Chapter 23: Defilement of Pride
Inuyasha could barely stand. The ground before him seemed to taunt him. It was tore up. It was defiled. How could he let this happen?
Finally losing his remaining strength, Inuyasha crumbled into a heap at the base of his mother's grave. His worst fears had been confirmed when he had come to this place. How could anyone do this to a grave? How could this be done to her? Why her?
Your existence here is a mistake…
Hikari could not tear her eyes off Sesshomaru. His sudden outburst had thrown her off guard and she could not seem to recover. Had he been affected by the new rise of power as well? She had once been captured by it and now it seemed as if Sesshomaru was a puppet in its twisted game. "This isn't you, is it Sesshomaru?" she whispered softly.
"No, you've said enough," she interrupted. "I will leave you for now, but if you ever change your mind…"
Hikari let her words hang as she faded back into the shadows.
"Mother…" Inuyasha cried.
"Don't cry like that – it makes you weak."
Inuyasha turned at the sound of the familiar voice. "What are you doing here?"
"It doesn't matter, Inuyasha. I do not plan to stay. I will let you cry."
"Shut up, Sesshomaru!" Inuyasha rose to face his brother – bloodshot eyes blazing. "Let's settle this right now in the presence of my mother – we will see who is better."
"Don't let your emotions take over you," Sesshomaru responded. A quick flash of Hikari's face appeared in his mind. He hung his head slightly at this, but soon regained his composure. "Emotions make you weak."
"You're wrong Sesshomaru," Inuyasha growled. "My human emotions – those I received from my mother – are what make me strong. They drive me to fight my enemies. They drive me to protect my friends. They drive me to…"
"Stupidity," Sesshomaru interrupted.
Inuyasha's breathing intensified as his anger grew. "What right do you have to insult me here?"
"I have every right, little brother," came Sesshomaru's reply. Turning his back on Inuyasha Sesshomaru continued. "Think about it – you are wasting your time crying over a human's grave."
"But she's my mother…" Inuyasha cried.
"Who cares? The nature of the human means nothing. Family means nothing. A true demon is alone."
Inuyasha gazed at Sesshomaru's back. "Alone?" he asked. This was a word and feeling Inuyasha knew well. Before Kikyo, Inuyasha had survived on his own. Then Kagome came through the well and joined his life. Now he had Miroku, Sango, and Shippo. He didn't have to be alone anymore. "What makes you the expert?" he hissed.
"I have been alone a long time, Inuyasha," Sesshomaru's voice softened for the first time since Inuyasha knew him. "The short time I wasn't I wish could be erased from my memory."
"The short time you weren't?"
Sesshomaru ignored his brother's comment and began walking away. "Hey! Come back here! Don't walk away fr…" Inuyasha's voice began to fade as the distance between them grew.
Inuyasha was left standing in front of his mother's grave. The confrontation with Sesshomaru had left him fuming. It was like no other encounter he had ever had with his brother. Something did not feel right in the pit of his stomach. This new threat may be worse than he had previously thought…
He turned back to look at the small tombstone. A piece had been broken off and laid next to the turned up ground. "I'm sorry, mother," he said softly. "I should have taken better care of you. But don't worry – I know who has done this to you and I am going to take care of it. I hope you can forgive me for what I have done – and what I am about to do."
Inuyasha bowed slightly as a sign of respect then went to rejoin his friends.
Sesshomaru watched from a distance. He wasn't sure if Inuyasha could sense him but he didn't really care.
Do you have someone to protect?
Sesshomaru watched as Inuyasha bowed and then walked away. It was a pathetic sight to see. How could anyone grow that attached to a human? To anyone?
I, Sesshomaru, have no one to protect…
Sighing slightly, Sesshomaru began walking towards his destination once again.
Kagome, Miroku, Sango, Shippo, and Kouga waited for Inuyasha to return. Miroku began to grown anxious. After everything Ayumu had said, Miroku had come to the conclusion that Seppuku was more advanced than they could have ever imagined. However, though Ayumu had revealed a lot about his origins, they still did not know the extent of Seppuku's power. If he could create a being as strong as Ayumu, who had left Inuyasha on the brink of death, what else could he do? It was becoming very problematic as well determining whether Inuyasha was of right mind – especially when he insisted on visiting his mother's grave. But how could they refuse his request?
He looked around at those gathered around him. He could see the worried looks in their eyes. They all, Miroku guessed, were thinking the same things as he was. He hoped Inuyasha would return soon so they could treat his wounds, for he would not let them treat him until he came back from his destination.
Miroku still could not understand what had transpired. Cuts had appeared out of nowhere – Inuyasha had fought with an invisible enemy while Ayumu stood idly by. What power did Seppuku and his followers have? And why did Ayumu reveal so much? Was it a trap? Miroku's mind traveled in circles over the issue.
Returning his eyes to the area where Inuyasha had disappeared into, Miroku hoped Inuyasha would emerge soon.