Author has written 7 stories for Song of the Lioness, Harry Potter, Sherwood Smith, and Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. 7/15/06: Chapter 9 of "We Have to What?" uploaded. "Just the Girl" will be uploaded in August because of computer issues. Chapter 10 of "We Have to What?" is forthcoming, as is chapter 21 of "The Threads of Life." 5/21/06: "Upcoming" dates changed. See below. Sorry for the wait, guys! 12/27/05: My computer with all the downloaded docs of the original "How It All Began" (now The Desperate Days) died, and my mother is refusing to send it in until she "gets around to it," so it is unlikely that you will see a new chapter for several more months. However, seeing as it's not my most popular story, I doubt this will be too much trouble. Hey guys! My name is Lindsay, and I'm from California, though I lived in England for seven years. I'm sixteen and am in 11th grade, the evil year. Which explains my lack of updating. And thats about it. On to the books! (And movies, etc) http:// Go. Now. Please. Have stories ready to archive as well! Fave books: Any Tamora Pierce books, Eragon, Crown/Court Duel, Ender series, Harry Potter series, Where the Truth Lies, A Great and Terrible Beauty/Rebel Angels, Garth Nix books, Hawksong, Mercedes Lackey books and many, many more! Fave Pairings: Basically, I'm a fan of not cheating on the person you're with, which means no Kel/Neal pairings or Alanna/Jon, for all of you fans Kel/Dom Alanna/George Lily/James (my favorite ever pairing!) Katie Bell/Oliver Wood(cute, although I like it better when it's not canon, and she's only a year or two younger than he is.)Angelina/Gred Alicia/Forge ;)(basically, either one with either one) Raoul/Buri Mel/Danric Aly/Nawat Gemma/Kartik(yet another love/hate) Zane/Danica (another love/hate match made in heaven) Dont like: Harry/Ginny (I really don't know why, I have no reason not to like it, and I have no preference otherwise for pairings for those two...and yes, I know it's canon. I dislike Ginny on principle. She is too Mary-suish. We haven't spent enough time with her character on the books for her to appear to have extensive flaws.)Hermione/Snape (I mean, come likely is that? Surprisingly common in the fanfic community, however...) Alanna/Jon (They just don't belong together. They have all the lust, but not reallythe amount of respect or privacy that Alanna needs. George is much better for her, because he won't bang heads with her all the time, and he's a very quiet person in general. They are perfect complements) Kel/Neal, Joren, etc. (Neal belongs with Yuki, likewise Raoul with Buri,and Joren has done too many unspeakable deeds to have them be together. If it was pre-Lady Knight, I would say either Kel/Cleon or Kel/Dom, but after, it's totally Dom all the way!) Movies/TV Shows/Musicals Pirates of the Carribean, Lord of the Rings, Finding Neverland, Save the Last Dance, A Walk to Remember, Bend it Like Beckham, Garden State, Spiderman, Spiderman II, Pretty Woman, In Good Company, Star Wars (IV-VI), To Kill a Mockingbird, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, The OC, Friends, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, South Park, Wicked, Rent, Fiddler on the Roof, The Lion King, The Phantom of the Opera, Cabaret, Spamalot Fave Pairings (mostly BtVS/AtS): Buffy/Angel, Buffy/Spike, Riley/whoever his wife is, Willow/Oz (preS5 or AU), Willow/Tara, Xander/Anya, Xander/Willow (pre S4, apres Tara/Anya death, AU), Faith/Robin Wood, Faith/Angelus (S3),Wesley/Fred, Angel/Cordelia, Cordelia/Doyle, Gunn/Fred (S3), Wesley/Lilah (S3/4), Seth/Summer, Ryan/Marissa, Ryan/Theresa, Will/Elizabeth, Jack/Anamaria, Elphaba/Fiyero (the musical, not thebook) Don't Like: Buffy/Xander (Xander's fixation is puppy love, and Buffy will never be truly attracted to him), Buffy/Riley (although cute when it happened, obviously they don't belong together for the long run), Buffy/Parker(evil Parker!), Willow/Kennedy(Kennedy's just annoying), Warren/Katrina(both Katrina and Warren really bother me for some reason...), Xander/Faith(She treats him like dirt), Xander/Cordelia(never really appreciated him, both found others), Faith/Angel (he would never betray Buffy to do that, but when he's evil, it's a different story!), Angel/Fred (Puppy love once again on the part of Fred, and besides, she fits with Wes much better) Pet Peeves in Harry Potter writing: 1) Lily is NOT, I repeat NOT, short for Lillian or any other form of that name. When spelled with one L (eg, Lily Potter), the name is the same as that of the flower. When spelled with two L's(eg Lilly Moscovitz, Princess Diaries), it is short for Lillian. Plus, we don't have a middle name for her through canon, so if you decide to make up a middle name for her, do not, NOT use Marie. It's waaaay too overused for a fandom, and many people think that it's canon. Most common fanon full name: Lillian Marie Evans. Often used when the mother of said teen is shouting at her for something or other. Please be original! 2.) James, Remus, Sirius and Peter were not called by their nicknames or "the marauders" anywhere they could be heard, orat least outside the Gryffindor common room. How do we know this? When Snape sees the Marauders' map in PoA, he DOES NOT know who the people are. He also does not know that they are animagi. Also, for some reason people think that Snape found out about Remus' "condition" in 6th year. I'm almost positive that it's the end of 5th year that it happened. If, for a plot device, it is necessary to change the timing of this incident, please inform your readers of that case. My Stories: The Threads of Life: Tamora Pierce, KD (Ongoing, chapter 20) A Rainy Day: Tamora Pierce, KD (One Shot) The Desperate Days formerly How It All Began: Harry Potter, LJ (Ongoing, chapter 1 REWRITTEN) Their Last Day: Harry Potter, LJ (One Shot) A Slightly Different Turn: Sherwood Smith, VM (COMPLETE, chapter 5) We Have to What? (Ongoing, Chapter 9) Upcoming (In order): Chapter 8, We Have to What? (published, February 3) Just the Girl (Harry Potter, Lily/James oneshot) (projected date of publication: sometime in May -- I'm almost done!) Buffy challenge (to join the challenge, check out the challenge section of my Buffy forum) (projected date of publication: sometime in the summer -- July, I'm guessing) Chapter 9, We Have to What? (published, July 11) Chapter 21, The Threads of Life (projected date of publication: sometime in July) If you would like me to write a story, please email me with the characters and a basic plot and I would be happy to do so! Anyway, enough rambling, its not as if anyone reads this anyway. Happy reading! ~Crystaltambaia PS: Feel free to contact me about my stories or if you want a beta reader, or for whatever at: Crystaltambaia (AIM...I open all accept message thingers) or lindsaymiller@ (email...duh) |