![]() Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter. All the following information is Up-To-Date as of September 15th, 2018 Hey guys, I just found this out early this morning. The following link leads to a GoFundMe page for my cousin, the amazing foster sister of my daughter, who was hospitalized this past week. I understand if no one can help, but every little bit counts and even if you can't donate, could you all share the link, to get it out to those whowcan and will, please? /u/k8vts2 All the following information is Up-To-Date as of May 22nd, 2018 I am still currently working on the following Harry Potter fan-fictions: 1)Death is Mine 2)Matters of Family 3)The Perfect Woman (and still thinking-up/placing ideas into) 4)Potter Dancing in a Field of Plot Bunnies On a personal note, I now have a daughter who will be 2 in September and I've met my soulmate and spend at least 80% of my time with him. I will try to be online and writing more often but I am also looking at a hiatus of 1-5 (maybe 7) years that will start with no warning sometime within the next year. I will update any/all stories as I am able. I do love getting the email alerts that someone has Favorited a story I've started and I look forward to the day when I'll be able to have people favorite a story I've finished. My lover is not on fanfiction.net but I hope to get him on it soon as he's VERY good at writing lemons (even better at creating them ;P ) and we have plans to write a book series IRL between all our other real life issues and goals. I'm truly sorry that I've not updated anything since 2015-2016 (I'm not really sure which year it was o_o ) and I'm trying to get back into writing so I'll hopefully get a decent amount written before I go on hiatus again (I came up with so many ideas during this last one ; ) I hope to have at least one new chapter up by the end of the month for each story (I'm trying!!!) and maybe even a few chapters for a new story posted by the end of next month... I'm not even 60% certain on that though... All the following information is Up-To-Date as of March 30th, 2016 I am currently working on the following Harry Potter fan-fictions: 1)Death is Mine 2)Matters of Family 3)The Perfect Woman As none of these stories currently have a plot/storyline written up, they are taking a lot longer then I expected to write them out and move forward. (Apparently, "winging it" isn't the most productive method...) For those who don't know, "Potter Dancing in a Field of Plot Bunnies" are a compilation of ideas (each chapter being a different idea) that anyone may take and use, just so long as they let me know so that I can enjoy the stories that are written. Basically, they're just ideas/suggestions of things I'd like to see in a fic but don't really trust myself to write (though, these ideas I may use as well sometime in the far future). On another Harry Potter fan-fiction note, I have another HP fan-fiction in the works. However, due to the fact that it is the kind of epic story that someone with a lot higher skill level then me should be writing, that story is being written excessively slowly (with a lot of frustrations) and I likely won't put any piece of it up until it is either completely finished or I have someone (who has epic Harry Potter fic writing skills), who I can trust to collaborate with me on it and help me write it... As I don't see the second option happening any time soon, please don't hope to see the story that I actually spend the most time on up anytime soon. I do have other fanfictions that I am working at on a casual basis for Yu Yu Hakusho, Naruto, Inuyasha, The Circle of Magic/Circle Opens series', Wild Magic series, Protector of the Small Series, and many more, but I don't actually see me getting many, if any, of those stories up on the site for a few more years (though, if I fall back into a series obsession, I may get one or two of those done and then I'll put them up, but unless that obsession kicks me into gear I just don't see it happening, sorry all). On a personal note, I am currently 11 1/2 weeks pregnant. This is my 3rd pregnancy and, due to the first two resulting in zero living children for me, this pregnancy is considered high risk. Starting at the 16th week, I will be making bi-weekly (as in every other week) trips to see my OB (who happens to be nearly 2 hours away). These trips exhaust me for days afterwards. This, and the fact that I will eventually be put on bed rest, means that my snail-speed writing pace is going to slow even more. I don't plan on quitting at any point, but this pregnancy combined with the uncertain living arrangements that my boyfriend and I are dealing with mean that my fans are, unfortunately, having to wait even longer than even I can anticipate. I hate to do this to people, but for my impatient readers, you might want to consider my works on Hiatus (frequent Hiatus?) for the foreseeable future. |