Author has written 13 stories for Harvest Moon, Song of the Lioness, Neopets, and West Wing. 6/30/07 A Final Note For My K/D Readers: Hey all. So a friend of mine linked me to something on earlier tonight, and on a whim I decided to check out my account and skim through some of the reviews of my old fics. It’s been two years since I posted anything on, and even longer since I posted anything for the K/D pairing, so I was kind of amazed – and touched – that people were still reading and leaving reviews within the past couple of months. It’s because of you guys, and everyone else who has enjoyed my fics in the time I’ve been gone, that I am now posting a final K/D fic, Waiting, and departing from fanfiction the right way with an actual farewell, extremely belated though it may be. I surprised myself when I wrote Waiting, and am surprised now to find that this was a little over a year ago (time flies!). I was fond of it when I finished but didn’t post it on , simply because it had been so long since I had posted anything anywhere. It is the only fic I have written since then, and it is probably also going to be the last. To my readers both past and current, I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for reading and being so incredible and sweet with your reviews. To look at them now and see all of these people who enjoyed my really, REALLY means a lot to me. Just, really. Thank you. I will also acknowledge now that there is one major loose end -- the matter of Daybreak -- that will unfortunately never be resolved. I know this will let some people down and I am truly sorry about that, but I just don’t have it in me anymore to write the remaining chapters of that story. If you’re still curious to know how it was going to end, then please feel free to PM me or email me at my current address tsuki.soleil@ asking for details, and I’ll see what I can remember. ;P (There is also one reviewer in particular that I hope will drop me a line, who posted anonymously way back in 2005 pitching me some fic ideas and asking if I would consider writing them. I still feel so badly that I didn’t get back to this person soon enough, and I realize that “there’s about a one-in-a-million chance” that they are reading this now, but I feel like I have to give it a shot anyway. By the time I discovered the review in my old inbox it had already been like a year, and I made a note of it in my profile at that time but I don’t know if she/he ever saw it. If my luck with timing has reversed itself and you are reading this now, then please send me an email to let me know.) I’d like to further extend the email invitation to anyone who has any other questions about my fics (especially ones that went unanswered in other neglected reviews – sorry!), or really anybody who just wants to chat. I promise I won’t bite or anything (unless you do, and then it will only be in self-defense because who likes getting bitten? Not me). So, that’s it for me, folks. Hope you enjoyed the ride as much as I enjoyed the drive! “Pheep” out. |