Reviews for The Jungle Boy
snowcloud8 chapter 30 . 5/25
This story was a wonderful ride of fluff and I loved it! I enjoyed seeing Helga in an element where she wouldn't be hindered by the toxicity of her family or expectations of her peers, and to have her and Arnold be more open with each other. Side note tho, you might want to change ur rating to M for that sex scene. T rated is more for vague talk or sudden blackout in writing to imply sex. Other than that, I had no issues.
K.T.Waterflower chapter 30 . 7/5/2019
Awwww... the ending was so sweet and cute and wrap up in a little bow. I could see there being a sequel when you explore how they handle the city life for a year with their daughter and meeting the now grown up gang for a while. I loved this story. Although they're were alot of errors and some parts that can get confusing sometimes. Like the constant need to be reassured even they both say I love and mi amado/Amanda constantly throughout the story is very annoying and even though Arnold is the chosen one, Helga end up doing most of the work and saving both him and his parents in the end. Plus dont get started with the love scene with the necessary talking. Plus i think you left the Lila scene up in the air like she was gonna do more and I wish Helga would have at least confront her parents when she finds out they were looking for her.

But overall I love this story and it's one of my favorite stories. I think my favorite parts of the story were in the first arc when they little and full of love and innocence, it was so pure and cute how much they show and say they love each other and still unaware how the other feels. I am glad you write a story like this, I always wonder what it would be like if Arnold never left the jungle in the first place. This sorry kinda answers that saying they still end up together and save the green eye people. It's well done and seen to be in a complete circle. Job well done.
Eveythingicecream chapter 30 . 7/1/2019
This is so well written. One of the best and entertaining Hey Arnold fanfics I read. You really have a nag for writing. Keep it up. Thank you for writing this lovely story. It was pure joy to read.
Guest chapter 25 . 7/5/2018
That was the best jerk off scene i have ever read
Solyluna chapter 29 . 1/12/2018
yes, good!
helga was not a virgin?
Did not it hurt, did not it hurt you the first time?
Heard that even men hurt ...
Guest chapter 6 . 11/6/2017
Yo really Elder? Have her say " Hello My Love!?" So Rude! But so funny
Yali.Page chapter 1 . 3/21/2017
I always thought that if this situation ever happened, Helga would have meet an Arnold that grow up in the jungle with his parents, so he will be an educated jungle boy...
Taina77 chapter 30 . 3/1/2017
I love it this is the second time I read it
LightingWinter2 chapter 30 . 7/21/2016
You guys should make a sequel see what they do in Hillwood and you could make one of Helga's family member see her and they try to make it up to Helga
Heather chapter 30 . 7/11/2016
Absolutely loved it. So well written I really like the idea of Arnold being a jungle boy not something you see people write often if at all. Wish there was sequel but I understand
Inudaughter Returns chapter 30 . 5/10/2016
Thanks for the story.
Inudaughter Returns chapter 29 . 5/10/2016
Nice. Helga's lines in the last half are wow.
Inudaughter Returns chapter 23 . 5/10/2016
aw, sad
Inudaughter Returns chapter 18 . 5/10/2016
ha,ha. needs buttons, i guess.
Inudaughter Returns chapter 15 . 5/10/2016
Aw, this story is so sweet!
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