Author has written 36 stories for Protector of the Small Quartet, Ella Enchanted, Song of the Lioness, and Harry Potter. Sorry, guys, but I am no longer accepting anonymous reviews. After getting two slightly odd and truthfully almost terrifying anonymous reviews on, I decided to block them, as well as take truly personal information off of my profile. Feel free to message me still please, however I am also removing my email address from the list. My messaging system on here is still open, however, so feel free to send one! I love it:D Things I: LOVE: I obviously adore reading, writing, and fanfiction. More than that, I like to fence, play BADMINTON, swim, bake, talk to friends, talk online, type, and play games like Breakout and Might and Magic HATE: prejudice, close-mindedness, and people like my friends. Flamers, wanna-bes, posers, spoiled rich brats, people who are always complaining about their lot in life, morons, stupidity in general, people who call me mean (I'm really not, I just am very sarcastic, and if I don't like you, I most likely won't pretend to unless necessary), people in general. :D Fanfiction: PAIRINGS I LOVE: Harry/Draco (The first I read), Harry/Severus, Harry/Lucius, Harry/Tom, and Harry/Ginny (if well written, in small doses I can handle it). I will also read things like Hermione/Ron, Luna/Neville, Sirius/Remus, and Remus/Snape as side stories. PAIRINGS I WON'T READ: Harry/Hermione, Hermione/Draco, Ginny/Draco, Harry/Luna, Harry/Neville, Severus/Neville, McGonigall/anyone, Dumbledore/anyone, Hagrid/anyone and Dudley/Anyone Story Themes (?) I Enjoy: Azkaban stories (Harry), Disappearance (Harry), Harry coming back to teach at Hogwarts unknown to everyone else, slash, Voldemort wins, nice Dursleys, Severitus, Dark Harry, MPREG, Harry's children (while he is still in Hogwarts) Story Themes I don't like (Unless well written): Dead Harry, Founders, All powerful Harry, Sirius back from the dead, Time Travel stories, and stories without pairings (ITS JUSTWRONG, PEOPLE! ROMANCE IS NECESSARY!) BEST FANFICTIONS: ABANDON and RECLAIM by Batsutousai- This is one of, if not the most, amazing thing I have ever read, fanfiction or no. I began to read this story because it looked amusing, and I was bored. I continued reading it after the first few chapters because it was slightly humorous, in that lame sort of way. Then, after getting a few chapters in, you can't help but get into this remarkable story. This is an emotional roller coaster ride, bringing you from joy one moment, to crying the next, then to almost falling off of your chair you are laughing so hard. This is truthfully a work of genius that makes you feel the emotions as the characters feel them. You can't help but love this story, despite the oddness of it, and it will make or break your opinion of any character in Harry Potter. (HPTR slash) I suggest EVERYONE read it! THE CHARIOT and THE HERMIT by Karina4-Again, genius, though not so much as the above story. She uses a brilliant idea here, and you can't help but love Draco Malfoy, despite his mistakes. It is a brilliant, amazing story that always has me thinking about the next chapter, making up something in my head that will NEVER be as good as what actually happens. Anyone who enjoys Draco/Harry should read this amazing piece. Ghost of a Memory by Phoenix Boy-It took me a while, to think of my favorite in this pairing. There are many wonderful Snarry fics, but this was the one that attracted me to this pairing, and I love it dearly. It is one of those stories where Harry defeats Voldemort and disappears, no one knowing where he is, only to reappear to teach at Hogwarts years later, with no one knowing who he is save Aberforth Dumbledore, whom he trained under, and Hermione, who figured it out within five minutes of being in his presence. Throw in Severus, a Harry Potter Day celebration, and a reformation of the death eaters, and you've got yourself an AMAZING fanfiction. :D For my Lucius/Harry pairing, I wasn't really sure which to put up that can be found on this website. If you wish, however, to read one, feel free to email me for requests. |