Chapter Twelve: A Normal Night but an abnormal dream

*~*~*~*~*~Author Notes: Weird title but I think you'll like it a lot. Read on it will make sense (I hope) Oh well yes I have two more days of school and then I can write, write, and write. I plan to have at least three new stories out by the end of the summer maybe more. Well see. I still have to work though. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

SHIPPO! Kagome almost wanted to yell but she knew it was rude to wake the others since Shippo was still in his unconscious state. And that was only a weak whisper. Well at least he was thinking and dreaming about her. He was just so cute! Again, he mumbled something by morning he would be fine. Then they could get back to their quest. To save Kikyo and destroy Naraku but it wouldn't be an easy battle. Kagome knew this plus she couldn't run home if things got to bad cause Kikyo had here jewel shards. She tried to shake these things out of her head and go to sleep. She was too tired now to look for Inuyasha. For his health and safety, he better not had run off back into his forest he still had to apologize for yesterday for his actions. If he had just told at least her that he would be losing his demon powers yet again, she could of tried extra hard to protect him. Thus, Tania never would have got her dirty paws on him and all that stuff would have never happen. She didn't care about seeing him naked and all the stuff they had been though that wasn't anyone fault. Yet, still deep down she blamed her once more. All worn out yet again Kagome rested her head and went to sleep next to Shippo. Carefully trying not to use him for a pillow this time. She couldn't help it he was just like a pillow. So soft and fluffy that he was. Inuyasha wasn't really in the mood for sleeping any more. Thanks to all the questions that now, plugged his head. Madness it was. That bad wanna be Ramen was the cause this time. He felt like empting his stomach. (Puking) If he did, though he would be hungry all over again. This was unlikely since it was the fact that he ate too much wanna be Ramen in a short amount of time. In Kagome world he would of known, this was a bad thing to do. One can't eat that much in one serving without anything to drink and not having to eat all that day. (What my poor Inuyasha has is heartburn and major gas.)

Inuyasha: Damn it I knew that crap was going to make me sick. How the hell am I going to fight Naraku now?

Inuyasha lay limply in the tree letting out weak moans. This was no good he rolled over on his stomach, which over made it worse. This suck not even his favorite tree in the world could make his stomach ache go away. Actually, he was starting to smell it up due to his gas. Actually, that was helping a little but not enough to make the pain stop. He attempted to roll over again and for the first time in his life, he actually fell from the tree! This cause a loud crashed that although loud, didn't wake anyone but Kagome up. It only caused Kaede to snore louder, Shippo to mumble, Miroku saying dirty things under his breath, and Sango whimper. Kagome rushed outside to see what had happened only to see Inuyasha clawing at the tree and cussing it out. How could his favorite tree betray him so much? Kagome giggle at the sight, Inuyasha had to be doing some kind of weird training or had another nightmare. It was funny really but he looked so cute when he was having his little temper tantrums. Okay she had to be mad he had woke her up with this mess. Yep it was time to say it.


Kagome: Sit Boy.

Again out of nowhere was this sit command. Kagome was getting kicks off of this wasn't she? I mean didn't she see him just roll of the tree! That's it time for payback. Inuyasha stood up only to fall down again. His stomach hurt to badly to speak or even complain. Kagome could she his eyes well up in pain. Was it because of what she just did? She wondered. Oh, no she had hurt him maybe he stretched a muscle and this time it was her fault. She rushed over to help him.

Kagome: I'm sorry Inuyasha I didn't mean to hurt you. You just woke me up and I got mad. I'm sorry.

Inuyasha: A lot good that's going to do me.

Kagome: What's troubling you let me help you.

Inuyasha: My stomach I think I ate to much.

Kagome had to smile she wanted to warn him but this was a good lesson for him. Inuyasha was holding back his "problem" next to being naked in front of Kagome. Farting in front of her was not only rude but a stupid and almost deadly thing to do in front of a girl even if you didn't like her. Even if Inuyasha was a silent but deadly type, a demon fart was way stronger than a human one and it could easily kill a person if not careful enough. Yet, it was making his stomach hurt even more.

Kagome came back with a big pink bottle and untwisted it and poured some in a spoon. Inuyasha just stared at her and the spoon wonder the hell was it. It sure wasn't no Ramen. ACK Ramen he didn't want to think about it no more. He didn't think he would like it. Inuyasha gave Kagome one of his questioning looks on his face and Kagome explained.

Kagome: It's called Pepto-Bismol. It will help you with you stomach ache.

Inuyasha: It smells. I don't like it. Besides pink ain't my color I don't eat, drink or wear anything pink. (Hmm what about the manga?)

Kagome: So what if it pink and it stinks? If your stomach hurts, you need to take some medicine.

Inuyasha: No.

Kagome: Inuyasha.

Inuyasha: Nothing doing I'm not taking anything that's pink and stinks.

Kagome: Look I'll have some. Then will you take it?

Inuyasha nodded and watch as Kagome put the spoon in her mouth. Great now she would have to get another spoon and then he could run back up the tree. He didn't like pink it was a woman color. Plus the stuff smelled funny and now Kagome breath smelled like it. He turned up his nose, as she was about to open her mouth.

Kagome: See yummy. Now take some.

Inuyasha: No way! You put your mouth on that spoon. Get another one. I'll wait.

Kagome: You lie. Anyway, you act as if I got some disease. Just take it. Please Inuyasha.

Inuyasha: NO!

Kagome: Don't make me say "it"!

Inuyasha: Didn't anyone ever teach you to respect your elders? I'm older than you ya know.

This was true he was fifty plus whatever years old. This was the first that he mention it though. He really didn't want to take this stuff. Well it was too bad he was going taking it. He wasn't going to be up all night making noise. For an "old man" he sure was a big baby when things weren't going his way.

Kagome: Didn't anyone ever teach things that look bad can be good? And mister old guy if you so smart why don't you listen to me. After all, I'm from the future. SO, I know what's good for you old man.

Old man this was a low blow and from Kagome. Man how many of these put downs was he going to get this week? Inuyasha wasn't an old man at least he didn't feel that way nor look it. He just didn't want to taste the weird pink liquid actually he did in one way but he was scare about what happen afterwards. How would it help him? How would it make him feel? When he was pinned to that tree, all he felt was darkness. Till Kagome came and set him free. He let out a defeated sigh. Kagome had won the battle. (A/N: Only cause she let the Kikyo bitchyness come out of her. My Inuyasha not old. He's hot. Sniff Kagome you can be so mean, but I like you anyways) Instead of his eyes showing anger, they showed sadness instead. Kagome nearly freaked out man, this guy was weird but he drove her wild and she liked it.

Inuyasha: Fine. I'll taste the pink crap. I don't care anymore.

Kagome: Finally "master" Inuyasha give in to what's good for him.

Kagome wipe the spoon clean and pour some Pepto-Bismol on it and before Inuyasha could have second thought she ram it his mouth and demanded he swallowed it. Inuyasha obeyed. Hey, the stuff didn't taste half bad after all. As he took, Kagome's hand and pulled the spoon out his mouth. Though he knew his breath was stinky now. He almost wanted to lick his lips. This stuff wasn't bad not bad at all. A guy could get use to this sort of stuff. That's what Inuyasha liked about Kagome's era; she had all this neat stuff. His stomach was feeling better already. He wanted more a lot more. Wait no it wasn't what the hell he was feeling he was starting to feel dizzy. With a loud thud, Inuyasha's body crashed down. Kagome pulled him up on her lap. He wouldn't mind after all he was knocked out. Inuyasha wasn't used to Kagome's medicine and it clearly knocked him out for the night. It had been a long day and he was probably fighting to stay up all this time with a stomachache. Kagome wanted to laugh at him. Too cute!


Kagome: Ah ha, Inuyasha couldn't take it after all. Well at least you won't have any more stomach problems. Though you're starting to get heavy now. Lay off all that all Ramen next time.

Although it was getting much colder, Kagome didn't recognize it she had Inuyasha lying on her lap. Funny how he looked more like a child while he was sleep. Except for the ears, he would look like an innocent little boy. She felt the urge to play with them but decided to leave them along. Inuyasha hated when she played with them. Though she knew deep down, he really didn't care. Which was true cause while she played with his ears. He would just be inhaling every inch of her scent. She caught him once doing this but he just said she smell funny and he didn't like it but the expression on his face didn't match his words. She explained that she had put on some baby power that morning. Now she put it on everyday just for him. Kagome knew she do anything just to be with him, just like this. At that moment, she didn't care about Kikyo or Naraku only about Inuyasha. Inuyasha breathing went back normal and his stomach growled. He was still hungry! Man did this guy have a black hole for a stomach are what?

Kagome let out a yawn. She was sleepy too but Inuyasha didn't like sleeping indoors if he didn't have to. Kagome wished she had her sleeping bag with her but it was in her bag in Kaede's hut. Inuyasha snoring was making her even sleepier. It sounded like a low purr. His hair felt so warm and soft too. What didn't she like about Inuyasha? Well his personality needed some fixing but hey, he had come a long way. The only thing that stopped her from running away screaming down the forest was the cold and dark look in his eyes. Other than his ears that was the first thing she notice when he woke up. She never saw anyone with those kinds of eyes before. So expressional and full of emotions whether he was sad or mad his eyes showed it. At first, his eyes were cold and dark but now they were soft and had a more calmer look in them now. Inuyasha had change five months ago he wouldn't had gave a damn about helping anyone but himself out. Now even though he complained he still did it. She felt sorry for him sometimes he been through a lot of stuff which is why she would do anything for him. She would die for him. Just as Kikyo had if necessary. Kikyo and Inuyasha wanted a normal life together but Naraku took that away from them. He made them betray each other. Which cause fifty years of hatred between the two. Soon like Inuyasha body, Kagome's body gave out too. Resting her back on the trunk of Inuyasha's favorite tree Kagome fell asleep.


Shippo opened his eyes the first time in hours. He rubbed his little head he knew what had happen but he just didn't know how long he been knock out. He could have sworn Kagome had kissed him. Maybe he dreamt it he didn't know but he hoped that she had. He knew as he looked around that they were back in Inuyasha's village and were at Kaede's hut. Yet, where was Kagome? She wasn't anywhere in the small hut. Inuyasha was most likely outside sleeping in a tree. He wonder if Inuyasha was still in his foul mood not like he ever was in a good mood. He wondered if it would be okay if he left to look for Kagome. He was a little scared he didn't want wake the other and he didn't want to sneak up on Kagome. Which last time he did so she was trying to take a bath and hit him with a rock cause she thought that he was Miroku. Speaking of hitting, his head still hurt just how many rocks fell on him. He was sure that he was a goner. He wondered who save him. The good thing was that he was still alive but he still wondered where Kagome was. His curiosity got the better of him and he wondered out to find her. He didn't have to go to far cause there she was with Inuyasha sleeping right besides her. He would have questioned it if he were still dreaming or not if not for still having a slight headache.

Shippo: How did this happen?

Shippo shrugged it off and walk back in the hut. Secretly Shippo was a little jealous of Inuyasha. Even though Inuyasha knew Kagome a little longer than he had, he wish they didn't spend so much time together. Angst filled his little heart he knew they were meant to be and that Kagome and him would never work and she only loved him like a younger brother or a son. Inuyasha had her heart and there was no way he could get it. Though if you think of it logically it made no sense Inuyasha and Kagome. He was loud, rude, and just plain mean. Kagome was nice, cute, and caring of things. Sure, at times Kagome could be scary but she was mostly an angel. Inuyasha didn't care about her as he did. Even if he were too small to protect her now he would grow, up to be big and strong like his father and protect her. With those, thought Shippo went to sleep snuggled up to Sango would wasn't as soft and smelled as nice as Kagome but she was okay. Sango was a tragic young woman and he understood her. He just didn't love her as he loved Kagome. How could anyone love Kagome more than him?


***INUYASHA'S Dream ***

Now Inuyasha dream a lot these days' or night mostly about four things: fighting, Ramen, Kagome, Kikyo, killing Naraku and Sesshomaur. As of right then he was dreaming about Naraku the fight they were destined to have. He would win back Kikyo if possible and vengeance their deaths. Yet this wasn't going his way, Naraku was winning the fight he broke the Tessiaga and was choking the life away from him. Kagome and the others was all trap behind spirit shield. Miroku wind tunnel had opened and had had started to suck them all in. He was useless against it all and no way to protect Kagome. Then came Kikyo with her arrows. She struck Naraku dead. Then opened the gates of hell and shot Inuyasha in the chest the same spot she had fifty years ago and with a kiss they fell together. Then the darkness. Nothing just void. No one was anywhere. All was quiet and still. No Kagome, Kikyo, Naraku or Shippo. All gone all of them. Then the deep evil laughter and a bright evil light filled the void.

Inuyasha: Who's laughing? Damn what is that light.

Soon he was face to face against with Naraku in his truest demon form with was the ugliest demon form one could have since he was a combination of demon and the shikon jewel was complete and glowed a deep, dark, evil light. Inuyasha couldn't hardly see or hear. He felt like he was about to lose all of his senses.

Naraku: I have won again Inuyasha. Kikyo failed to really kill me and so have you. The jewel of four souls is now mine and so are Kagome and Kikyo. Kagome soul has fused with Kikyo now Kikyo can live in the world of the living by my side. Your other friends all disappeared in the monk wind tunnel. A tragic ha a comedy really. Such fate for a hanyou like yourself. Inuyasha you think that anyone could love such a beast like you. What have you now nothing and no one to care for you now meet you end half-breed. Sesshomaur finish this creature!

Thus was Sesshomaur under Naraku's control with the Tessiaga in his hand. The Tessiaga! He fixed it! How? As Sesshomaur held it up victoriously slashing it thorough the way. He came closer to Inuyasha the Tessiaga shinning in a deep evil color. As the sword came near his head, he shook in cold fear. Screaming in total agony. ~*~End~*~

Inuyasha woke up in a cold sweat and breathing heavily. He noticed Kagome by his side sleeping peaceful the moonlight hitting hit directly on her face. Would it all end like that? No matter what Naraku would win and kill all of them? His Tessiaga, Kagome, and Kikyo taken from him? Inuyasha cussed slightly in the crisp night air. He'll be damn if he let it end like that. He wouldn't let any of them die. He couldn't bear it. Still his breathing couldn't be control that was some scary ass shit. When he was little his mother was there when he had nightmares now Kagome was by his side. He wiped the sweat from his face. He took off his fire rat kimono top off he was hot and he wanted something to eat.


The pink stuff really had worked. Inuyasha laid next to Kagome's warm confronting body. He remembered the last time he held Kikyo how cold and empty she felt. She was just a shell she wasn't a living woman full of life like Kagome. Yet, in his heart he couldn't believe that Kikyo was dead and that the woman that had her form was just a shadow, a false fragment of what Kikyo used to be, and simply dead. Though he didn't admit it back then he was deeply hurt when he learned of Kikyo's death the first time around. Her death was in vain. What was worst is that she didn't even have to die and especially not for him. Now it was clear he would have to destroy her to destroy her would be the only way to save her. Kikyo wasn't Kikyo just a fragment of what she used to be. He shut his eyes only to feel like he was being bitten by something he lifted his white top to see Myoga sucking his blood.

Inuyasha: Enough. Can't you see I'm trying to sleep. You might wake Kagome.

Myoga: Forgive me master Inuyasha I needed a quick snack.

Inuyasha: Just where the hell have you been?

Myoga: As always I was investigating the area around the hyena region. We have forgotten about the Shards master Inuyasha. Perhaps in the morning we can go back and check with young Kagome.

Inuyasha: Oh yeah they jewel shard oh well, Kagome not going anywhere till Shippo wakes up.

Myoga: But Shippo is already awake I saw him outside watch looking your way just moments ago.

Inuyasha: WHAT!

This startled Kagome out of her sleep. Yet again, Inuyasha had awoken her out of her sleep. She rubbed her eyes before checking to see what was Inuyasha's problem now. Inuyasha stomped quickly to Kaede hut. Quickly grapping Shippo by his tail causing him to squeal out loudly waking everyone else up.

Miroku: Shippo awake?

Kaede: I believe the mint leaves helped after all. He wasn't that badly injury as I assume.

Sango: I guess so. He is a demon after all.

This was all they could say as Inuyasha was shaking the poor fox child around, yelling at him, and threatening to beat him back in coma for not informing them sooner that he was out of it. Kagome then started yelling at Inuyasha for waking everyone up and picking on poor Shippo who just might have died of shock. Shippo was wailing and Kirara listened for a while and went back to sleep. Inuyasha told them all to go to hell and that he would throw Shippo in a snake demon pit if he didn't shut the hell up. Myoga wondered why he came back to this insane asylum. Kagome eyes boiled and Inuyasha was given a dozen sit commands. Crashing a number of times in Kaede floor boards leaving his imprints yet dropping Shippo who gladly ran into Kagome arms.

Kagome carried Shippo out of there who then stuck his tongue out to Inuyasha making the enraged hanyou swear up and down. Kagome gave him some more sit commands before her and Shippo left the severely damage hut due to Inuyasha body imprints breaking the floor boards. Inuyasha swore some more when he was sure Kagome had left the hut. The others looked at the half demon and sighed. Luckily this wasn't Kagome's era because the police who have already been called and hurl Inuyasha off to jail for disturbing the peace. In his time, the locals ignore the noises as best they could. Then knew Inuyasha had returned and knew they couldn't complain for his roaring and cussing told them all he was all ready in an evil mood. Most of them feared him anyway so they didn't care less what the hell he did as long as their lives and huts stayed intact.

Meanwhile Kagome clamed down Shippo who was still upset as she rocked him back to sleep. She didn't know why Inuyasha acted so childish some times but it was starting to get on her nerves. If Kikyo hadn't taken the Shikon Jewel away, she would have taken Shippo down the well with her and left that brat Inuyasha to deal with his problems. This time she had bought her bag and laid Shippo down on her sleeping bag. She started a campfire to warm herself. She didn't want to deal with Inuyasha anymore tonight.

Kagome: I should have just let him have the stomachache. That pig-headed half demon jerk, I wish could to go home!

Of course, Inuyasha was right behind her when she shouted this out. He shook with rage he wasn't a pig headed jerk and she couldn't go home now could she? He left as quietly as he came. At times, he really did hate Kagome not because she had that damn "sit" power over him not because she looked so much like Kikyo it was because she was always right. He didn't know if it was just natural or was it because she was from the future but whatever it was it pissed him off. He needed to cool off so he ran into the forest all the way towards the Bone eaters well. How he wished he could destroy the damn well.

Inuyasha: Then she could never return back to her time. She have to stay here with me.

Kaede looked around her damage little hut and sighed as she began to walk out. Inuyasha was going to clean the mess up. Miroku who couldn't just go back to sleep wanted to put his two cents in. Sango told him it was best to let things go and that Inuyasha was under a lot of stress.

Sango: Actually Miroku I think it best if we don't go after Naraku. I feel that this is mostly Inuyasha problem.

Miroku: No Naraku is everyone problem as long as he is alive and well. I will have this cursed hand that will sooner or later will kill me. No, I won't stand by and let Inuyasha get his vengeance against Naraku. Without me having me, having mines either. And what of your brother and kin?

Sango: What of him! He's dead as well of the my kin.

Miroku: And Naraku was the one who did all that. Don't you want to revenge your kin your brother, and your father?

Sango: Yes, but

Miroku: But what you're a demon exterminator we'll need your wisdom in demon slaying. Do you want your kinfolk death to be in vain? Naraku isn't Inuyasha problem he everyone problem.

Sango: Your right forgive me Miroku we all must band together to destroy Naraku.

This was the first time Sango ever seen Miroku so serious and full of passion. He really wanted to get revenge against Naraku too. He wasn't afraid of death or what ifs as she was. Miroku looked at Sango sad lonely expression of course she was scared. The demon had killed her whole kin and left her all alone. Now with Shippo recovery and Inuyasha ready for battle, it would only be a few days' maybe even hours before they were face to face with Naraku. Miroku gave her a faint smile trying to hold back any perverted tendencies away.

Miroku: Fear not Sango it won't be an easy battle but I promise to do my best to look out for you. For you need little protection being as strong as you are.

Sango jaw almost dropped, Miroku finally had said something that made her heart skip a beat. He wasn't that bad of a guy after all. He did have some sense left after all. He could be caring and gentle. This was a side of him she didn't know he had. She could befriend the perve. For him Naraku was a race against time and life was time. Any day now, his wind tunnel could open up and swallow him whole. She felt sorry for the young monk.

Miroku: If you excuse me I must find young Kagome. She is the only one that can bring Inuyasha back to his senses one way or another.

Sango: Good idea he's going to have to fix this place up.

Kagome was still in a bad mood. Kaede tried her best to explain Inuyasha mood swings.

Kaede: Alas it what he does being a Hanyou and all. Inuyasha mood is as unpredictable as another demon attack or a flood. Give him time to cool off, then bring him make so he can fix my house up.

Miroku: Ah, Lady Kaede you beat me to my point as well. Yes Kagome bring Inuyasha back we need to set plans.

Kaede: You can help out too Miroku.

Miroku: ME?

Kaede: Yes and you can start now. I have some tools.

Kagome smiled as Kaede pulled Miroku back towards the hut. While Miroku said a number of excuses why they should wait for Inuyasha to return so he could fix the mess. After all, he the one who cause it all, woke everyone up, and his imprints were left all over the broken floor. Kagome sighed she had to go get king brat lord of the hanyous. There only a couple place where he could have gone too. They was no chance of them getting any sleep now they would be up all night just like last night. Kagome carried Shippo near the door who was once again sleeping peaceful. At least he would be getting sleep tonight she thought to herself. It would be faster to get him on her bike. She reached him in no time he was sleeping or appeared to be on the edge of the well. She shook her head was he still in a bad mood. He was going to die of a heart attack or a stroke if he kept this up.

Kagome: Inuyasha are you asleep?

Inuyasha opened one eye and close it. He didn't want to talk to her. He rather jump in the well and break every bone in his body than talk to her. Not even a big pot of Ramen could stop him or get him to say one word to her.

Kagome: Inuyasha.

Inuyasha: Leave me alone haven't you cause me enough trouble.

Kagome: You cause all the trouble! Why are you always picking on Shippo? He didn't even do anything to you this time and you have wakened me three times in the row.

Inuyasha: He should have told us that he was wake instead of spying beside who told him to go in that cave in the first place.

Kagome: Inuyasha that is a mean thing to say! It wasn't Shippo fault that the cave, cave in on him. He didn't want to wake everyone up and knowing you, you probably would have beaten him anyway.

Inuyasha: Well Myoga the one would told me about Shippo so go yell at him.

Inuyasha turned his back to Kagome. He hadn't opened his eyes either but Kagome knew he was still in his annoyed mood. And this was going nowhere fast.

Kagome: Inuyasha you look at me when I' talking to you!

Inuyasha: I told you to go to leave me alone.

Kagome: Kaede said to fit her floor back the way it was.

Inuyasha: Feh then go fix it. It not my fault you went psycho on me and while you at it you can get Shippo to help you. Since you care that much about that fur ball pest.

Kagome: Inuyasha your coming back home with me right now!

Inuyasha: Why don't you go home!

Kagome: Is that what you want Inuyasha? Cause you know I can't do that. Kikyo has the shards I'm struck here till we get them back.

Inuyasha could tell her voice was breaking which meant that she was about to cry. Inuyasha turned to face her and sure enough, she was crying. He let out a sigh "not this again. Damnit Kagome why?"

Inuyasha: Fine I'll go back. Stop crying alrigth.

Kagome: No, I just crawl into the well and die if that the way you feel about us Inuyasha.

Inuyasha: What? What are you talking about?

Kagome: I'm just trying to help you Inuyasha you don't have to be so mean to everyone all the time. I'm just trying to be your friends Inuyasha you could treat us all better. But NO! You treat me like crap all the time you hide your feelings away only to take them out on all of us. You never even said apologized for that last fifty outburst you had! I even cured your stomachache. I could have left you like that you know.

Inuyasha: Hey I never asked for all of this ok? I never had any friends, the only person that came close to what a friend is was Kikyo and look what happen! Who to say that you all won't be killed and come after me fifty years later too?

Kagome: Is that what been bugging you Inuyasha you think we will all betray you? Nothing bad is going to happing to us Inuyasha if we all stick together.

Inuyasha: What makes you so sure about that? Who's to say if Miroku stupid wind tunnel doesn't opens up in the middle of the battle and sucks you all in. While my hands are tied dealing with Nauraku and we, all go straight to hell. Or worse, If Naraku captures you and forces your soul to fuse with Kikyo's? You know how strong that could make Kikyo? She would be unstoppable and then all would be lost!

Kagome: That won't happen, I won't let that happen Inuyasha. I'll be careful. Shippo doesn't even have to come with us. Naraku powerful but if we all band together he will be stop.

Inuyasha: I'm going to have to destroy Kikyo.

Kagome: What? But I thought.

Inuyasha: In my dream that was the only way to save her. I had to kill her so Naraku couldn't use her to pin us against each other again. Besides, she can't live in this world anymore. She's dead she need to go back into the land of the dead so she can rest in peace.

There was that sad expression on his face again. The same expression that came upon his face every time he saw or thought about Kikyo. So he finally came to that solution that how he would have to deal with Kikyo. She would have to die again in order to be saved? This was tragic too tragic for her to deal with. Now she really wanted to go home but instead, she ran up to Inuyasha squeezing him tightly. A shock look replaced his sad one. What was her problem now?

Inuyasha: Kagome?

Kagome: Don't.

Inuyasha: Don't what?

Kagome: Don't kill Kikyo.

Inuyasha: We don't have a choice she can only survive by taking the souls of dead women. She's taking the right to go to land of the dead. Kikyo has to die it's the only true way of saving her.

Kagome: There has to be another way Inuyasha.

Inuyasha: There isn't. I know I not going to let it end like my dream.

Kagome: Your dream?

Inuyasha: I don't want to talk about it. It didn't have a happy ending.

Inuyasha tighten his grip around her. Maybe her could spend his life with Kagome. Even in her time maybe. She felt so warm and soft and she smell nice. Maybe he saw her more than a friend but it was clear that she only saw them as friends. It didn't matter as long as she was near him. All would be all ok. Kagome wished they could stay like this forever but his claws were starting to sink in her skin. He was so sad she couldn't help but hold on to him like this. Beside she felt like her heart would stop beating if she let him go now. So, Inuyasha was having nightmares, which was why he was moody and getting stomachaches.

Kagome: I lied even if I could go back home I wouldn't leave you like this. I help fight Naraku and do my best to protect you. I won't like Kikyo betray you anymore I'll be with you to the end.

Inuyasha: Thanks Kagome you're a good friend.

Kagome: Inuyasha your claws are starting to sink in.

Inuyasha: Sorry.

Did he just say what he thought what he said. Did he just say the "S" word that he feared so much in saying. Why did it just easily just come out of his mouth like that? Kagome looked up at him and smiled. Oh damn he did say it. He gave a faint smile okay this was it the big finish.

Inuyasha: I'm sorry I been such a pain to you Kagome I' try to consider your feelings for now on. And I won't beat Shippo up so much anymore but that fur ball gets on my nerves too much and thanks for being a friend and saving me yesterday.

Kagome laugh and Inuyasha smiled. Finally, they had made up and it didn't take much to really make up. Kagome was his friend and so was the rest of them and they would all have to come together to destroy Naraku and set Kikyo free. Inuyasha pulled from Kagome grip as he loosen his own. He cleared his throat.

Inuyasha: Let's go back it will be dawn soon. I better fix the floorboards so Kaede could fix breakfast. Hop on you bike.

So, Kagome rode her bike with Inuyasha on the back. The night sky slowly fading away creeping into daylight. No matter what they would have each other back, they would fight and kill Naraku and save Kikyo. Because that what true friends did.

~*~*~*~*~*Author Notes: Ta Da and that's a wrap folks. What? Really, that's the end. I have no more ideas so the story must end right here right now. Yeah it was long but I did it. Sniff yes for this story Kagome and Inuyasha must be no more than friends must be. No lemons. I don't need a summer job. Besides, I don't think I good at writing that type of stuff. Anyway, I'm happy this is over with but it won't be the last. I have one finished story on FF.Net!!! (Does a happy dance.) Now on to the next story. Oh yeah what did you like about this story? What could I do to improve? Does anyone ever read my notes? I hope you ppl do. Sniff it mean if you don't. Well R&R ( ~*~*~*~*~ Small-buttercup

*~*~*~ New Author notes: No the story doesn't end here. I'm a currently working on a new Inuyasha story. Which I will be adding new chapters for shortly like in two or three more days. If you click my little name, you can get view it on my profile. Also, I have a short Rini and Helios story, which I will be making a sequel too soon. ~*~*~*~*~*