A/N: Say goodbye to writer's block! Ha ha ha ha ha ha aha! Free! Free as a bird! Now I can make mischief once again in the realms of fanfiction! O glory be!
Disclaimer: Everything belongs to Tamora Pierce. All I own in this story is the plot. And a breast band. Well, it's not exactly mine, but I made it up, you know? It actually belongs to someone else in the story. Someone female. Well, that's kind of obvious I guess, but... okay, shutting up now.
The Lingerie Thief
I opened my palm and stared at the object with interest as I walked swiftly along. It was a long brass key. I turned the key in my hands and stared at the small owl carved into the end. The artist had made it seem as if the bird were clutching the key ring in its claws. I wondered who had done that for Kel, to make such a nice key for her. The key to her rooms. At least this was something to do on a nothing-to-do day.
While taking a stroll with my companions from the Own, hoping to make some mischief, I happened upon Tobe. He seemed to be in a great hurry. "My Lady needs her riding gloves from her room, but something has just come up! Please Sergeant Dom, could you please go get her gloves for me? Could you please?" What was I supposed to do? The poor kid looked so desperate and he was making sad puppy eyes at me. So, I nodded and he eagerly handed over the key to me, running off into the sunset........ Well, maybe not off INTO the sunset, but you know, in the general direction of it....... Okay, maybe the sun was just rising at the moment, but nobody ever says: And he ran off into the sunrise. That just sounds stupid. Anyway, he'd run off so fast, that he didn't even bother to ask me if I knew where Kel's rooms were. Luckily for him, and for me, I did. However, I'd never actually walked into her rooms. I'd been in her room at Raoul's and New Hope before, but these rooms were newer, and I hadn't until today been invited up.
I slid the key into the lock. A perfect fit. I turned the lock and opened the door. There was a waft of fresh air and spring blossoms when I peaked around the door frame. For a moment I felt my cheeks grow warm, being in Kel's rooms alone, but then I brushed the embarrassment aside, stepped boldly into the room and shut the door behind me with a kick. I jumped at the loud slam that echoed through the halls outside. Maybe a little too enthusiastic with that kick.
With a sour expression, I crossed my arms over my chest and surveyed the room with a mild interest. I noted the private privy, and also a few expensive items that, when I looked, definitely seemed to be gifts from high officials. I smirked, knowing these were probably a discrete thank you for finishing off Blayce and his metal monsters.
Turning about, I took in the decorations. Good taste, I thought. There were a few curious objects that I assumed came from the Yamani Isles, some delicately painted teapots and strange little waving cats that I had seen on numerous occasions, sometimes in the hands of her other friends. Neal had commented on them as well. I picked one up and studied it. 'A strange piece,' I thought. Kel said they were supposed to bring you luck. I smiled at the little cat, and waved back at it. Then, feeling foolish, I set it back and took a cautious look around me.
Remembering my cause for being there, I began to look for Kel's riding gloves. Not an easy task, I assure you. Tobe told me to fetch them, but he'd failed to specify where they were. I assumed that they must be somewhere in the room. It was a good assumption, I thought. I looked on top of her desk, and in all of her drawers without any luck, though I did find a rather comical depiction of myself and Kel sitting on a chicken coop with evil grins, while Neal, with a sour expression on his face, sat trapped inside.
I chuckled, and continued my search. I petted Jump when he happened through the window, and let a couple of the sparrows sit on my shoulder as I looked through Kel's possessions.
It wasn't until I got to her wardrobe that I really started to feel uncomfortable. Pairs of breeches, tunics, and shirts greeted me. It wasn't the fact that these were a woman's garments that unsettled me. It was the fact that they all smelled of Kel, that subtle combination of scents all blended together that could only be detected when you leaned close.
And I liked it.
I loved it.
This is kind of embarrassing, what I did then. I plead temporary insanity. Overcome by that scent of Kel, I leaned into the wardrobe until my face was pressed into cloth, and I breathed in deeply, as if it were my first breath of fresh air in ages. In a way I suppose, it was.
I pulled back and grinned goofily, then frowned. I shook my head vigorously and my eyes went wide in disbelief. I didn't, REALLY, just do that, did I? 'Impossible,' said that little inner voice, 'No way. Unless.....'
"Shut up," I said out loud.
I resumed searching through the clothes for the riding gloves. I know what you're thinking. No, I did not.... do...... that thing... I did... again. So there. No limbs turning to jelly, wistful sighs, or urges to compose love ballads plagued me. I told you, it was temporary insanity. The only reason I did that was because I thought that Kel was....... nice. A very nice person. What? She's NICE, okay? Doves probably dress her in the morning, that's how nice she is! Not that I've watched it first hand, of course.... Stop thinking that I'm an idiot! I am not lovesick! SHE'S JUST REALLY, REALLY, NICE, OKAY?
Thank you. I'm glad we've cleared that up.
Anyway, that's just when I happened upon a long band of cloth with three little hooks at the ends. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what it was for. It was just a band of cloth, kind of stretchy but sturdy, and a very pale blue colour. I debated on what it was, from a bandage, to an arm band, to a knee brace. Then, I finally gave into temptation again and brought it to my nose to inhale it. It was the same, Kel scent, only this time, the salty tang of sweat was mixed in with it. My brow furrowed and I held it out in front of me to examine it again. I stretched it out and held it at both ends. That's when I noticed that the cloth sagged a little around the middle, in two spots. 'What could make....' I thought. That's when it hit me.
I was holding up Kel's breast band.
I felt colour rise in my cheeks and two conflicting emotions whirled about in my head. One was of horror and embarrassment, and the other was mischief and a small amount of pleasure at the knowledge of what I was holding so tenderly in my hands.
I was so caught between these emotions that I almost failed to notice the slam of the door in the sitting room and quick steps heading toward the bedroom. With a speed I had not known I possessed, I put everything in her wardrobe back in its place and shut the door without a sound. When the door began to open, I turned around to boldly face down whoever was entering. Then I noticed that I still clutched Kel's breast band. Blushing furiously, I stuffed it into the pocket of my breeches.
"Tobe, I just realized that my gloves were right here in my— Dom!" Kel stood frozen in the door frame, looking very surprised indeed. I had managed to keep down my blush and was leaning casually against the desk, looking like my usual loose and carefree self. I hope.
"Hello," I said, allowing myself a smirk. A friendly, teasing smirk, of course. Not the cruel kind. Those smirks give all smirks such a bad name.
Kel blinked. "What are you doing here, Dom?" She looked around behind her and scratched her head. "I expected to see Tobe, I asked him to fetch my--"
"Riding gloves?"
She nodded.
"Something came up, and Tobe sent me on an errand to fetch them for you." I held up the owl key as proof. "But, obviously, you already found them," I nodded toward the gloves clutched in her hand.
"Yes. I just didn't expect to find you here, standing in my bedroom." She looked me up and down suspiciously. "And looking right at home." I raised an eyebrow and she choked. "Well, that is, you know what I mean." I smiled again, secretly pleased at her blunder.
I took a deep breath. "Well, better be going! Wolset will be wondering where I went."
"Yes, well, it's been nice seeing you again, even if under such," she blushed while searching for the correct words, "unusual circumstances."
I laughed making my way over to her as I flipped her the key. She fumbled for it and ducked her head. When she looked up again, our noses were almost touching. My gaze dropped to her lips for a moment, then met her eyes. "Well, may we meet under unusual circumstances again," I whispered. As I ambled out of the door, leaving her shell-shocked, I allowed a satisfied grin to grace my features.
The grin stayed with until I reached the stairs and noticed the lump in the pocket of my breeches. Full awareness of what I had just done flooded through me. First, I let myself into her rooms without her knowledge or permission. Then, I look through all of her possessions. I have an intimate moment with her entire wardrobe. Then I flirt shamelessly with her, leaving her standing there as I stroll out the door, so casual and comfortable with myself, and all the while I have her lingerie balled up in my pocket!!!!!
'This can't be good', I thought as I made my way to my private sergeant's quarters at the Own barracks, rather than sleeping in my regular bunk. I didn't think I could look anybody in the eye after such an experience. I flopped miserably down on my bed, wallowing in self-loathing. 'She's going to notice that her pretty blue breast band, perhaps her favourite breast band, has gone missing', I cringed. 'She might begin to wonder what I was doing in her bedroom. What if I didn't put things back the way I found them in the wardrobe? She'll suspect me!!!' I tried to calm myself by staring at my boots for several minutes. It worked a little.
Somehow, I worked up the nerve to reach into my pocket and pull out the little scrap of cloth that was the cause of my anxiety. I crossed my legs and set it down on the bed in front of me. Resting my chin on my linked fingers, I studied the cloth for a long moment, my face burning with shame. I reached out a tentative hand to stroke the material. Snatching it back in frustration, I picked up the breast band and stalked over to my clothes chest. I emptied out all the shirts, tunics, breeches and hose until there was nothing left inside. Reaching in, I flicked at a small, unnoticeable catch in the bottom corner and a portion of the wooden bottom popped up. Pushing aside the other letters and keepsakes I'd stashed there, I stuffed in the breast band and shut the compartment with a snap. 'There,' I thought, 'Safe. For the time being.'
A/N: Send me notice if you want me to continue this. I'm not really sure if I want to just yet. I'm not feeling it, ya know? But now I gotta finish it, right? Ya know? Whatever.
Disclaimer: Everything belongs to Tamora Pierce. All I own in this story is the plot. And a breast band. Well, it's not exactly mine, but I made it up, you know? It actually belongs to someone else in the story. Someone female. Well, that's kind of obvious I guess, but... okay, shutting up now.
The Lingerie Thief
I opened my palm and stared at the object with interest as I walked swiftly along. It was a long brass key. I turned the key in my hands and stared at the small owl carved into the end. The artist had made it seem as if the bird were clutching the key ring in its claws. I wondered who had done that for Kel, to make such a nice key for her. The key to her rooms. At least this was something to do on a nothing-to-do day.
While taking a stroll with my companions from the Own, hoping to make some mischief, I happened upon Tobe. He seemed to be in a great hurry. "My Lady needs her riding gloves from her room, but something has just come up! Please Sergeant Dom, could you please go get her gloves for me? Could you please?" What was I supposed to do? The poor kid looked so desperate and he was making sad puppy eyes at me. So, I nodded and he eagerly handed over the key to me, running off into the sunset........ Well, maybe not off INTO the sunset, but you know, in the general direction of it....... Okay, maybe the sun was just rising at the moment, but nobody ever says: And he ran off into the sunrise. That just sounds stupid. Anyway, he'd run off so fast, that he didn't even bother to ask me if I knew where Kel's rooms were. Luckily for him, and for me, I did. However, I'd never actually walked into her rooms. I'd been in her room at Raoul's and New Hope before, but these rooms were newer, and I hadn't until today been invited up.
I slid the key into the lock. A perfect fit. I turned the lock and opened the door. There was a waft of fresh air and spring blossoms when I peaked around the door frame. For a moment I felt my cheeks grow warm, being in Kel's rooms alone, but then I brushed the embarrassment aside, stepped boldly into the room and shut the door behind me with a kick. I jumped at the loud slam that echoed through the halls outside. Maybe a little too enthusiastic with that kick.
With a sour expression, I crossed my arms over my chest and surveyed the room with a mild interest. I noted the private privy, and also a few expensive items that, when I looked, definitely seemed to be gifts from high officials. I smirked, knowing these were probably a discrete thank you for finishing off Blayce and his metal monsters.
Turning about, I took in the decorations. Good taste, I thought. There were a few curious objects that I assumed came from the Yamani Isles, some delicately painted teapots and strange little waving cats that I had seen on numerous occasions, sometimes in the hands of her other friends. Neal had commented on them as well. I picked one up and studied it. 'A strange piece,' I thought. Kel said they were supposed to bring you luck. I smiled at the little cat, and waved back at it. Then, feeling foolish, I set it back and took a cautious look around me.
Remembering my cause for being there, I began to look for Kel's riding gloves. Not an easy task, I assure you. Tobe told me to fetch them, but he'd failed to specify where they were. I assumed that they must be somewhere in the room. It was a good assumption, I thought. I looked on top of her desk, and in all of her drawers without any luck, though I did find a rather comical depiction of myself and Kel sitting on a chicken coop with evil grins, while Neal, with a sour expression on his face, sat trapped inside.
I chuckled, and continued my search. I petted Jump when he happened through the window, and let a couple of the sparrows sit on my shoulder as I looked through Kel's possessions.
It wasn't until I got to her wardrobe that I really started to feel uncomfortable. Pairs of breeches, tunics, and shirts greeted me. It wasn't the fact that these were a woman's garments that unsettled me. It was the fact that they all smelled of Kel, that subtle combination of scents all blended together that could only be detected when you leaned close.
And I liked it.
I loved it.
This is kind of embarrassing, what I did then. I plead temporary insanity. Overcome by that scent of Kel, I leaned into the wardrobe until my face was pressed into cloth, and I breathed in deeply, as if it were my first breath of fresh air in ages. In a way I suppose, it was.
I pulled back and grinned goofily, then frowned. I shook my head vigorously and my eyes went wide in disbelief. I didn't, REALLY, just do that, did I? 'Impossible,' said that little inner voice, 'No way. Unless.....'
"Shut up," I said out loud.
I resumed searching through the clothes for the riding gloves. I know what you're thinking. No, I did not.... do...... that thing... I did... again. So there. No limbs turning to jelly, wistful sighs, or urges to compose love ballads plagued me. I told you, it was temporary insanity. The only reason I did that was because I thought that Kel was....... nice. A very nice person. What? She's NICE, okay? Doves probably dress her in the morning, that's how nice she is! Not that I've watched it first hand, of course.... Stop thinking that I'm an idiot! I am not lovesick! SHE'S JUST REALLY, REALLY, NICE, OKAY?
Thank you. I'm glad we've cleared that up.
Anyway, that's just when I happened upon a long band of cloth with three little hooks at the ends. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what it was for. It was just a band of cloth, kind of stretchy but sturdy, and a very pale blue colour. I debated on what it was, from a bandage, to an arm band, to a knee brace. Then, I finally gave into temptation again and brought it to my nose to inhale it. It was the same, Kel scent, only this time, the salty tang of sweat was mixed in with it. My brow furrowed and I held it out in front of me to examine it again. I stretched it out and held it at both ends. That's when I noticed that the cloth sagged a little around the middle, in two spots. 'What could make....' I thought. That's when it hit me.
I was holding up Kel's breast band.
I felt colour rise in my cheeks and two conflicting emotions whirled about in my head. One was of horror and embarrassment, and the other was mischief and a small amount of pleasure at the knowledge of what I was holding so tenderly in my hands.
I was so caught between these emotions that I almost failed to notice the slam of the door in the sitting room and quick steps heading toward the bedroom. With a speed I had not known I possessed, I put everything in her wardrobe back in its place and shut the door without a sound. When the door began to open, I turned around to boldly face down whoever was entering. Then I noticed that I still clutched Kel's breast band. Blushing furiously, I stuffed it into the pocket of my breeches.
"Tobe, I just realized that my gloves were right here in my— Dom!" Kel stood frozen in the door frame, looking very surprised indeed. I had managed to keep down my blush and was leaning casually against the desk, looking like my usual loose and carefree self. I hope.
"Hello," I said, allowing myself a smirk. A friendly, teasing smirk, of course. Not the cruel kind. Those smirks give all smirks such a bad name.
Kel blinked. "What are you doing here, Dom?" She looked around behind her and scratched her head. "I expected to see Tobe, I asked him to fetch my--"
"Riding gloves?"
She nodded.
"Something came up, and Tobe sent me on an errand to fetch them for you." I held up the owl key as proof. "But, obviously, you already found them," I nodded toward the gloves clutched in her hand.
"Yes. I just didn't expect to find you here, standing in my bedroom." She looked me up and down suspiciously. "And looking right at home." I raised an eyebrow and she choked. "Well, that is, you know what I mean." I smiled again, secretly pleased at her blunder.
I took a deep breath. "Well, better be going! Wolset will be wondering where I went."
"Yes, well, it's been nice seeing you again, even if under such," she blushed while searching for the correct words, "unusual circumstances."
I laughed making my way over to her as I flipped her the key. She fumbled for it and ducked her head. When she looked up again, our noses were almost touching. My gaze dropped to her lips for a moment, then met her eyes. "Well, may we meet under unusual circumstances again," I whispered. As I ambled out of the door, leaving her shell-shocked, I allowed a satisfied grin to grace my features.
The grin stayed with until I reached the stairs and noticed the lump in the pocket of my breeches. Full awareness of what I had just done flooded through me. First, I let myself into her rooms without her knowledge or permission. Then, I look through all of her possessions. I have an intimate moment with her entire wardrobe. Then I flirt shamelessly with her, leaving her standing there as I stroll out the door, so casual and comfortable with myself, and all the while I have her lingerie balled up in my pocket!!!!!
'This can't be good', I thought as I made my way to my private sergeant's quarters at the Own barracks, rather than sleeping in my regular bunk. I didn't think I could look anybody in the eye after such an experience. I flopped miserably down on my bed, wallowing in self-loathing. 'She's going to notice that her pretty blue breast band, perhaps her favourite breast band, has gone missing', I cringed. 'She might begin to wonder what I was doing in her bedroom. What if I didn't put things back the way I found them in the wardrobe? She'll suspect me!!!' I tried to calm myself by staring at my boots for several minutes. It worked a little.
Somehow, I worked up the nerve to reach into my pocket and pull out the little scrap of cloth that was the cause of my anxiety. I crossed my legs and set it down on the bed in front of me. Resting my chin on my linked fingers, I studied the cloth for a long moment, my face burning with shame. I reached out a tentative hand to stroke the material. Snatching it back in frustration, I picked up the breast band and stalked over to my clothes chest. I emptied out all the shirts, tunics, breeches and hose until there was nothing left inside. Reaching in, I flicked at a small, unnoticeable catch in the bottom corner and a portion of the wooden bottom popped up. Pushing aside the other letters and keepsakes I'd stashed there, I stuffed in the breast band and shut the compartment with a snap. 'There,' I thought, 'Safe. For the time being.'
A/N: Send me notice if you want me to continue this. I'm not really sure if I want to just yet. I'm not feeling it, ya know? But now I gotta finish it, right? Ya know? Whatever.