Title: Matters of Family

Disclaimer: J. K. Rowling and associates own Harry Potter and all characters from the series. Any characters I make are completely fictional and neither belongs in the original Harry Potter series nor in real life. I am writing this for fun, not profit.

Pairings: (Undecided as of yet)

Rating: R (… not sure if I'll actually need this rating, but better to be safe than sorry… Besides, I'll at the very least have some cursing and abuse.)

Warnings: Swearing, abuse, neglect, murder, kidnapping, probably considered an AU *shrugs*,

Summary: The summer before his fourth year, Harry Potter receives a letter for a boy named Acheron. Soon after his return to Hogwarts, he finds out exactly who Acheron is and he's not happy.

Note from Author: I sincerely apologize for the lack of updates. Due to some… unforeseeable events, my boyfriend and I have found ourselves currently homeless and I am pregnant. I've had little opportunity to work on my fanfictions, but I will update as much as I am able. Also, to SmileSimplify, to your questions about the 3 magical artifacts, I can't tell you everything, because if I told you, you'd know where this story is going and there'd be no point in reading it. But maybe some questions will be answered in this chapter.

Please enjoy chapter 2.


Lady Lace Black


Wizarding color palette's are as followed:

(Muggle Color Palette = Wizarding Color Palette)

Pure Spring = Pure Ostara

Tinted Spring = Light Ostara

Toned Spring = Dark Ostara

Shaded Spring = True Ostara

Pure Autumn = True Mabon

Tinted Autumn = Light Mabon

Toned Autumn = Pure Mabon

Shade Autumn = Dark Mabon

Pure Summer = True Litha

Tinted Summer = Light Litha

Toned Summer = Pure Litha

Shaded Summer = Dark Litha

Pure Winter = Pure Yule

Tinted Winter = Light Yule

Toned Winter = True Yule

Shaded Winter = Dark Winter

Chapter 2 ~

Acheron stared down at the floor as Mrs. Bones talked with the Malfoy's, his parents! Oh merlin, what was he going to do? Ignoring the past history between himself and Draco, let alone the previous altercations with , the only memories he had of having parents, false memories at that, was of them dying!

And then a realization occurred to Acheron.

He wasn't Harry Potter anymore! Voldemort had no reason to kill him anymore!

Acheron didn't see the others in the room look at him as the little boy gasped. And he was too lost in his own thoughts to see their panicked expressions when he began to hyperventilate.

"Quick, he's going into shock!"

Acheron didn't feel Lucius scoop him up and the boy blacked out during the Floo Trip to St. Mungo's, but Mrs. Bones watched in amazement as she rushed behind the Malfoy's. As Lucius held the little boy, constantly checking his temperature and vitals, Narcissa immediately took charge when it came to speaking with the Healers and explaining the situation. Mrs. Malfoy was just as clear and concise as any Healer or fully trained Auror and was able to get her son seen to a lot faster then most other patients because of it.

The child was sleeping in Lucius' arms now, but Narcissa and Mrs. Bones were listening to the St. Mungo's Healers as they explained what other problems the child might suffer.

"He'll likely suffer panic attacks frequently until he gets used to his new environment. Also, the scans show past physical abuse and a long history of malnutrition. We're going to prescribe him some potions to bring his health up to the levels they should be, but because of how long the abuse went on, he's more than likely going to suffer stunted growth for the rest of his life."

glanced at the Malfoy couple. To the untrained eye, their faces were carefully blank, but to the Head of the Auror Department, the two were so furious that they couldn't speak.

"Another side effect is that the malnutrition may have caused some brain damage, in a way that could affect his ability to learn or socialize."

"You're saying that he's retarded?!"

"No, not at all ! Young Acheron has been harmed badly by the way he was raised by whomever took him. The way he was raised caused damage to both his body and mind that may or may not be able to be treated. To know the true extent of the damage, he needs to start seeing a mind healer to receive some tests that will let us know. Also, any observations you and your wife can tell the mind healer of how he interacts with his peers would help move the process along faster. But until we know the extent of the damage, we can't know what all is wrong or how long it will take to cure him, if he can be cured."

Both the Malfoy's were very pale at that point and even felt pity for the family as they left to take their son home. Sighing to herself, she headed back to the office. She needed to start two investigations now, the first to bring criminal charges on anyone involved in the kidnapping and abuse of Acheron Malfoy. And the second, to find out what really happened to Harry Potter.


Acheron woke in the most comfortable bed he'd ever slept in, even more comfortable than the beds at Hogwarts. Looking around, Acheron stared blankly at the extravagant white stone walls and dark wood furniture that filled the room. The floor was of the same dark wood but was covered by an elegant white persian rug.

"I'm glad to finally see you awake."

Acheron looked over and eyed Mr. Malfoy who was sitting in a comfy looking reading chair next to the bed. An emerald blanket was draped across his legs and Acheron wondered if the man had stayed there all night.

Lucius watched as his youngest son eyed him over, the boy's expression curiously blank but his eyes wary. It hurt, but knowing that they couldn't just suddenly be the family that they would've, and should've, been, Lucius hid the pain to be dealt with later.

Realizing that the child wasn't going to speak, Lucius stood folding the blanket as he did so.

"Breakfast will be served soon. Your mother and I would be glad if you were to join us, but we understand if you would prefer to break your fast in your room to give you some time to adjust. We would like to go shopping with you after breakfast as this afternoon you have appointments at St. Mungo's."


Lucius looked at his son and, for just a moment, Acheron saw sorrow and a great rage swirling in the man's grey, no silver, eyes. But the emotions were quickly hidden, so fast the Acheron wasn't able to do more than recognize the feelings that Mr. Malfoy, his… father, with an expertise that Acheron couldn't imagine achieving.

"Yes, appointments. You'll be visiting St. Mungo's quite regularly for the next few months to, hopefully, reverse the damage that's been inflicted on your body and mind."

Damage?... He was damaged?


Narcissa looked down at her youngest son as the boy stared blankly at the rolls of fabric on the wall of Twilfitt and Tattings. Acheron hadn't eaten breakfast with the family and, according to their new house elf Mimzy, the child hadn't touched an crumb of food in his room either. Sighing, she turned back towards .

"I need a full wardrobe made for the season and work started on custom designs for next season. Color Palette must be Light Litha, accents of pure silver and shooting-star gold. For pops of color in the dress robes, I would suggest teals, aquas, and the like from the Pure Yule Palette."

Mr. Twilfitt smiled gently down at Acheron.

"Yes, the Ice Prince Palette that you dreamed up so long ago works perfectly for your son."

Narcissa smiled as Acheron finally reacted, his eyes jumping to , wide in shock.

"Oh yes young man, Lady Malfoy has been dreaming of you since before you were born. You're brother was close to suiting the palette, but his silver eyes didn't quite fit. Very close, but no cigar. But your eyes fit perfectly. My Lady, I do believe you're eldest son may lose out on the Ice Prince title. I believe the masses will view him as the Golden Prince that you imagined now."

Acheron's head snapped back to stare at his mother who just smiled.

"Yes, I believe so. Don't you think Acheron?"

"... But his eyes are silver…"

Both adults chuckled and the child blushed.

"Yes, but if you look closely enough, he has little gold flecks in his eyes. They're easier to see when he wears the correct color palette."

"That reminds me, I believe that the gold lace and brocade that you ordered has finally arrived. Would you like me to start work on the designs for Draco as well?"

"Of course."


Narcissa watched happily as Acheron devoured the food in front of him. His table manners were atrocious, but they could correct that later. She was just so glad to see him eating. In comparison to Draco at that age, Acheron ate very little, but the Healers informed her that it was to be expected. With the steps they and the family were taking to recuperate the child, Acheron's appetite would eventually increase. She glanced at Lucius, who to outside observers looked quite indifferent, but she could see that he was just as glad as she was to see the boy eating. It was a bitter happiness, overshadowed by the anger towards the muggles that did this and Albus Dumbledore whom they were sure had a hand in it.

Fellow witches and wizards walking by were staring and whispering and as Acheron took notice, his appetite seemed to shrivel quickly until he was hunched in his seat and doing nothing more but pushing his food around his plate. Sighing, Narcissa checked the time with a flick of her wand before standing.

"Come, Acheron, we must be getting to St. Mungo's. We don't wish to be late for your appointment."

The child nodded solemnly as Lucius left to pay the bill. Taking her son's hand, who flinched at the touch, Narcissa apparated them both to Purge and Dowse Ltd, stepped through the barrier, and into the Reception area. Stepping up to the desk, she waited patiently for the receptionist to take notice.

"Ah, Mrs. Malfoy! What can I do for you today?"

"Acheron Malfoy is here for a few appointments. An evaluation with Healer Ellesmere on the Third Floor, an assessment with Healer Beor on the Fourth Flour, and a checkup with Healer Fadawar on the Ground Floor."

"Ah, yes. Here's his patient passes and your parental pass. You're appointment with Healer Ellesmere is in ten minutes. The assessment with Healer Beor is at 2 o'clock. You should be done with him by about five or five-thirty. You'll have a short break before seeing Healer Fadawar at six-thirty. When you're all done, you can come back here to schedule the next series of appointments before you leave. Thank you and have a nice day!"

Narcissa swept away towards the elevators as the witch flashed her a smile, making sure to keep at a pace that Acheron could easily keep up with. Today was going to be a long day.


Acheron sat nervously on the edge of his chair. Healer Ellesmere had been nice, but she'd given him so many potions to take daily for the next month that he wasn't sure he could keep all the instructions right. Healer Beor had been interesting to talk to. They hadn't really talked about anything important, but the man had said he'd like to get to know Acheron and for Acheron to get to know him. Healer Fadawar had reminded him of Madam Pomphrey… if she was a 195cm tall bodybuilding black man. Next to him, -... Mother... Was scratching away on some parchment with a slytherin green quill as they sat in the MoM Atrium, waiting for Luci-Father.

"Mrs. Malfoy! I didn't expect to see you here."

Both blondes looked up and saw Minister Fudge walking towards them. Mother gracefully stood up to greet the man, so Acheron hurriedly followed her lead.

"And this must be your youngest son? I had heard he'd been found, in the guise of Harry Potter no less!"

"Yes, it was a shock to us all."
"Well of course! It was a shock to everyone! I do wonder though, why you and Lucius haven't spoken to the press yet?"

Acheron's eyebrows shot up and he looked at his mother in mild surprise.

"Well, the investigation is still ongoing and we wouldn't want those who had anything to do with our son's kidnapping to know to much. It's a pity though, that stories have already leaked to the press. After all, doesn't that put the real Potter boy in danger? If he's still alive, that is?"

"Oh! You haven't heard? We were beginning to despair, believing Harry Potter to be dead. According to every tracking spell we have, his magical signature can't be found anywhere in the United Kingdom. But as a last resort, Madam Bones contacted the goblins at Gringotts."
'The goblins?"

"Oh yes! They have the best blood records and tracking magics in the world. They swear that Harry Potter still lives. So now, we're doing everything we can to find the boy!"

"The goblins won't tell you?"

"Hmph! They only told us that the boy went and got emancipated years ago, meaning we have no right to that information. Madam Bones is going to make an enquiry with the ICW to see if there's any way we can legally find the boy. But it's late, my lady, and I do believe that's Lucius heading our way so I'll bid you and your son a good evening."

**Author's Note**

Here's chapter 2. I'm not exactly happy with it, but I figured I could get it up for now. Edits can always be made later after all. I truly do apologize for the delay.

For full explanations, or rather for as full of an explanation as I feel is necessary, please see my profile. It is up-to-date.

I hope you all enjoyed.

Very Sincerely Yours,

Lady Lace Black