AN: Sorry this took so long.



The force of the blow propelled me back a few feet, and I landed against the side of the airship, the pain coursing through my arm. I shifted uncomfortably and tightened the grip on my sword and forced myself back on my feet only to be knocked down once again. The Wyrm was continuously pounding the airship, and I flew across the deck like a rag-doll. I landed on my stomach and flipped over to my back, still clutching my sword. Growling, I stood back up and stared the beast down. A man with my expertise was no match for it...

I needed black magic. I needed bombs. I needed a blitzball. I needed the power of the aeons.

Cursing under my breath as Evrae mercilessly pounded into the ship, I fell on my back.

"Dammit, child!" I roared to the intercom, "Move faster! Cid, if you can get any closer, it would be appreciated!"

Static was my only reply. A moment later, Cid's voice erupted through in bits and pieces, but I could understand him.
"Rikku is on her way with Tidus!" Cid answered, his voice sounding somewhat strained. "I don't know where the others are, but that Ronso is coming, too!"

I growled. This was no time for Lulu and Wakka to be resting! "Send any help you can, Cid! I cannot hold him off any longer!" As if on cue, the door to the deck opened and there stood Lulu and Wakka. I frowned disapprovingly at their appearance, but was relieved to see them nonetheless. "Where were you?" I hissed.

Lulu only frowned before setting her moogle down and casting thundara. Wakka also wasted no time and hurled his blitzball through the air. There was no way he'd be able to reach it, so I watched helplessly as Lulu used her skills with the air to help guide his ball towards the wyrm. Their hits were successful, but it didn't really affect the creature as much as I had hoped.

"Cid!" I bellowed desperately, "Reinforcements!"

No answer came. The wyrm slammed into us once more just as the Airship switched gears and began to move steadily towards the creature. The slight bump into each other cause the three of us – Lulu, Wakka, and myself – to slide across the deck powerlessly. It had some weak effect on Evrae, but still it was nothing to be celebrated over.

"Where is Rikku?" I snarled, my eye focusing on the door. Tidus and Rikku were really the only ones who knew white magic, aside from Lady Yuna.

"Tidus is missing," Lulu said as she gratefully accepted Wakka's hand. All three of us stood and locked eyes with each other, and we nodded, a silent agreement passing through us.

"We have to hold 'im off until dey come." Wakka said, "For Yuna."

I nodded. "The only thing that we have with us that will affect Evrae in the slightest is my sword."

Lulu intervened. "You cannot make it. The distance is too great."

"I'll need your help." I said quietly. "Guide my sword through the wind like you did Wakka's blitzball, and we will have a chance at survival." It was hardly what I would call a request.

Lulu paused, a little hesitant, but nodded nonetheless. "Alright. I'll do my best, Sir Auron."

"I trust you will." Putting my faith in someone was difficult, I really didn't have an option at the time.


Less then two hours later, Tidus was slumped over near the entrance to the airship and Lulu was unconscious. Kimahri was rendered helpless, his eyes dark and unable to see. For his own sake and for the other's as well, I took him out of the battle. He was doing little good, and was being stubborn in our efforts to save Yuna. Rikku, Wakka, and I were fighting the beast relentlessly, not daring to fall. Potions were scarce, and Rikku had no time to play the white mage. She was doing most of the work, hurling bombs and mixing items in a desperate attempt to destroy the creature. She was experimenting with different items, each one either causing a lightning show or scorching Evrae frantically. My sword was in its rightful place, but since Lulu's fall, we were unable to attack once more. We were hurting, since both our black mage and the boy who knew little white magic were out.

Wakka's breathing was labored. He couldn't keep up his façade. Growling, he took aim and with a little help of magic, let his flaming, spiked blitzball fly. It collided into the creature's side, giving it an impressive wound. Wakka stepped back and jumped lightly into the air as it returned to him and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. For a brief moment, we locked eyes and I nodded with approval.

"Move us in closer!" Rikku barked, one of her grenades clenched in a balled hand. She kept her balance as the entire ship shook with force as we suffered another blow from the monster.

Another fierce blow to the ship and we were all on out backs, scrambling to get up.

Evrae used this to his advantage and let out a cry as he slammed into us once more. I slid helplessly across the deck and clung to the surface, but there was nothing to hold onto. Rikku collided into me due to the force of the attack and in a feeble attempt to regain my stance, I had buried my sword into the deck. With one hand gripping the hilt of my sword firmly, I snaked the other around Rikku's waist to avoid losing her. She screamed as three of her grenades slipped out of her pack, tumbling over the side of the deck and into the sky. "Wakka!" I bellowed over her scream, my good eye narrowing as I searched for the blitzer. "Don't let the others fall off the ship!"

Wakka had his arm gruffly around Tidus' neck and Lulu's limp form in his lap. In a desperate attempt to save them and himself, he had his foot dug into a crevice on the deck, cracked under the pressure of Evrae's blows. He nodded to affirm their safety, but I cursed under my breath.

"Kimahri!" I roared.

The blind Ronso wasn't faring out so well, but had also done something similar as myself. With a roar, he dug his claws into the deck and was holding on for dear life, his tail swishing back and forth.

"We can't win this, we can't win this!" Rikku chanted over and over, shutting her eyes tightly. "Yuna's gone forever, we lost her! We can't win, we can't win!" She curled against me, the tears threatening to spill. "Look what they've done! They've ruined everything! I hate them! I hate them all!"

It began to rain lightly, the distant roar of thunder rolling across the crowds not sounding at all too promising. Rikku started to cry.

"Rikku, keep strong, yah?" Wakka shouted over the flash of lightning. "Just don't think about it. Like fireworks!"

Rikku shook her head and tried to shrink herself into me, her eyes shut tight. "I hate this! I hate being a Guardian!"

I pulled her closer, trying desperately to calm her. The ship shook again. Evrae was getting restless.

"Then give up." I whispered in her ear. "Don't be a Guardian anymore."

In all honesty, it was what I wanted. If she reached the end... If we did perhaps reach Zanarkand...all truths would be spilt; all dreams, hopes, and loves would be torn, ripped apart mercilessly by fate's cruel hand. She would be alone, perhaps without Yuna, perhaps without myself, and maybe without Tidus. Truth be told, I expected Yuna to choose Tidus as the final aeon. Then she would die at his hands, and Tidus would become Sin. I would ask Yuna to send myself at the doors of Lady Yunalesca's chamber to avoid that cruel end, and Rikku would be alone. They all would. Kimahri, Lulu, Wakka, Rikku. They would be alone, without us.

Is that your plan, Jecht?

"I don't want to give up!" Rikku said suddenly, shaking me out of my grim thoughts. "I'm going to find another way, remember?"

I blinked and realized it was pouring now, her golden blonde hair was clinging to her cheeks. Another way... It would be great to find another way, but throughout this entire pilgrimage...I was beginning to doubt if I could find such a way. So much depended on me, Tidus, and Yuna. All of Spira...this was my second chance. I couldn't let it go. In a frantic moment, I glanced after Wakka, who was struggling desperately with Tidus.

"Don't let him go!" I barked, my gaze on the loose hold of Tidus' neck.

"We're regaining balance!" Cid's voice boomed over the intercom, and a wave of relief washed over me. Slowly, the airship turned on it's rightful side, and we were once again facing a fierce opponent. But Cid spoke up. "I'm sending some of my best up there. Rin's taken the liberty to lend you some aid, too!"

Praise be to Yevon...


It was Lulu who saved us from the battle against Evrae. The thunderstorm had grown fierce, and we used it to our advantage. Several healers came to the deck and made use of potions, reviving the black mage.

I scanned the sky briefly before turning to Lulu and nodding.

The mage lifted her moogle into the air and summoned the storm. It brewed into a giant lightning bolt and struck the guardian of Bevelle repeatedly. We all fought hard, but it was that one spell that really saved all on the ship.

And then we saw Bevelle, in all it's majestic glory. The airship was falling from the heavens, nearing what looked like a wedding.

"Son of a bitch." I said darkly, heaving my sword over my shoulder.

Lulu looked horrified. "He's going to marry her against her will."

"Go! We don't have much time!" Cid roared, politing the airship.

"How d'you expect us to get down there?"

"Like this!" Tidus wasted not a moment and jumped up on a cable. He was flying down, a look of pure determination on his face. Like an angel coming to rescue a maiden.