Liger003 ~ this is my third Inu-Yasha fic. I hope you like it and please review!


Chapter One ~ The hunt is on.

Inu-Yasha sat in a tree staring down at the Bone Eaters Well. He was starting to get frustrated. Kagome should have been here by now. What was taking her so long? They needed to find those shards!

Inu-Yasha tossed and turned in his tree trying to get comfortable, but it wasn't working. He rolled to his side only to notice that he ran out of tree branch room and fell off to the ground and landed on his head. Inu- Yasha grabbed his head in pain. His ears detected laughing. He turned his head toward the sound and gave a death stare to whoever it was laughing at him. His gaze fell onto a small fox demon.

"That was not funny, Shippo." Inu-Yasha huffed.

"Oh, yes it was!" Shippo continued laughing and Inu-Yasha promptly hit him over the head leaving a bump. Now it was Shippo who grabbed his head in pain. "Hey! When Kagome comes I am going to tell her you were being mean, again!"

"Feh!" Inu-Yasha crossed his arms.

"Oh! You'll be sorry when she says 'sit' to you over and over again!" Shippo smiled as he saw a shiver run down Inu-Yasha's back. "I wonder how long you have to live."

"That's it! I am going to go see what is taking her so long!" Inu- Yasha ignored Shippo and started toward the well. "Tell Miroku and Sango that I will be back soon."

"Fine! It'll be more fun without you anyway!" Shippo stuck out his tongue at Inu-Yasha, but the dog demon didn't see it because he was already down the well.

Inu-Yasha landed in the well and in the blink of an eye he was in Kagome's time. He looked up to see the roof of the shrine and he jumped out of the well with ease. That is until he noticed that he jumped to high and hit his head on the roof. Surprisingly he didn't break the roof but fell back down into the well grabbing his head. (IY ~ Just what do you thin you are doing to me? Liger ~ Having some fun! ^_^) Man was he out of it today! First falling out of the tree and then this! Oh, well. He still had to find Kagome.

This time Inu-Yasha decided to crawl out of the well. It wasn't as fast and definitely not as cool looking, but he decided it was safer. He climbed out and brushed the dirt off of his clothes. He used his fingers to comb out his hair and ears. He then walked out into the day. At first the light blinded him but his eyes quickly adjusted. He walked over to Kagome's house and opened the door.

Kagome's mom was inside ironing some clothes. She looked up and then quickly looked back down to her work. "Hi, Inu-Yasha. Kagome's not home right now. She's still at school. You can wait for her here, if you like. I have a whole bunch of chores you could do while you wait." She took out a roll of paper from her pocket. The paper unrolled to the floor and she started reading off the chores.

"Uh, that's okay." Inu-Yasha had to think fast. There was no way he was going to do work for a human, except maybe Kagome. "Um, I think I'll go surprise her at her school."

"Oh, what a great idea! She'll love it!" She smiled. "Uh, right." Inu-Yasha scratched his head. "Can you tell me where her school is?"

"Oh, right. Do you want me to write it down for you?"

"Nah, I can't read."

"Oh, okay. You just go down that street there, turn left at the light, go right until the big building there, make another right and then go left at the stop sign and you will be there in a minuet! I'd give you all the street names, but you can't read, so that wouldn't really help would it?"


"Damn it!" A woman dressed in black cursed. She wore a long black coat that blended in with her midnight black hair. She threw her cigarette to the ground and stomped on it. Her dark blue eyes showed how angry she was.

She had just lost all her money on the last underground fight. Not only that, she lost her demon! How could she win her money back without a demon? Some fought with human competitors. But she knew better than that. A human was nothing compared to a demon. There weren't many demons now though. They all fled from Tokyo a along time ago. What good was a demon huntress without a good demon to hunt?

She walked along the crowed streets. She didn't know where she was going. Most likely to her lab, but she let her guts lead her, not her mind. She didn't pay any attention to where she was walking and occasionally walked into a person or two. Her gut feeling led her down to a narrow ally way.

She immediately noticed that she was being followed and turned around to face her stalkers. Three men walked out. One held a base ball bat, the other a knife, and the leader held a gun.

"Hello, pretty lady." The one with the bat called out to her.

"Don't call me that. If you want to call me something, call me by my name. Midori." She spat.

"Fine, Midori." He spat the word like it left a bad taste in his mouth. "Give your money."

"Now, why would I do a thing like that?" She questioned.

"For fear of you life." The one with a gun pointed it at her.

"I think you are mistaken." She gabbed into her coat, but before she could pull out her concealed weapon something slammed into the man with the gun. The man flew back into a garbage can. A boy with long silver hair and wearing a baggy red outfit stood with his fist still fully outstretched. She was about to yell at him that she had everything under control when she noticed something on his head. A pair of little doggie ears tweaked back and forth on his head. They followed every sound flipping back and forth constantly.

'Great!' Midori thought and smiled. 'Here I was needing a demon to fight for me and one just pops out of nowhere and come to me! That's a first! This makes work so much easier!'

The two men that were left charged him, but they didn't stand a chance against this boy. Midori could tell that he was strong and that he would be a formidable opponent to anyone that crossed his path. He swung a punch at the guys and with just one punch they flew back with their leader.

"Hey, you." The boy pointed to her. "Can you show me the direction of school?"

"Uh, yeah, sure." She pointed to her right. "You just go down that way."

"Thanks." And with that the boy ran out of the ally and in the direction she pointed.

Now she knew where he was going. She had to hurry or else he might leave school before she got there. Midori took off in the opposite way that the boy had ran and headed to her lab.

She went into an abandoned where house and to the back of it was a door. She dug through her pocket and pulled out a ring of keys. She started flipping through them and picked out one with a small marking on it that looked like an upside down T. She thrust it into the lock and turned. Instantly the lights turned on and she walked into a room full of lab equipment. There were many machines all scattered across the floor and parts everywhere.

She walked up to a pile of clothes that were on a table near a computer. The pile contained a black, sleeveless body suit and a pair of gloves with metal elbow armor. There was armor to go onto her shoulders, too. There was a pair of boots, a thick belt with pockets and a long metal pole. She quickly changed and for the last touch she wore a black motorcycle helmet.

She went over to one of her machines and strapped her feet to it. It was a long metal board there was a foot petal that she had to use to control it on the right, so she left that foot looser. As soon as she was attached to it she pressed the foot petal. The machine lurched to life and she bent down and grabbed the middle of it with her right hand, the other out for balance. She pressed the foot petal again and the machine lifted itself into the air. She looked up to her roof, she always left a window open, and it was. She smiled as only one thought passed through her head.

'The hunt is on.'

End of Chapter one.

Liger003 ~ I hope you liked it! Please review and tell me what you think!