Author has written 1 story for Inuyasha. Ok, this is my first time trying something like this, so here goes: Guess I'll start with my pen name. It's actually a combination of two of my interests: Inuyasha, and model horse collecting. Model horse what? Model horse collecting. These are not like model cars that you put together; the figures are manufactured as one piece to look like real horses. I've been in the hobby now for...oh...more years than I care to recall.;) Anyway, in my hobby I go under the name "Tiger's Eye Stable"; wanted a strong sounding stable name, not something dainty, like Sunshine Meadow Farms or Country Inn Stables, for example. So, take "tiger", combine it w/ my latest craze--Inuyasha--and whola! My pen name. I guess you could say I've liked anime for quite some time. Anyone remember the original Speed Racer dubs when they were on standard television, pre-cable? Or Kimba? Whoops! Showing my age! To continue, I don't recall liking any other Japanese animation until some years ago, when I ran across Sailor Moon at 6:30 am, before getting ready to go to work. Since the only other options at that time of the morning was a 2nd round of news, I figured "hey, this looks good!" So, I watched it for however long they left it at that time slot, even when my dad banished me to the upstairs TV (he couldn't stand the show). I've seen Yugioh (very well done), YYH (I'm not even going to try to spell it; I have a hard enough time pronouncing it), Rouroni Kenshin; Full Metal Alchemist; and some Naruto (frankly can't stand the kid doing the voice; he grates on my nerves). But Inuyasha is tops, followed by YYH, then it's a tie between Yugi & Kenshin. Other than anime & horses (there are other things besides anime & horses? ;)), I do some sewing, maintain my house, work like every other red-blooded American, take care of my kids (better known as my 2 cats, Kit (short for kitsune) and Nuisance; and in general, whatever else I feel like getting into. I'm single, so I don't have to worry about a hubby demanding his dinner, and my "kids" pretty much take care of themselves. Oh, in case you're curious, Kit's name comes from the fact that I rescued him from a fox attack (four of them) in my backyard at 2am in the morning. And I live within the limits of a major city! Since I'm into IY in a big way & wanted to honor(?) how he arrived, I found myself calling him Kit. Thought about Shippo, but the cat's all white, so that wouldn't work. Nuisance named herself; she showed up many years ago as a stray & parked herself outside my folk's home. I was trying to study outside, & she would walk across my books, nip my arm, & in general, make herself a pest. So I said, "Cat, if we adopt you, your name is Nuisance!" And the rest is history. Well, I've pretty much run my mouth long enough. Hope I haven't put anyone off. I'll be uploading my own IY story, hopefully soon. Till then, see ya! |