Ginny Weasley and the Dragon Council

By Dorthey Star

Chapter Eleven

This is for JoJo, who has reviewed every chapter,
And for dragonfire29 and Madison27, who have meant a lot to me
And for Fairy of Obsession, my beta, wherever she might be
Graduation day…

I was perfectly content to just stay in the dungeon room with Draco as my only company, but I knew my parents would start looking for me if we didn't headed head to the ceremony soon.

"We need to go ahead and go on to the Great Hall," I said in a mostly sad voice as I got up from the chair I'd been sitting in and tugged on his hand, urging him to do the same.

"Do we have to?" he asked, sighing. Neither of us was looking forward to this day for several reasons. Firstly because he was leaving after today; although I would see him every day during the summer at Hydes, where he was going to live, I wasn't going to see him every day during the school year the next year. Secondly, today was the day we were going to tell my family about our relationship.

"Yes. You promised me," I said. "Please? I promise it won't be painful. I'll protect you; Mum wouldn't dare let them hurt me." I smiled smugly and he groaned.

"It will just delay my death. They'll come find me when you aren't around," he said, pouting. I laughed and hugged him.

"Then I suppose I'll have to stay with you at all times," I mumbled into his chest, which shook with silence laughter.

"I suppose you'll have to," he agreed and we left the room together.

Draco and I parted ways as we left the dungeons. He had to line up with his fellow graduating Slytherins, and I needed to find my family. Finding my family was never hard. All I had to do was look for the sea of red hair, which was spotted easily. Quickly, I slipped into a seat by Charlie. He smiled at me, and looked like he was about to ask me where I had been, but Dumbledore stood, signaling the start of the ceremony.

The ceremony was long, the speeches boring, and the graduates slow. I watched with little interest, only clapping when Harry, Ron, Hermione, and, most importantly, perhaps, Draco got their diplomas. Charlie clapped with me when Draco got his, and we were some of the few who did. From the looks people were giving me, I figured that most people still believed that he had a hand in my kidnapping. Mum gave us a strange look when she saw us clapping, but didn't say anything.

When the ceremony was over, we stood near the back of the Great Hall and waited for Harry, Ron, and Hermione to find us. I leaned over to Charlie.

"I'll be right back," I whispered to him, and slipped away to find Draco. He was standing in a corner, just as we had arranged, and it only took me a moment to find him. I took his hand, lacing my fingers with his, and led him to my family.

"Hello, Draco," Charlie said warmly. "Congratulations." The two men shook hands and Mum looked over at me suspiciously.

"Mum," I said, taking a deep breath. "There's something that I really need to tell you." Her face turned white, and she spoke before I could finish my rehearsed spiel.

"Oh my god! She's pregnant!" Mum whispered harshly and she placed a hand over heart, as if willing it not to stop beating.

"Don't be ridiculous, Mum," I said, and rolled my eyes. "I just wanted to tell you that Draco and I have been dating since January." There was a moment of silence, and then-

"Ginevra Molly Weasley! You come out into the Entrance Hall at once!" Mum screeched, and grabbed my arm, pulling me away. I turned to look at Draco, who looked very worried, as she pulled me away, and mouthed I'm sorry to him. Before the doors shut behind me, I saw Charlie step forward and next to Draco, as if taking his side. I smiled at my eldest brother, and then the doors shut.

"Yes, Mum?" I asked mildly as she let go of my arm. I crossed my arms over my chest and stood defiantly, ready to defend Draco to the death.

"How can you- Draco Malfoy- your father- his father- Ohhh!" Mum said, too angry to complete a sentence.

"He's changed, Mum. Hydes does that to people. He's not evil, and he's definitely not his father. And, no matter what everyone believes, he did not help in my kidnapping!" I said, yelling the last part.

"Ginny, dear, can you honestly believed that he's changed? Are you sure he doesn't just want…sex…from you?" she asked, her face coloring slightly at the word sex. It amazed me that someone who had seven children could be so shy about sex. I rolled my eyes.

"Mum, if he wanted to have sex with me, he would have tried. And yes, he has changed. Hermione didn't believe me, either, but she's talked to him, and-" I started, but was cut off my Mum.

"Hermione knew you two were dating before I did?" She said, finally losing her cool and yelling.

"No, she didn't. No one knew. We didn't want the extra spotlight put on us after my kidnapping and his suspected part in it. Hermione just knew that I liked him, and that I thought he liked me back," I said, yelling back at her.

"Ginny, I don't want you to see that boy," Mum said, her voice quieting. "Please, love? You know what his family is like. It's just not right." I glared at her.

"I will do no such thing. I- I love him, Mum!" I said, and, realizing the truth in my words for the very first time, started to get tears in my eyes. Mum went very still at my words.

"You're only seventeen…you can't possibly love him, sweet," she said, sounding as if she was trying to convince herself of that as much as me. I gave her a hug.

"I do, Mum, and I'm going to continue seeing him whether you give your blessing or not, but I would really like your blessing," I said softly and looked her in the eye. She took a deep breath and put her hand on my cheek.

"I don't like this, but I'm going to trust you to make the right choice about him. If he hurts you or tries anything with you, though, that's that, and there will be no more Draco Malfoy mentioned, all right?" she asked, sounding gentle, but stern at the same time. I smiled and hugged her again.

"Thanks, Mum," I said, and pulled away from her. "Harry, Ron, and Hermione have probably found their way to the family by now, and we should get in there." Mum agreed and we walked back into the Great Hall.

Sure enough, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were waiting by the rest of the family. Draco was still over there and was talking calmly with Charlie. Ron, Harry, Fred, George, and Bill were all looking at Draco suspiciously, and all but Bill were looking at him with loathing. Draco looked up when he heard the door open and smiled softly at me. I smiled back and made my way to stand next to him. He slipped his arm around my waist.

"Gin," Charlie said, "I just want you to know that not only do I accept this, but I also am genuinely happy for you." I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around Charlie in a hug as Draco's arm dropped from around me.

"Thank you. I think you're the only one that is," I said, tears forming in my eyes. Charlie laughed.

"I have no doubt about that, Gin-bug. Go tell your brother and his friends congratulations before they come and lynch you," he said. I turned to look at Ron, Harry, and Hermione and saw that Ron was looking at me with a scandalized expression on his face. I laughed, and walked over to them, leaving Draco with Charlie.

"Congrats, you three," I said and gave each of them a hug, leaving Hermione for last and giving her the longest one.

"Ginny…Malfoy? But-why?" Ron asked, sounding very indignant. He and Harry looked at me, expecting answers, but Hermione just smiled softly.

"Because," I said, shrugging, "I love him, and that's all there is to it." I turned and headed back to Draco and Charlie before they could say anything about it. Charlie bid us Adieu and left to talk to an old school mate of his that he spotted, leaving Draco and I alone. He pulled me to him in a hug.

"Don't make me go through that again," he said, his voice muffled by my hair. I laughed and pulled back from him slightly to give him a small kiss.

"Thank you, Draco," I said as I settled back into his arms.

"Anything, Gin," he said and played with my hair by pulling the curls straight and watching them bounce back. After a few moments of that, he pulled away from me.

"I need to go find Father and Mother. It would best if you didn't come with me," he said, his voice hesitant on the last part. I nodded and placed a soft kiss on his check.

"I understand. I'll see you next week at Hydes," I said, smiling at him. He gave me one last hug before leaving to find his family, and I turned back to face mine, happy to have a family that supported me.


The summer has been going well for me, and I hope you've been having as pleasant of a time at Hydes as I have been having here at the Burrow. When we got home after Graduation, Daddy pulled me into the study and had a few stern words with me on what I shouldn't do with you, and how he was going to kill you if you hurt me. I wouldn't suggest hurting me, because the methods that he described to me sounded very painful. I will give him that he was very creative, and described quite a few very different and unique ways of killing you. He did, however, make Ron promise not to hurt you, whether you hurt me or not. Daddy said that if you hurt me, it was his job to hurt you, not Ron's. You would have laughed at Ron's face; he was so red that he could have been mistaken for a giant tomato. He was so livid that he couldn't speak. He hasn't spoken to me since Graduation, but I'm not worried. He'll come around eventually when he knows you aren't going to hurt me. I think they aren't so upset that I'm dating you, but that we kept it secret for so long. Even I'm not sure how we managed to keep it secret for six months. I suppose everyone was on pins and needles with me, so they were willing to over look any suspicious activity as long as I came back and was happy. And believe me, I was- and still am- extremely happy.

Are you taking proper care of Goldenwing? I miss her terribly, but I'm content to know that I'll see her again soon. One of the things that hurt the most when Voldemort had me was that I didn't know when- or if, even- I was going to get to see her again. Not knowing the same about you hurt a lot, too, especially when you seemed so close to asking me out when they got me. Enough about that; it depresses me to think about it.

Charlie just came up here to tell me that dinner is ready, so I'll just go ahead and end it rather than leave it here and work on it again later. I miss you terribly and I can't wait to get to Hydes next week. I'm going to end this letter with something that I probably should say in person, but since my family knows you should, too. I love you Draconis Octavian Malfoy. And just know that there is no pressure for you to return the sentiments. You can tell me if/when you are ready. I'll see you next week!

Smiling, I rolled the letter and attached it to the leg of Draco's owl, Euphrates. I couldn't wait to see him.

"Ginny, I just want you to know that Mum has requested that I never let you out of my sight while you're here," Charlie said, a grin on his face. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Just like I'm going to never let you and Malia out of my sight?" I asked, arching one eyebrow, causing my brother to laugh.

"Exactly. I think Malfoy's been rubbing off on you, Gin," he said, shaking his head ruefully as the Knight Bus stopped at Hydes. Grinning widely, I gathered the lighter stuff, leaving the heavier things for Charlie, and stepped off the bus. Draco, Lacey, Tait, and, surprisingly enough, Zandra were waiting for me in the doorway. Lacey and Tait raced each other to me while Draco calmly walked and Zandra slunk towards me. Lacey and Tait tackled me in a giant hug, but let go of me as Draco reached me. Obviously the news of our relationship had spread because they weren't shocked when Draco gathered me in his arms in a hug that could rival any of Charlie's. Lacey and Tait smirked at each other and Zandra scowled. When Draco let go of me, he took the things I had been carrying and we walked together toward the building, his arm around my waist, and mine around his. Lacey and Tait updated me on the tally of the races, and of the newest Greens, Laurel and Allan. I smiled to myself, and thought, life can't get better than this. Oh, but I was wrong.

Later that night, after almost everyone had gone to bed, Draco came up to my room and knocked on the door.

"Come in," I called and looked up from the book that I had been reading in bed. I smiled at Draco as he came in. Shutting the door behind him, he flung himself onto the bed and simply looked at me for a few minutes. I arched one eyebrow. "Can I help you?" He smirked at me before reaching up and, cupping my face in his hands, kissing me. When we were both out of breath he pulled back slightly.

"I love you, Ginny Weasley," he said and pulled me into his arms. I smiled, tears coming to my eyes.

"I love you, too, Draco," I said, and we were content to stay there, in our own world where there were no Voldemorts, Malfoys, Weasley's, Harrys, Hermiones, or even Dumbledores. It was our special place where only we existed and we rather liked it that way.


Disclaimer: most of the characters don't belong me; they belong to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic Books, Warner Brothers, and various other people. I'm merely borrowing them for my, and other people's enjoyment, and am making NO profit off of it.

Author's Note: And so the story ends. It makes me really, really sad to see the story end because I've had so much fun writing it, and I was actually able to finish it in about 5 months, which is basically unheard of for me! It's been a blast writing it, and has been a wonderful experience for me. Do look out for small continuations of the story, such as future cookies and stories of Hydes. I would really love to do a sequel, but I don't have any ideas for one. If you can think of one, just let me know! Any ideas would be appreciated.

IMPORTANT: I have a yahoo!egroup created for this story, and I would love if more than just the 5 (WONDERFUL!) people joined it. There are polls, discussions, and even little bits from Hydes stuff that I'm working on are realized. So, I'm begging you…please join! We don't bite (hard, anyway winks).


BloodRaider13; KuTiExAzNxAnGeL; akuweaselgirl; JoJo; saria1992; Madison27 (I was really proud of that chapter, especially the D/G scene!); Meg-goddess; Obviously Oblivious