Author has written 8 stories for Harry Potter. Hello. I'm a writer from Sweden and I can tell you straight away that there's no polar bears on our streets. You may like polar bears, but as it comes to beeing breakfast for them, I do not. I also have somethings to make clear: First of all: I am JK Rowling and therefore I do not need a proper disclaimer inside my fics. I am also the toothfairy, Dobby the House-elf, a princess, Batman, a shapeshifter, Voldemort and the writer of the book Here Comes God And She's Pissed. Secondly: I like slash. You may say whatever you want to, but I like slash and some of my fics are slash. All flames about this will be laughed at and responded to by Severus Snape. If I write NC-17 rated things, you may find them at where my penname is CreativeAngel. I put the kiddie-stuff here at, and the adult themes there. Thirdly: I don't care for the 6th book (HBP) and I will disregard it in any fic I write. So if in book six, on unnessecery page 653 Dumbledore stated that Voldemort is in fact a god, owns a goat and likes pink, I don't care. You can care all you want and have your glitter-loving Voldie to yourself. I, however, see Voldie as something dangerous, horrible, dark and evil. Eccept for when I ocationally turn him into a jelly tart. Sadly I have too much respect for books in themselves to burn my copy of HBP. But then again, the thing acctually cost me a dollar, so I think it's worth enough to let itsleep under my bed and eat the dust. And finally: I have too much imagination and not-so-much respect formean reviewers. If you're mean to me, I will be mean to you. I like my stories and if you don't, that's just too sad - why the heck are you then reading this! Go back to bed! ABOUT SHIPPING! I sail on the seventh ocean with these ships: HP/DM, SB/RL, HP/HG, HP/AG, MW/AW, NL/LL, GW/Someone Unimportant That Keeps The Read Head Out Of My Story, JFF/BZ, PP/Whomping Willow. As for my stories: My longtime pride, The Secrets of Dragons, is currently on hold. In fact, so is Touch and Go too. I quit writing in the begining of June 2005 when my father suddenly died in a heartattack at the age of 46 and I have not yet found the inspiration to continue. I will though, because I love the Potterverse and I love playing in it. Both stories are unfortunately inchohorent and OOC and AU, which means that when I do return to writing, they will be rewritten. Thank you for all your support and prayers due to the loss of my father, |