Disclaimer: I don't own crap! Nada! Characters all belong to SEGA… but does it mean that I own the plot line that the characters are being used in? Lulz… maybe I'll sell it to Archie and get some moolah. Ha, maybe I'll talk to a lawyer or something. Haha.

Otherwise, if you happen to find random ass characters and places, I guess those are mine? XP

*****Beware- This chapter will have fragments. After all, it's someone's POV. People's thoughts are in fragments. W00t. If you guys have websites that can link me to help me with my punctuation, that would be grand! :D

Ages are as follows in my fanfiction, because I think that they are pretty young to think the thoughts they should be thinking in this fic. XD I'm old fashioned and well… ya! :D

Sonic- 21

Amy- 18

Rouge- 22

Knuckles- 22

Cream- 15

Tails- 15

Shadow- we all know he's a mature guy… lawlz

Chapter One: Amy Rose- The Start of a New Hedgehog

Amy's POV

My name is Amy Rose Hedgehog. No relation to Sonic the Hedgehog... That gorgeous, brave, charismatic, sweet, kind, gentle, funny, amaz- er… sorry about that! I guess even after the decision of giving up the chase, I still go on a tangent of love about him. Anyway, I am a girl who has finally realized that I should drop my stalking, obsessive ways and find something else to do to take my mind off of him and use my passionate energy of love into something useful for a change.

I came to this decision about two years ago when Rouge, Cream, and I were at a café across the street of my apartment. We were enjoying ourselves over some great lattes, memories, and talking about how we have been doing because we haven't been able to see each other as much lately. Rouge is working for the government with G.U.N. and Cream started high school. Rouge would tell me things like infiltrating and uncovering secret terrorist plots and finding the best diamonds while ruining evil deeds, and Cream tells me of how her classes are doing and the workload she has to do and how she toughs it out being a part of the small population of anthropomorphs, but luckily she doesn't get too much trouble. It would make me laugh because she'd say things like "If it weren't for me helping Sonic out saving the world, you'd all be dead." She then tells me that during her time in her school she has received so much respect because she has assisted the great Sonic the Hedgehog and has more friends to hang out with other than me, Tails, and Rouge.

I, on the other hand, tell them my failed attempts of trying to get Sonic to marry me, date me, let alone try to make him stay still when I do catch him. I vent out my sadness and anger over him rejecting me all the time to them. I tell them I walk around the city looking for him, which the results can be either I find him, or I don't. I shop a few times out of the week just buying small things for my house or just to add to my professional wardrobe collection. I also have a closet side of clothes that I just don't wear, but I like to have despite the fact that I usually wear my signature red dress and headband. I tell them about my boring jobs… they aren't very exciting though they do sympathize with me whenever I had the occasional bad-mouther.

At the time, I had two jobs. I guess since I'm not a human, I'm not required to go to school, but since I have no family to live with and I don't want to burden the others with living with them, I got two jobs. I work as a day time receptionist for a marketing company and at night I'm a server for a chain restaurant named "Dalia's". Don't ask me how I even found the time to track down my blue hero, but I just did and I would be exhausted at the end of the day. With those two jobs, I easily supported myself in this city because of my two jobs and kept my mind busy after feeling the rejections.

And that's when it hit me.

I'm one predictable hedgehog.

I haven't had anything going on in my life that is exciting. Sure, there is the occasional adventure with everyone and saving the world, but does that happen all the time with me? Nope. Sometimes I'm even left out of it. I'm a predictable hedgehog who sleeps, eats, wakes up, go to job number one, search for Sonic, job number two, eats, then sleeps. There was absolutely no variety of activities in my life. I don't even have a wider circle of friends outside the original gang. Sure Tails is cool to talk to, but he's a workaholic with his toys, Knuckles is a loner but seems to only accept Rouge's company most of the time, Shadow does his thing most of the time, but it's nice to have tea with him now and then. And Sonic... I rarely hang out with him because he rarely hangs out with me. It would be only about thirty minutes max anyway and then he'd zip away from me saying he "needs to go do something important". Rouge is having a great time doing espionage with the government and G.U.N in exchange for money and jewels and hangs out with Knuckles on Angel Island. Cream I rarely see because of my busy lifestyle and she has new friends from school to hang out and study with, plus she looks to Tails to help her out with her math homework which I think she enjoys a lot. Me? Who do I have? I would depend on Sonic, but I get rejected by him 99.9% of the time.

The girls at the café looked at me with concern when I told them about my failings with Sonic and just cheer me up saying that one day I will catch the man of my dreams. But that wasn't the real reason I was sad though. I'm predictable! I wonder if Sonic expects me to find him now, just to give him the high of rejecting me. It would be probably be out of fear anyway. But that moment, I had finally come to the decision.

I will no longer seek out Sonic the Hedgehog. That great, amazing, cobalt, funny- whoops! Better stop myself before I go on another tangent.

I decided to give up chasing my potential future husband because he takes a lot of time out of my schedule. I can't give up my jobs because I'll lose my apartment, and I miss hanging out with Rouge and Cream during lunch and I don't have a friendship connection to anyone at my jobs, but they are great co-workers though.

I felt like I needed something. Something fulfilling. Something new, something old, something borrowed something blue! Sonic is blue! God! I need to stop thinking about him! Well, not altogether because I still love him. I will always love him, need him, want him, and desire him, but I had to do something for myself for a change. I needed to somehow find something that can be useful to me, to others, and just even have the feeling that I'm changing something. Maybe that's what Sonic is implying, to just find something else to do other than chase after him. To not appear to him and have the identity as "the chaser", "the aggressor", and maybe just learn to be a normal hedgehog living in this city full of wonderful opportunities. I've got to take those opportunities and feel productive. I know I can kick butt when needed, especially if Sonic is in trouble, but what about the down time of regular normal life?

Two years ago I decided to stop chasing and obsessing over Sonic the Hedgehog and decided to chase and obsess over the Amy Rose Hedgehog that I want to be. I want to appear worthy to myself, to everyone, especially Sonic and let him know, that I am my own hedgehog that doesn't exist solely for him.

So you know what I did? I decided to go to school. I came upon this decision when I was working my server job. I overheard some single mothers talking, saying that she feels ready to go back to school. I thought if she can, then I can start fresh. It was the perfect start for me. I went straight to Station Square Community College the next day during my free hours in between jobs. I took their assessment tests, and it turns out I did pretty well and started in some high English classes and I got stuck in some average math classes. Now I know why humans always complain about Algebra 2. It sucks sooooooooooooooooo much. Luckily, like Cream, I had Tails help me out. I had to give up my morning job to attend classes in the morning, but with government financial aid, I could still go to school, go to my night job, keep my apartment and pay all my bills. Sure, I was on a bit of a budget while I was chasing my fulfillment, but I wanted to study hard. I wanted to show everyone, including myself, that I can do this.

I decided to become a registered nurse. I figured this way, not only can I help out humans with this, but I can also be pretty vital to the team. I can be depended on. I'm even taking medical classes that specialize in anthropomorphs which will really come in handy. Sure, we work like humans, but we kinda function a little differently and don't ask me how. When I completed my first semester, I became thirsty for knowledge! I was so driven to finish, that I knew that I can finish this two year degree in less time! I wanted to learn more on how I can help others and people in the hospital. I imagined myself back then how vital I can be to the gang if I can heal almost any kind of injury or illness they have. I bet, whenever one of them would get hurt, they would come straight to me. If Sonic got hurt (God forbid) he would have to come to me at least. I did giggle at the thought, but I wouldn't want to spend time with him like that, but I will take advantage of it if the time adheres to it. Heh. When I thought about being important to the team and to my community, it was the biggest motivation of all.

Tails was really proud of me actually with my decision to go back to school. He tells me that I have a lot of spirit and talent and going to school would help me grow has a person… well hedgehog in my case. Cream was excited to have study sessions with me and Rouge was looking forward to having more time with me and wanting to tempt me to ditch a class or two to hang out for longer periods of time. She passed the message over to Knuckles and surprisingly, he told her that it'll be good for me and to have these essential skills. I even bumped into Shadow while running to school and he even gave me a ride to school and made it to class right on time. He said that education "might be in use to him" in the future and to work hard in case he ever comes burning through the atmosphere again. I think that was his way to say that he's happy with my decision. Sonic… didn't know I was in school until two months after I started my first semester. He just said, "No wonder I haven't seen you lately. Lucky for me I guess. Good luck with that Ames!" He ran away after that. I was mad at him at first because he treated my life changing decision as if it was a phase. Shadow, of all the people I know, gave me a better reaction than this blue jerk, but when Sonic called me "Ames", I was about to melt into a puddle of happiness. He's the only one who ever calls me that, just like I'm the only one who calls him "Sonikku". I'll show him. I'll show him that I can do better than he thinks I will do and become important! I'll be useful in this world. If I can't get an "A" for effort in chasing that hedgehog, might as well be successful in other things.

I met with Tails a lot of times to pass my math classes, studied with Cream a lot to hang out, and I'll admit it, I've even ditched a couple classes to hang out with Rouge if I didn't have work that night. I even hung out with her and Knuckles on his floating island; probably because I actually had better things to say than just whine about Sonic or about other girly things. We talked about memories and caught Rouge up with the whole Perfect Chaos thing. I felt pretty good inside because that reminded me of the time that I helped (sort of) Sonic out by finding a chaos emerald in my friend Birdie.

I even had tea with Shadow sometimes and he would tell me about his adventures, finding his purpose and what it felt like to be Super Shadow. He would describe it to me as electrifying, almost having so much energy and having the need to use it, and feeling so hot inside his body that it burned, but it didn't hurt. I rarely had seen Sonic ever since I had given up the chase, but lately he actually comes to a stop in front of me and asks me how I am. I tell him that I go to school, my internship at Station Square Hospital, and work. He had asked a couple of times if I see anyone of our friends and of course I tell him that I've seen everyone, but on purpose, I do not mention. He just tells me while fidgeting his feet looking at the ground saying "That's nice. Don't become a bookworm on me now. Maybe we can have lunch some time and catch up." He looked at me with a nervous expression and ran away after he said that and I was stunned! I didn't move for a few minutes because I was registering the information that Sonic… SONIC ASKED ME TO GO TO LUNCH. Not me! SONIC!

We actually had lunch sometimes after that and he even visited me at Dalia's during my shifts. It was the sweetest but WEIRDEST thing ever. When does Sonic the Hedgehog, the fastest thing alive, wait for someone? Let alone me! We chatted and it felt so good. I was getting to know him and he was getting to know me. We always had something to talk about. We talked about our adventures together, his recent adventures around the world, my internship, my professors, my feelings during my semesters, and how crappy it was to do any school thing, but I loved it. All those times when we spent together either having lunch or at the restaurant, the expressions he had were softer, he paid attention to me and he's even told me that he was proud of me for working so hard.

Sonic was paying attention to me… I thought I was falling in love with him all over again.

I had spent one two years in the community college busting my butt and being a workaholic like Tails. I feel like I understand his feelings a little bit more because we both had the need to learn and to succeed. The gang actually came to my small graduation ceremony; even Shadow came and sat in the back of the gymnasium. That guy surprises me. We took pictures together at my school. Before the ceremony, I had received a letter saying that I had been accepted to University of Station Square to continue to my education as a nurse to receive bachelors and a masters. Yes! Everything was going so well.

I am eighteen now and had completed my associates nursing program and I was a full-fledged nurse, I got to spend more time with friends and even Sonic, and I was feeling really close to being happy. Sure, I did a lot of self-actualizing, but to reach happiness is when I'm officially with Sonic. The way we are now, I feeling like I'd be asking too much to pray that we would be together because I value his friendship that I wouldn't want to make him run away because of me wanting a commitment. He is a very free-spirited hedgehog after all.

I had planned from taking a semester off from school when I graduated because I feel like I could really use the break. I graduated a semester earlier than anticipated and the hospital where I'm working at has officially employed me to become staffed with the anthropomorphs department. I was going to start up again a month after I graduated. Lucky me!

My memories of going to school, spending time with friends, and graduating were very precious to me.

After my graduation ceremony, the gang and I walked to Dalia's since the owner said that he'd have a celebration for me on the house since I babysat his kids for free when he had to attend to emergencies to the restaurant. The seven of us were laughing, fighting, teasing, each other and Sonic was standing pretty close to me the entire time. I was carrying my black graduation gown and hat and I was wearing a black pencil skirt with a dark red button blouse (which totally looked great with my c-cup boobs) with heels to match and wearing my headband since it now keeps my hair out of face. My hair is longer now, down to the middle of my back and I see Tails and Sonic play with it pretending to be cats sometimes. It's quite funny.

But the thing is… we never made it to the restaurant…

Wanna know why? I'll give you a hint… He's ugly, wears glasses, long mustache, and he's shaped like an egg.

Yup. You guessed it. It's just too bad Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik, had decided to attack us on my joyous day.

This was now.

Buildings were being shot at by his little Egg Transporter that he always rides on and he had brought many robots and they were wreaking havoc on us and on buildings around us. People were screaming running for cover and the gang has spread out to kick some robot butt. I summoned my piko-piko hammer and went into the action.

I was hammering at these party-crashing robots until I saw something sparkle in the sky, more precisely the Egg Transporter. It had fire something and it was so fast, that I almost missed where it was aiming, but I wasn't that slow with my vision. It was aiming right towards Sonic. He didn't notice it because of all the robots he was destroying. I was running right towards him flailing my arms and screaming out his name, "SONIC! RUN!" but he didn't hear me.

No longer was I the young crazed fan girl who only wanted Sonic's hand in marriage.

I am eighteen years old and I was ready to die for the one I loved.

I had taken a spear-harpoon… thing into my body for Sonic. I did it… I protected Sonic.

I let out a scream that neither of our friends have ever heard of. A scream of sheer pain and damn was it ever painful. I as facing Sonic as he turned around swiftly as soon as he heard my painful cry and saw that I was only about a foot away from him and the spear was only inches away from his body. The spear went through my lower back coming out through the other side of my body, sprinkling some of my blood onto his body.

God the pain! I think it speared through my stomach…

Sonic saw me as I gripped my hands onto the spear to hold it steady. He noticed that my white gloves were getting stained with my blood. He was in shock.

I went down on my knees because I couldn't hold myself up anymore. He went down on his knees and moved to the side to avoid the spear and moved closer to me. He put his hands on the spear and I felt that he was trying to take it out. "NO DON'T!" I cried in pain. He quickly took his hands off of the spear and looked at me with extreme worry. I smiled at him and said, "I learned that whatever has pierced your body and is stuck into your, leave it in until you get help. Otherwise I can bleed out." I said with a shaky low voice, but I smiled. "See? I did learn something in school." I tried to laugh, but I coughed up blood. He couldn't believe that I could still smile like that, but when I looked at him really well, he had the expression of panic and anxiety.

"Amy why? You know that I can dodge that kind of thing! God Amy you're crazy! Why! Why! WHY!" he yelled to me.

I laughed a little and he had the biggest what-the-heck face ever. "You didn't know it was coming at you anyway. You were distracted by the robots… and besides…. hedgehogs do crazy things when they're in love." I started to lean towards him closing my eyes and he lets me fall onto his chest while he is still upright and avoiding the spear. He yells at me to stay awake, but I couldn't. I was getting so tired and I was struggling with the pain. I remember him calling out to Tails to take me to the hospital. Tails had to fight off more robots until he finally reached over to Sonic, but he told him that he couldn't take me because there was a steel cable on the end of the spear, but by the time they realized it, the cable started to wrap around me tight and I was such pain, this burning, grinding pain!

I screamed in agony. "Amy! Amy! Hold on! We'll get you out of here!" Tails was the one trying to pull the cable off of me because I could hear Sonic trying to spinball the cable, trying to cut it, but it didn't work.

Sonic! Help me! This hurts so much! I couldn't get the words out to say it. I was losing a lot of blood.

And I think I'm dying. I need to say this to Sonic. I pick up my head slowly and look him. I can see that both he and Tails were trying to pull the cable off, but Sonic saw my eyes and stopped. Tails was still trying.

"Sonic. Promise me you'll save me, like you always do."

"Amy, I will save you! I promise! Just stay awake! Stay awake!" He cupped my face and I didn't break eye contact.

"Sonic… in case I don't make it" I coughed up blood into my mouth but I swallowed it with disgust and gasped in pain, "I always love you. My heart will be yours forever." I closed my eyes without seeing Sonic's expression after what I had said.

"Amy! Wake up! Open your eyes! Please!"

I feel my body being hauled away from Sonic and Tails at break neck speeds towards the sky. I come to a stop and I feel the pain again! God this hurts so much!

"AMY!" Was the last thing I heard then I passed out from the pain.


I woke up and right away I knew I was lying down on something hard. I look up to see Dr. Robotnik with a tool that I definitely recognize, even if I am all groggy.

It was a scalpel.

I didn't have the strength to move. What's wrong with me! I see his hand with the scalpel, lowering it to my wound and I feel pressure, but no pain. I must be heavily drugged. I moaned because I didn't want him touching me. It was just about the only thing I can do. He stops and lowers his head and looks into my eyes.

"You didn't think I was a real doctor did you? I didn't think so. Remember, I am a genius and you are the perfect experiment and the vital key component of my plan to destroying that hedgehog." He strokes my hair and all I could do was moan again. Don't touch me you evil egg bastard (but of course I couldn't say it aloud)! I wanted to be Sonic's vital team member! Not Eggman's!

I saw him stand upright and he began cutting my wound again making it bigger. He had inserted an all too familiar green, shiny object into my wound and had pressed it into my wound. He had then stuck a red, blue, yellow, silver, light blue, and then purple. Oh God! All this pressure! My body can't take this!

I feel this surging energy rising into me and it feels like fire! It's spreading all over my body onto my hands, knees, and chest especially. This energy, this power… I've seen it, but I didn't think I would ever experience this ever in my lifetime.

I can hear footsteps walking away from me and I look up t see a robot was stitching me up. I passed out with only one final thought of fear.

Eggman had just inserted all seven chaos emeralds into my body.

To be continued…. Read and review!

Interesting or not? This is sort of a test run. ;] Title is pending.

If you guys like this idea, go ahead and review. I won't update for a while because I would like to see if people here dig this idea or not, so review if you dig it! I wanna see someone dig it at least to post up the second one lol. I'm already working on chapter 2. Should be done within a week. I'm on vacation baby and I'm pretty bored lol.