago, and that it's natural for some details to get wrong."

"You have a point there, aibou. You're right, I should not overreact when it comes to someone making up the entire history of my country.", Yami replied; words dripping with bitter sarcasm.

"Yeah, you can't expect modern historians to get thousand and thousands years of history right. …And besides, it isn't their fault that you, your priests, and your people loved to wear skirts and dresses".

At the sight of the almighty pharaoh's stunned face, Yuugi burst into a fit of giggles and decided it would be better, for his own sake, if he dashed out of the room right then.

"Skirts and dresses? SKIRTS AND DRESSES? I didn't wear a skirt! Come back here you little sneak!", the pharaoh shouted, scampering off after his light.


The sudden ringing of the bell, signalling the end of school, had snapped Yuugi out of his thoughts. He had began to put everything away, when a drawing on the corner of his book caught his eye. It was Yami in ancient Egyptian clothes, looking all regally and mysterious. The drawing was truly beautiful: from the ornamental crown to the satin sandals. It was made in pencil, but the shadows were so accurate that you could imagine the tan of his skin and the vibrant colour of his eyes. Waving a quick good-bye to his friends, Yuugi had rushed back to the shop and showed the drawing to his grandpa. The older Mutou was surprised as well, and had encouraged Yuugi to develop his skills. It was just great: while searching for himself, the young teen had found another way to express his emotions.

So many changes in so little time. And as if they weren't enough, I'm just about to make another. He stopped shuffling.Goodbye old friends.

The teen looked at the card on top. It was his favourite: the Dark Magician, and by the look of the mage's face, Yuugi could tell that the Duel Monster didn't approve the ways of his master.Don't look at me like that. You were there too. You could've stopped him from leaving, but did you? No…Oh man… stop it, I'm talking to a card. Without a second thought, the light half wrapped the deck in a golden paper and place the package on the top shelf over his desk. I'll get rid of them later. I don't want Grandpa to question me about it.

Speaking of the devil…

"Yuugi! I'm back! Could you please help me with the groceries?", a voice shouted from somewhere below.

"Sure Grandpa, I'll be downstairs in a minute"

With a dejected sigh, Yuugi turned off his CD player and placed it over his desk. Recently, his drawings had stopped being good enough to calm his inner demons, and now those demos were looking for a way out. Just a few days ago, he had found himself crying over Yami just like after his trip to Egypt, when depression and solitude had become his only companions. Therefore, the young duellist was scared; he didn't want to fall into that empty black hole once again.

"Yuugi! By the time you come down we might have a second Ice Age", Grandpa shouted teasingly.

In spite of himself, Yuugi smiled. Grandpa knew just how to snap him out of his sour moods. The teen grabbed a magazine from his drawer and headed downstairs, feeling both nervous and excited at the same time.

His gate to freedom was printed in that magazine.

He just hoped the old man wouldn't get too suspicious.

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See ya!