Author has written 16 stories for Fruits Basket, X-overs, and Cowboy Bebop.
My name is vivi scarlett. I was Vivi Scarlett-sedai for a while, but I decided that short and simple was best for me.
I'm mainly into Furuba, and usually stick to a few basic pairings, although every so often, I feel the need to do something a little more...unusual. My main pairings are:
Kyou/Uo: I find this pairing simply adorable. Sorry, but it's true. I saw the anime, saw the way they act, and thought "Oh my Ra, they just make THE cutest couple!" They are very sweet together, and I can see it working. After all, he's very hot-tempered, and she does actually have some measure of SENSIBLE control over him. Y'know, of the non-puppy-dog-eyes, not-scaring-the-tar-out-of-him variety.
Yuki/Tohru: Yet again, they are very sweet together, and I can see it working. Yuki's patient, and doesn't have the obvious talking-before-thinking issue Kyou has. True, it's one of the things that makes Kyon-chan so appealing, but Tohru gets upset, and Kyou would constantly be feeling guilty, so I think Yuki works best with his soft-speaking, DON'T-scare-the-girl-off approach...
Plus, I think Kyou needs to be with a girl (/boy, for all you shonen-ai-ers out there) who is prepared to give him a good kick (metaphorically, of course) when he gets all depressive I'm-not-fit-to-be-a-person-ish. And Uo can do that, without beating him to a pulp in the process.
The Red Rose Saga A series of oneshots. They can be read as standalone, or as series.
If you want to know the order intended...
Rojo Seda Rosa- initially a standalone. I wrote it the night before Valentine's, and posted it ON V, no matter what the site tells you. It was Valentine's in little ol' NZ.
The Sweetest Shade of Red- also originally intended as a standalone, and can be skipped if nescessary. It adds a little flavor, but no plot. It's the herbs to the potato and meat of the other stories (...from the POV of Irish stew...)
Arisa- Again, more flavor than plot, but it's one of my favourites, so please be gentle.
A Hint of Beauty- This is meat 'n' potato, following my Irish stew metaphor, and definately the sequel if you're short on time.
If you read my stories, goshdarnit, reveiw! Love 'em, hate 'em, I wanna improve! I want to KNOW if my French is good or bad (Thanks muchness to those of you who mentioned my French, you know who you are), I want to know if my grammar sucks, or if my narrative is tragic, or if my conversations fall flat. I WANT TO KNOW. I don't fancy myself a professional, I'm not ashamed of my mistakes. Just let me know what you like and don't like. I can't improve if you don't!