Author has written 56 stories for Song of the Lioness. My CrossGen parodies are taken off as of 23/4/2003, and I won't be publishing any other ones. CrossGen apparently disapprove of it, and since I respect them and their right to dispell wild fanfics, I'm going by their word. Left on this page are, therefore, only my TP fics. All systems are go for my first alternate universe epic, "Land of War". Other than that... Not much left to say. I like reviews. Especially long ones, with lots of constructive criticism. Updates: I'm in the process of migrating all my fics to new accounts. One-shots are concentrated at Lord Theodore's Drop Centre and multi-chapters at LamdaFic. For those interested in Tamora Pierce fanfiction offsite, check out LiveJournal communities such as tammy_drabbles, circle_fic, tortall_femfic and sff_challenge, or my recs community, hazel_recs. Epic fic status report: Chapter two is ready and will be posted very soon. It is the last document I'll be uploading to this site. The interface is just too high maintenence, with too little reward. For anyone who's following, you can get all future updates here: Land of War. Lea, aka Alone in the Desert. |
Community: | Femmeslash |
Focus: | Books Song of the Lioness |